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Is your haunt making over $250,000 per year?

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  • Mike Honcho
    Originally posted by Carnival of Frights View Post
    Mike Honcho, I'm glad to know that you are the originator of that email that has been going around for weeks. Nice plagiarism.
    Well I am glad to see that you got my emails hahah
    Last edited by Mike Honcho; 11-01-2008, 11:26 PM.

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  • Uptown Haunts

    I'd like someone to point out where I am being "selfish" on this tax topic. In these forums, one person will make a point, another will make a counter point. I've been in both of these positions but never realized how much my opinions and personal experiences would offend others. Including earning $2.10/hour and paying taxes on it. Wow, I'm gonna burn in Hell for that one. I'll probably burn in Hell for my contributions to Habitat for Humanity, AIDS research, Cancer research and various other worth while causes. None political.

    I've already stated that if you agree with Osama Obama's Socialism platform, vote for him. If you have business sense and would like to see American companies create better jobs and stay in America, vote for McCain. Everybody has their own opinions, including me, but I get bashed for my opinions and then get bashed again for defending them or exercising my right to free speech. What's wrong with this picture?

    Without success, there would be no jobs, movies, construction, cell phones, concerts, computers, cars/trucks, air lines, food, clothing, skate boards, banks, stocks, haunt industry equipment or supplies, etc. As a society, we need businesses (big and small) to be successful. If they are not successful, they disappear. So does all of the stuff I just mentioned above. The United States is a Capitalistic society. It depends very heavily on the dollar. With more dollars comes more of everything else. I'm not interested in Socialism. Okay, now for some more Uptown Haunts bashing....

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  • Carnival of Frights
    Mike Honcho, I'm glad to know that you are the originator of that email that has been going around for weeks. Nice plagiarism.

    Uptown Haunts, Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they are females or PMS-ing or whining or complaining. I see them stating facts that you happen to disagree with. Quit your griping about others expressing their views.

    We are allowed to support Obama!

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  • Uptown Haunts
    It's amazing

    Thank God (Yes, "God") I'm not PMS-ing like some folks. My working years started with earning just $2.10/hour and I paid taxes on that income. Federal, state, local work privilege, etc. Yep, I've been paying taxes since earning next to nothing. And I was lucky to get that part time job at the time. Jobs were extremely scarce then. What's really amazing is that I've paid every tax dollar I ever owed. All of my income since day one was documented and reported. Being white and since my parents made just above the maximum income limit to qualify, college tuition money was unavailable for me. They didn't earn enough to pay for my continuing education out of their own pockets either. If I were a minority, that would have been a different story but, that's just the way things worked out and I've learned to deal with it by creating my own opportunities.

    For those of you who believe in the American Dream as I still do, that's great. It's difficult to achieve but it can be done. The point I'm making is that it's not completely impossible. The fact that not everybody can get there for various reasons or because of their circumstances is no surprise. But, people who earn less than certain income levels qualify for tuition, Public Assistance (Welfare) in the form of food stamps, medical cards, grant money and numerous other government programs for the underprivileged. Even I had to resort to Public Assistance when I was out of work at one time in my life so, I'm speaking from first hand experience. The government also provides job training programs. Tax revenue has always funded these programs and I feel they should continue because there really are people in the position that WeAreTheUnion has pointed out. Nobody can argue that fact. I certainly didn't.

    For those of you who don't believe in the American Dream, you may want to just give up, sit on your lazy ass, whine, cry, complain and start taking your Mydol. The chronic complaining is really getting old. Just because one person can't seem to get a break doesn't mean thousands or even millions of others never will either. It does happen. If you can't see that, you need to get your head out of your own ass and look around. Don't forget about the government programs. If you, your parents, wife, husband, working age kids, grandparents, friends, neighbors, etc. have paid into these programs through their income tax revenue, go and get your fair share but stop whining and always playing the victim. You can reach your goals but you need to take the first step. That would be making an effort. You just have to get up off of your lazy ass, get with the program and do it.

