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Halloween Remake

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  • #31
    Not to really keep this thread going I dont remember jumping once during the new Halloween. It all was very predictable and disappointing to me. I agree this one shouldnt be compared but it will mainly because it bares the name Halloween. The original Halloween is a classic and started the slasher movie era. I think its great Rob Zombies movie made the amount it did. Thats great for a horror movie and it will probably continue to do well. And hopefully it helps get customers to get in the mood of going to haunts this year.
    Damon Carson


    • #32
      I thought it was a great movie. I will be buying this one on DVD when it comes out. Probably go see it a second time at the theaters.
      ~Bill Mlinac
      The Deadland Haunted House


      • #33
        I thought it was okay. I liked the backstory, but it was too long and should have been cut down a little to give more time to get to know and more importantly care about the three girls getting killed.


        • #34
          I just posted a gob of pictures from our premiere event on our blog.

          Brett Hays, Director
          Fear Fair


          • #35
            Well, whether you hated or loved the movie there is one positive fact. The movie broke the box office record for Labor Day weekend grossing over 31 million dollars. I take that as a good sign for the haunt season for sure. People must be ready for Halloween.

            Howie "Slobber" Erlich
            Deadly Intentions Haunted House
            Last edited by Howie Slobber Erlich; 09-04-2007, 05:41 AM.
            1986-1997 (Mutilation Mansion,) 1998 (Screamers Haunted House,) 1999 (Evil Intention Haunted House,) 2000-2001 Concept Creator/Business Partner (Urban Legends Haunted House,) 2002 Floor Plan Designer and Consultant for a (Haunted Barn) Owners had city challenges & were never able to open, 2002 Floor Plan Designer/Construction (Fright Nights Haunted House) 2003-2012 Now retired Owner (Deadly Intentions Haunted Attraction)


            • #36
              I really liked this movie. I don't understand Zombies fascination with low class hicks though.

              I didn't care for the first part of the movie. The profanity seemed forced and the reasons he became a killer were kind of lame. Once he became an adult the movie was awesome. I loved how he was just intensly brutal. I liked the scares, they actually kept me off balance. I thought the second half off the movie made the whole thing. Overall, I really liked the movie (aside from Mike being a kid).
              Jared Layman


              • #37
                I went to the film with an open mind and clean slate. Coming from liking both Devils and House I expected something fresh and new to the franchise. But Rob has proven to have no talent as a film maker.

                The backstory did to Myers what it did to Vader, made them less scary, less sinister and made you laugh at them at times. The films cinematography was horrible. Too many camera styles, the sections to the film were very hard cut and didn't mesh well and if you are going to take the time to develop a backstory, do it fully. Okay he had a bad homelife, we get that, but there was no developement as to why we care how he devloped into the shape. I mean, come on, there was no character developemnt as to why the urge to kill, what was going through his mind etc. At one point loomis says "i thought we had no secrets you and I" well how would we know that because you never developed the character. We don't care.

                Loomis' character didn't even need to be in the movie. The first 20 min. of the film, okay we get it, bad home life. But the scene kept going and going and going. Sherri moon is the worst actress alive and to me it seemed like Rob was trying to capture an era (70s) and set the tone of that feel more than worry about creating a great story, or pushing the film forward.

                When it comes to the later half of the film the (remake) it really went down hill. It was borderline exploitation film and gore for the sake of gore. You didn't care that anyone was getting killed, or why they were. Also if you spend a so called half of the film developing a backstory, then when he finally gets released to kill, explain that. So many open holes in this film its crazy. The teenage girls seemed like 20 somethings trying waaaaay too hard to sound like suburban high schoolers.

                now the cast....Adam Sandler and others use friends in films, the main thing though is it is a few friends. I mean come on, I want to find everyone a part who is my friend and I will write 5 lines of verbage so they can have a sweet signature line for the soundtrack and one liners. Idiodic.

                Man, so much more for me to go into, but I won't. I was all about this film. Was waiting for it and everything. I thought it would re-invent the franchise like Batman Begins did to that franchise. What I learned is, Myers is from a bad home life, its a twisted kid killing, his mim was a dancer, his step dad was a prick, and he liked to make masks.

                If Resurrection was the demise of the franchise, this one is final nail to it. Rob is a one trick pony. Let'sall wipe our eyes from the null void of lackluster horror and poor story telling and pretend it was all because of the Druids.

