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Our New Haunt Hottie: Jackie

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  • #31

    Originally posted by Jonathan View Post

    If you tuned in to Rotting Flesh Radio this week already know that we announced the OFFICIAL RFR HAUNT HOTTIES coming with the show to Conventions, Tradeshows, etc.

    This week we introduced you to JACKIE, the RFR HAUNT HOTTIE. We will be upping a full gallery of Jackie this week with a variety of poses, shots and even more to come! Here is a few shots so you now can Sit Back, Relax and Rot Away… and get to know Jackie.

    Remember, if you are interested in becoming one of the RFR Haunt Hotties be sure to email us a photo, and tell us about yourself. Become part of the Rotting Flesh Radio Haunt Hotties. Email us at: rfr@

    One question before I invest my self any further, is she single if so have her im me lol. those eyes are mesmerizing.


    • #32
      Those eyes are colored contacts.....


      • #33

        "That EYE is messmerising." (At least on my computer screen, I only see one..)
        Safe bet though since they usally travel in pairs.


        • #34
          She just had a kitchen mishap, not being able to see out of her designer disco contacts and splattered strawberry ice cream topping all over!

          Yum Ice Cream.

          Another fabulous post from the U.S.Department of Wild Imaginings, now in spectaclar stereo, sponsored by the Adhesives and Sealants Council, suggesting ways to stick things together since the 1800s. Not fabulous in a gay way. Your results may vary. Illinois residents add 8% sales tax. These posts have been made by professional post makers, do not try this type of posting on your own without extensive training, lovely assistants and a trusty clown horn.


          • #35
            Thanks Angel

            Originally posted by Darkangel View Post
            Those eyes are colored contacts.....
            Way to bust my bubble>< lol


            • #36
              You know

              Did anyone ever stop and think, GEEE, maybe here are multiple formulas for the whole haunted house industry. Why in the hell do we all have to be the same? And what is this notion that something is bad for the industry. This is such a silly idea. First off do we really think anyone actually cares what another attraction does outside their area. "Oh my god Jimmy did you see what those Haunted Hoochie guys did on the youtube" Says a lady sitting in her living room in Southern California, yeah that's it. So maybe some are going for the "Disney" crowd, others are trying to shock people.

              You come up with your model based mostly on what you think you can actually pull off. Then you pray you make enough to get to the next year. This is the most bizarre industry, some of you have attractions that rival theme parks, others are still using paper mache an cardboard cut outs. And you know what, none of us are making a killing off this.

              Sex sells, it's a reality, and that's what they are going for. Let them roll with it. And yes I would SO take that chick home to mamma.

              Some of you say "No gore, we don't need gore to scare." Awesome dude, but don't knock someone else who takes gore to a whole other level.

              Show me a formula for this industry and I'll give you an example off the top of my head that contradicts it.

              Larry you were quick to point out that was your opinion and kudos for that, but we gotta sit down and talk about this idea of hurting the haunted house industry as a whole, cause man I'm missing it.

              They did try and shut House of Shock down and failed.

              The most violent heavy metal bands tend to come from the middle of nowhere bible belt towns. Maybe an over the top attraction would work great, who knows, who's trying it? No one? Where are those Hoochie kids located?

              Open your minds kids, the world is a big place to scare lots of people.


              • #37

                Those pictures are really sad. Are we seriously making a big deal out of a set of six photos some crappy photographer took of a second rate model? Really guys?


                • #38
                  All I can wow.

                  THank you all for the pros, cons and so forth.

                  And HHNut....the eyes are photoshopped. They are a great color, I just enhanced them.

                  And boy oh boy, I am afraid to see what you all will say when you meet RFR Haunt Hottie Trish in 2 weeks, if you though Jackie was over the top.

                  But seriously on a side note. All these girls are part of the industry at haunts, are make up artists, and FX vixens. So don't under estimate them.

                  But WOW, thank you all for the feedback, and also those of you who "get it" and your support. I guess if I hired the hooters girls to walk around the show floor no one would care......

                  OH WAIT, they WERE walking around the show floor at MHC and people stopped them to take photos. LOL!

                  "The Original Haunt Industry, Halloween and Horror Podcast"

                  COSTUMES FOR KIDS
                  "Bringing Halloween to Disabled and Less Fortunate Children"


                  • #39
                    Sorry hauntedhousenit, but it was easy to tell they were not her real color....

                    Jonathan, just out of curiousity how does your wife feel about the RFR hotties concept? Does she like the idea of using these "models" in this way?



                    • #40
                      So quick to ridicule!

                      I know feathers are going to be ruffled with this.

                      I normally try to avoid this Drama BS, but I feel I must respond to this thread. To defend the inocent.

                      If you guys don't know anything about this girl why do you post your comments. This cute girl has been part of the haunt attraction industry for a few years now. She has as much if not more desire and interest in the haunt industry as many of you do. You are all so quick to condemn and ridicule, that you are blind to this.