    Higher taxes will generate more revenue on a government level but, what does it do for the business owner? For one thing, it increases their operating costs. How do they compensate for this increase? Higher prices, lower pay for employees, no more benefits for their employees, lay offs, outsourcing to other countries to remain competitive, etc. Anybody with an I.Q. of less than 7 can figure that out.

    Sorry for the language but that seems to be the only way some people will get the message. Then again, maybe I'm being too optimistic.....

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  • Mike Honcho
    Redistributing the wealth....

    Yesterday on my way to lunch, I passed one of the homeless guys in that area, with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." Once inside I noticed my waiter had on an "Obama '08" tee shirt. When the bill came, I decided not to tip the waiter and explained to him while he had given me exceptional service, that his tee shirt made me feel he obviously believes in Senator Obama's plan to redistribute the wealth. I told him I was going to redistribute his tip to someone that I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. He stood there in disbelief and angrily stormed away. I went outside, gave the homeless guy $3 and told him to thank the waiter inside, as I had decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy looked at me in disbelief but seemed grateful. As I got in my truck, I realized this rather unscientific redistribution experiment had left the homeless guy quite happy for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn. Well, I guess this redistribution of wealth is going to take a while to catch on with those doing the work.

    Vote McCain

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  • Haunt Lord
    I would like to say BRAVO! and give a standing ovation to WeAreTheUnion for such a reasonable and easy to understand response! Well done!

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  • Infoamtek
    I have a word for you, "THEFT"! Money taken forcibly from one person to give to another is theft, even if it is the the government that is doing the stealing.

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  • WeAreTheUnion
    Originally posted by Uptown Haunts View Post
    Hard work does pay off occasionally.
    Yes, unless you happen to be on the bottom. You have to understand that some people don't ever have the opportunity to go to college. Some people don't have the opportunity to finish high school.

    And those who put forth the effort deserve to reap the rewards provided by their efforts and hard work. Sitting around and waiting for a handout never made anybody rich or successful.
    Ah of course, the grumpy ill-tempered god-fearing conservative (how's your own judgmental medicine taste, doc?) jumps right to the handout mentality.
    It's not about handouts, it's about understanding that some people NEED help and to deny them that is selfish. That's it, there's no Fox News spin you throw at me that I'll believe. Ever.
    Your attitude is a selfish one.

    If you landscape your property and make it absolutely beautiful, are you going to do the same for mine even though I'm just laying around, being a parasite, waiting for someone to do everything for me?
    Ahhh yes, now we come to the "the poor are nothing but a parasite hanging on the side of society" portion of the conservative mindset.
    I must say, I couldn't agree more!
    Hell, let's just kill them! It'll be easier, right? I would say ship them off to an island somewhere, but I wouldn't want to have to raise your taxes to get rid of them. Nasty pests.
    Hmmm...wait, I think Stalin did that...and I'm pretty sure he was a communist...

    Your analogy makes no sense. It's not about landscaping and other forms of luxury, it's about eating and shelter, basic human needs. And you bet your ass if my neighbor's roof caved in and they had nowhere to stay, I'd have the couch pulled out and dinner for a few more ready before they even asked. It's called "caring about others," or in some circles "being nice," instead of "being selfish" and "not caring about anyone except yourself." Remember Kindergarten? I think we learned that there...maybe it was preschool, I don't remember.

    How much of your pay check do you share with others?
    My pay rate is $7.15, and after taxes I make about $5.50, so you do the math. I figure a portion of that money goes to help people in need (more of it goes to the official United States bomb all the brown people mission, but I can deal with that).
    Beyond that I donate to charities when I have the extra money. I figure, I have everything I need and there are people who don't. Why wouldn't I help out a fellow human?
    Remember the "being nice and caring about others" thing? There it was again!

    Do you really think extorting money from businesses is going to help business stay in business?
    1. Extortion? Hardly.
    2. If you make over $250,000 in PROFIT (AFTER expenses and other write-offs, pure profit - and there is a great video of McCain defending this point a few years back before he flip-flopped to take the GOP cock into his greedy, grubby little mouth for the nomination) then you live a life of luxury and therefore can afford to give a little more than those who don't.
    3. No, it's not going to help them stay in business but it's not going to prevent them from doing so either. If a business makes $250,000 in profit or more, that is NOT a business in any danger of closing and somebody's pockets are definitely shimmering.
    What it will do however, is ensure that our defense system is in tip-top shape and work to ensure a future in which everybody gets an opportunity to live your prized American Dream.