                (I will say though, there was some good to it)

                "The Original Haunt Industry, Halloween and Horror Podcast"

                COSTUMES FOR KIDS
                "Bringing Halloween to Disabled and Less Fortunate Children"


                • #38
                  I still think it's better than the original... Carpenter doesn't know how to make movies. People like Peter Jackson, Sam Raimi, Neil Burger, and yes.. even Zombie make GOOD, story driven movies!

                  I hate it that people think for a good horror movie all you need is a killer, some blood and cheap "carnival style" scares. This is why I am loving the Texas Chainsaw remakes and the Amityville remake.

                  In todays age, and todays kids going to see horror movies; they look at it like this: Old movies like Carpenters, Englunds, etc... are old and lame. They are used to newer, grungier movies like Saw, Dead Silence, and the new Halloween.

                  Times are changing... we just have to embrace it. -Tyler
                  Chris Riehl


                  • #39
                    I agree times change and culture moves forward. But zombie isn't a good story teller.

                    He is a stylist, not a movie maker. He creates a film in his style, which worked for DEvils and House. But he can't go beyond that. The story never drives forward, the characters a re lifeless and you don't care about them and he needs to broaden his breadth of direction.

                    But I agree Tyler, times change and people change, society changes. I don't thinksome dislike the new halloween becuase of the remake aspect. It is looking at it in a film making perspective. I took 4 yrs of filmmaking and anyl. of films in college and even when you like a film sometimes it still sucks. I have many that I would write horrible reviews for, but personally love.

                    On to the future....hopefully not SAW 89405849054

                    "The Original Haunt Industry, Halloween and Horror Podcast"

                    COSTUMES FOR KIDS
                    "Bringing Halloween to Disabled and Less Fortunate Children"


                    • #40
                      Yes, Carpenter's Halloween is lame today because it made the audience rely on something today's kids no longer have. Their IMAGINATIONS! Today's directors seem to share that flaw. Remakes, Redos, Hommages. Hide this lack of creativity with frentic action and swooping camera moves. Show the monsters, show the blood, show the gore! More, MORE, MORE!!! This is not horror cinema, this is horror porn, with sharp implements doing the full frontal, spurting penetrations. Mysogonistic fantasies, with girls as death objects, where the sympathies are not with the victims, who are mere meat to be tortured and slaughtered, but with the pedophilic killers who are the protagonists of this new pornographic paradigm. Bread and Circuses, my friends. Rome is falling.


                      • #41
                        Nightgore wrote: "I still think it's better than the original... Carpenter doesn't know how to make movies." That is a pretty bold statement considering he was one of the orginal directors to make the "slasher" movie. I respect your opinion but I have to disagree... Zombie's vision even as a stand-alone movie is bad. A few other posters have noted that when you know the backstory it takes away from the mystery. This is exactly the case. The unknown is way more scary. There are way to many plot holes as well. Also, gore and violence is not as scary when it is seen on screen... it is alot more scary when it is done off camera and your mind interprets what is happening. At least it does get people in the mood for the season though. I will give him that. I think 31 million is a good start for it.


                        • #42
                          Carpenter can't make movies? I don't know about that considering he made it in 78 or whatever. I hope to God they don't make any movies like Dead Silence, that in my opinion was a terrible movie, weak plot, bad acting, and bad story.
                          Jared Layman


                          • #43
                            So i finally saw the new halloween this weekend and loved it! Now compaired to the original halloween, doesnt even compair. Carpenters version will always be the best but Zombie did a awesome job taking the story and making it his own. Like mentioned before it did have the house of 1000 corpses feel but thats just Zombie for ya.


                            P.S. Sherry Moon Zombie is STILL hot!
                            Sean De Wane
                            The De Wane Asylum


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Infoamtek View Post
                              Yes, Carpenter's Halloween is lame today because it made the audience rely on something today's kids no longer have. Their IMAGINATIONS! Today's directors seem to share that flaw.
                              Sadly, movies in the vain of the original Halloween would no longer have something else, ticket sales.

                              Look at the box office totals, this movie gave today's audience what they want, that's our audience and customer base as well, so we should take note.
                              Brett Hays, Director
                              Fear Fair


                              • #45
                                I finally saw it, and I wasn't overly impressed. Didn't care for it much as a remake. Didn't care for it much if you separated it as its own film. It didn't really scare or startle me.

                                Though I liked the back story, it really made the character less took all of the mystery out of it.

                                I don't particularly like Rob Zombie's storytelling. I was completely psyched when they said that he was coming out with House of 1000 Corpses and that his style was more similar to that of the 70's. But everything he has filmed so far has been a let down to me.

                                I just didn't like it. But, I'm glad there are people who really did...don't want our little genre slipping away.