                      Jackie is the future of haunting, she is part of an acting troupe in Columbus Ohio. She loves the industry. She is going to school for her future as well as learning Make-up, acting, volunteering at MHC, Traveling to act at multiple haunts, and yes she happens to be cute. Does this offend you?

                      Personally, I don't see anything wrong with what JJ is doing. He is attempting to get the ladies more involved in the haunt industry that is dominated by guys. These photos are not tasteless, or degrading. These photos are done respectfully, there is NOTHING exposed that you don't see on a daily basis. LOOK AROUND If you are offended by a cute girl covered in blood, you may just be in the wrong industry.

                      You negativity is what drives a wedge into the industry, and drives people away.

                      JJ keep up the great work, We love the show, and what you give to the haunt industry.


                      • #41
                        I think maybe some of y'all are very judgemental. Maxim magazine does a thing called hometown hottie of the month. It's an everyday girl that shows how pretty she is without looking like a stripper, and demonstrated how cute girls work their asses off just like the rest of us. I think it is a very pretty young lady, and if she works in or around the haunt, even better! For some reason alot of you think it is tacky! What justifies tacky in an industry like ours?! I mean let's get real. We play a game that allows us to act out a fear fest to scare the shit out of patrons!! Does having a pretty girl look cutesy with blood on her seem like it's out of line? Doubtful. Kudos to RFR for doing something different! I like it.


                        • #42
                          By all means guys lets get the ladies more involved, but lets put some clothes on first. If this girl or anyone else is "the future" of the haunt industry, then why stoop to the level of selling sexuality? Being hot is great that will help you get ahead in this world, but if you really want to be successful put some clothes on. Not that these Martha Stewart, Oprah, and ladies like that are considered hot, they are hugely successful because they relied on their intelligence, wit, and ambitions rather than cater to the bottom feeders of society taking the easy way out. Only people with nothing else to offer resort to selling sexuality.



                          • #43
                            C'mon man who really would find a sexy girl in a haunt scary? Let's be real it's not scary pretty girls are in the horror movies to look hot then get killed. I have been to many haunts and I have see many great female actresses that were scary, it was the sexy ones that gets rude comments and laughter. If you're a guy and she's really hot, you're not thinking of being scared you're thinking of getting her number!!!!



                            • #44
                              Well, Well, Well!

                              What would a post be with out my thoughts. Here they are as I see them.

                              1. Larry get over it. I have said it 1 million times. What works for you don't mean it will work for someone else. This goes for the other way around too.

                              2. Post a pic of this chick to the general public and post a pic of some blood and guts or a pic of a room in your haunted house and see what gets the most responce! Unless your a Haunter the general public don't give a DAMN!
                              **** Watch the video of Larry being interviewd by Fox News they did not give a crap what he had to say they wanted to know what was in the box. Maybe a sexey naked woman! We will never know.

                              3. DarkAngel your coming off jealous. First you say its not needed and is in bad taset ect. Then comment is made about her beautiful eyes and your quick to point out whats wrong with them. Dark are you saying that unless your gothic, fat, ugly and live haunted house stuff 24/7 a beautiful lady cant be in a haunt? Come on! Post a pic of yourself or maybe join the pageant and let us know how it turned out.|

                              Now moving on to a few questions on a personal note.
                              Is she married? Got a boy friend?
                              Would she like to stay in a suite in St. Louis I have plenty of room?
                              Would she like come to a dinner I am hosting in St. Louis?
                              Would she give me her phone number or email?
                              Would she or someone post more pics?
                              Would she like to come to TW with me?

                              Well I am sold they are not selling sex! They are selling beauty! I for one have been sold! Shane and its... Its a nice change to see a beautiful lady instead of 100000000 haunt photos for a change... Shane this time.
                              Last edited by graystone; 02-04-2009, 09:21 AM.


                              • #45
                                Okie, new to the forum. Hello!! haha And here's my 2 cents. First, (and correct me if I'm wrong Mr. Johnson), it's my impression that RFR's target audience is haunters (not the average patron that visits the haunt). Therefore, whether it would be considered acceptable INSIDE the haunt is totally irrelevant. And actually, this is quite tame considering I've seen photos of many a BARE breasted ladies at various haunt conventions. That being said, I must state that the sex 'n' haunt blend isn't exactly my thing, BUT I fully recognize the fact that it is appealing to many others. Come on...the wicked evil seductress? That's a common theme, and one appealing to both men and women alike (MANY a reputible women in the haunt industry like slip on a corset, push up the boobs and play that role). This is not much different, except the photographs taken here are formal shots. Lastly, I applaud Mr. Johnson's decision to look at the entire package when choosing this years RFR hottie representative. Yes, she is beautiful, but she is also an amazing actress and the photos taken clearly illustrate that ability. I hope this trend continues when choosing future RFR hotties.