    And since we're all in the haunt industry, will you share some of your wealth with the rest of us even though we may not have put forth 1/10 the effort you have? You're living in a fantasy wold.
    Uh, well, since that has nothing (as in, really absolutely nothing at all) to do with the topic at hand I would have to say there's no point in even answering that question. Why would I give random people money who don't need it? I'd rather give it to people who really need it and are working hard but just can't catch a break.
    Now, that said, if you worked your ass off and spent your life savings building a great haunt and then you had several terrible seasons and lost every penny you had, I think you'd be glad to know there's a government program to help you get back on your feet and start over. You might think differently then.
    So I think perhaps now you can see that it is you, not me, who is living in a fantasy world (you know, since you're not making any damn sense).

    Since we are all in the haunt industry in some way, shape or form, let me use this analogy just to prove a point. The hit movie "Halloween" opened in theaters more than 20 years ago. Should we as haunters be entitled to a share of the residual revenue just because we're in a very similar industry?
    Again, I don't understand what you're trying to say. This analogy (again) makes no sense and is in no way representative of the idea of taxing those who can afford it and giving a break to those who can't. It's not like they're gonna raise your taxes to 75% and send FBI agents to hand out $100 bills to any schmuck on the street. It sounds like you've been watching too many Ron Paul videos on youtube.
    The idea is NOT to ensure that everybody makes the exact same amount of money, that's absurd. The idea, however, IS to make sure that everybody has an opportunity, not just the lucky ones.

    If you really feel that Obama's plan is right for you, vote for him.
    I do, and I will.

    If you have common business sense and don't care to look into what he's really saying, vote for McCain.
    I edited your quote to make it more accurate, hope you don't mind.

    Having a hissy fit
    Nobody did that.

    over a Right Winger's opinion isn't going to change the outcome of the Presidential Election.
    Well duh...

    Remember; freedom of speech is not reserved just for Left Wingers.
    I never said it was only reserved for left wingers, but that doesn't mean I can't call you out on saying things that
    A. Aren't true (like McCain!)
    B. Are the product of a selfish mentality (Like Palin!)
    or C. Show traits of a person who is incredibly naive how the world works and truly thinks there's no racial divide, no poverty divide, no gender divide, etc. (Like both of them!)

    If you'll notice through out this thread, I've voiced my opinions based on facts, not fiction, and have not resorted to foul language.
    I actually don't think you're telling the truth, to me or to yourself.
    And I mean, yeah you didn't "resort to foul language" but you said something so ignorant (and continue to say things of the same caliber) that I find it a lot more offensive.
    They're words, get over it.

    Generally speaking, Right Wingers are a little more diplomatic. You've just proven my point about Left Wingers being whiners, complaining and acting like a 4 year old having a temper tantrum.
    Again, nobody had a temper tantrum. I just think you're a selfish human being.
    I say that with a calm face. I think that you are selfish and naive in your beliefs.

    Grow up
    In case you forgot, I'm not the one who resorted to "osama obama" and "oral office" jokes.

    and accept the fact that we all have our own opinions and we are all entitled to the same Constitutional right known as freedom of speech.
    I do accept that, in fact now it seems you are trying to infringe on my right to freedom of expression. I am currently expressing how I feel about what you've said. I expect the same from you.
    Now the question for you is, when will you grow up and accept the fact that not everybody has the same opportunity and that being born into poverty can be a life sentence with no chance for parole (ugh I hate metaphors)?
    When will you grow up and accept that those people need our help and as privileged Americans your opposition to offering that help is selfish?
    When will you grow up and accept the fact that while there are some people who abuse programs like welfare and unemployment, those people are the exception and NOT the norm.
    When will you grow up and accept that without unemployment, thousands of people would not be able to feed their families in times of need?
    When will you grow up and realize that the way you and your beloved presidential candidate think about money is designed to do one thing and one thing only:
    Get the rich richer by making the poor poorer.

    If that offends you, move to another country where freedom of speech doesn't exist.
    And now you're jumping to conclusions and putting words in my mouth.
    Your right to say what you want doesn't offend me, it is your ignorant and selfish mindset that offends me.

    Have a nice day

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  • Uptown Haunts
    Permanent site, hard work, profits


    If you acquire this location, it will add greater credibility in the minds of the general public. Having a permanent location establishes you as a 'permanent' fixture in the community. Your haunt could become a landmark like a certain gas station at a particular intersection or amusement park in a given area.

    Building the haunt in a permanent location will allow you to work on it year round. It should also 'grand father' your haunt where buildign codes apply and will inevitably change in future years. This saves time and money but you still have the ongoing expenses of the property. Rent/mortgage, insurance, utilities, alarm company, etc.

    When building a haunt, your biggest outlay of financial resources will be at the beginning when trying to secure a location, getting plans drawn up, seeking city approvals, the initial promotion of the facility so people know you're there.

    You're definitely on the right track and I wish you great success with your project.


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  • MMManiac
    It started at $250,000...
    Then $200,000
    This week it started at $150,000
    and now $120,000...

    Does anyone see a trend here? It's Obama's TRUE tax plan sneaking out.


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  • Freak95
    I'm not getting into the political discussion, because it just starts a whole mess of problems.

    Our haunt makes roughly 10k a year. We are non-profit. It all goes to Law Enforcement United, which uses the money to help pay for officers injured in the line of duty.

    Now, me and the other guy that designed, and built the house this year, and have had great dealings with the design over the past 4 years are wanting to take it to a bigger level. The organization is in the talks of trying to get a permanent building for the haunted house. (we have to tear it down, and gut the houses every year, thus eating away at our very little budget) Here is my question...

    If we get this permanent building, like an old grocery store, or warehouse, what do me and him need to look into as far as trying to build this up to be one of the greats, while still giving to the non-profit side?

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  • Uptown Haunts
    You've proven my point

    Hard work does pay off occasionally. And those who put forth the effort deserve to reap the rewards provided by their efforts and hard work. Sitting around and waiting for a handout never made anybody rich or successful. If you landscape your property and make it absolutely beautiful, are you going to do the same for mine even though I'm just laying around, being a parasite, waiting for someone to do everything for me? How much of your pay check do you share with others? Do you really think extorting money from businesses is going to help business stay in business? And since we're all in the haunt industry, will you share some of your wealth with the rest of us even though we may not have put forth 1/10 the effort you have? You're living in a fantasy wold.

    Since we are all in the haunt industry in some way, shape or form, let me use this analogy just to prove a point. The hit movie "Halloween" opened in theaters more than 20 years ago. Should we as haunters be entitled to a share of the residual revenue just because we're in a very similar industry?

    If you really feel that Obama's plan is right for you, vote for him. If you have common business sense, vote for McCain. Having a hissy fit over a Right Winger's opinion isn't going to change the outcome of the Presidential Election. Remember; freedom of speech is not reserved just for Left Wingers. If you'll notice through out this thread, I've voiced my opinions based on facts, not fiction, and have not resorted to foul language. Generally speaking, Right Wingers are a little more diplomatic. You've just proven my point about Left Wingers being whiners, complaining and acting like a 4 year old having a temper tantrum. Grow up and accept the fact that we all have our own opinions and we are all entitled to the same Constitutional right known as freedom of speech. If that offends you, move to another country where freedom of speech doesn't exist.

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  • WeAreTheUnion
    Originally posted by MMManiac View Post
    Wearetheunion do you honestly think that someone who busts their ass, makes huge gambles and risks in a business and helps the economy by hiring staff, investing money, and what not should just hand over more money to the "less fortunate" because they didn't choose to go down the same path? I dont make nearly $250,000.00 but when I do (because that is my dream and I'll work my ass off until it happens) I dont Mr. Obama (who might I add can't even adlib a fricken speech when his telepromter goes off) take more of my money to "redistrbute it" to everyone else.

    Im Sean De Wane and I approve this message...
    Based on that attitude, I would guess that you are probably not a person who has to face serious financial worry on a daily basis. You probably don't have to worry about things like having to choose between feeding your family and paying the utilities or your rent this month.
    Some people just plain do NOT have the option to "choose that path." Perhaps you should take a visit to inner-city Detroit and ask people if they think they had the opportunity to "choose that path."
    This country's financial and economical system is designed so that the rich stay rich, and the poor get poorer. If you don't see that, you're ignorant and/or you watch too much Fox "News" (and don't try to come at me with that MSNBC crap cause I don't watch that either).

    I'm sick and tired of people who honestly believe that with a little hard work, anyone can achieve their wildest of dreams! It is next to impossible to get out of poverty in this country. The "American Dream" only applies to the middle class and up, for everyone else it might as well be called "The American Pipe Dream," or the "We Made Up This Stupid Thing Just To Make Poor Fucks Feel Like A Failure For Being Born Into Poverty & Never Having The Chance To Think Beyond Today Dream." OR maybe we could call it the "Hell No I Don't Want To Pay A Little Extra In Taxes So You Can Get A Little Help To Pay For Your Rent AND Food For Your Family This Month While You Try To Figure Out How The Hell You're Going To Get A Better Job Than McDonalds And You Want To Go To School But You Can't Because You Have Two Kids And It's Obviously Your Fault That Both Of Your Parents Were Drug Addicts And Didn't Tell You That You Can Do Better Dream."
    It's easy to criticize the bottom and tell them it's their fault when you don't know even remotely what it's like to be there, or how hard it is to get out. Like it or not, these people need our help to give them even a glimmer of hope. When you make a quarter of a million dollars every year, to complain about having to pay more in taxes that will be spent to help give everyone the opportunity to live the American Dream is selfish. There's no other word for it, it's selfish.
    Last edited by WeAreTheUnion; 10-29-2008, 10:04 AM.

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  • beardedbil
    Both McCain and Obama will have to raise taxes to pay for programs for which the public is clamoring, whether those programs are universal health insurance, expanding the military, trying to retire the national debt, or simply trying to balance the budget.

    McCain proposes to increase your tax exemption for children by something like $125/year. That's it, if you have children you get something, otherwise not. This will increase the deficit.

    McCain proposes a $2500-$5000 "refundable" tax credit for the purchase of health insurance while apparently proposing, as I understand it, eliminating the deduction for employer provided health insurance. This is a tax increase for business to pay for a tax benefit to the public. This is, ostensibly deficit neutral.

    McCain will cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%. This is proposed to keep American companies on shore and to stimulate the economy. This will not keep companies on shore because the 10% tax savings on profits is miniscule compared to the as much as 80% operating cost savings of exploitation of cheap foreign labor. And since most corporations do not pay any taxes due to loopholes it is ridiculous. All that will happen is that those that are paying taxes domestically will pay less and increase the deficit. All of this tinkering with tax cuts will result in a net tax increase because a higher percentage of the operation of government will be placed on your credit card.

    Obama's plan, a tax cut for the middle class, should be offset by rolling back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. Curtailing tax loopholes for companies operating offshore will have far reaching effects including reducing the deficit. As far as funding for new programs goes, there is little doubt that these, like universal healthcare or improving public education and tuition programs, will go on your nation's credit card.

    Your taxes are going to go up with either Obama or McCain. For whom you vote, if that is your issue, depends entirely on how much they will go up and/or what you will get in return.

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  • drfrightner
    This just in... Biden the BONEHEAD just said in an interview that they want to tax all Americans making more than $150,000.00 NOT $250,000.00. Steve Forbes said today that Obama has to tax the middle class to pay for his programs because as he put it there is where the money is at. Biden is a moron and I'm sure Obama right now is wishing he'd just shut his mouth.

    So it started off at 250k, now the real number has been leaked its really 150k, but who's to say Obama says NOOOOO... umm I think if you make more than 95k is to much, who knows.

    Vote McCain.


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