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Most Embarrassing moment!!!...

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  • Most Embarrassing moment!!!...

    Hello all,

    What was your most embarrissing moment you have had on the job?

    When I was working at a house a couple years ago, I jumped off a box, got my pants caught, and tore them in half. So as I landed trying to scare/look menacing my pants fell down and I was “sooooo not scary” at that point.


    Peter T
    Last edited by FablesStudios; 08-14-2009, 08:55 AM.
    Fables Studios
    Your Home For Horror

  • #2
    Probably when i tripped on the metal stake and face planted.


    • #3
      I Digressed and mis-spoke

      Rather than staying fairly scripted, I began telling a guy and his new girlfriend how much some people ignore personal hygene and stink way to much....
      Afterwards I told my Wife what I was talking about and she asked, "Couldn't you smell HER!?"
      I guess that my nose was a little restricted, maybe an on-coming cold.
      I guess she radiated stink 10 feet in every direction.
      Whoops! If the stinky sneaker's yours Cinderella!"

      Most things that may embarrass some of the rest of you don't phase me, I just go with the flow and make it part of the "Show".
      "I meant to do that!"
      "Wasn't that funny?"
      "I have been practising that for years."
      Sort of like if I feel a big phart welling up inside me, I just make the room go dark, phart and blame it on a scared customer.
      Of course the stain seeping through my pants is a signed confession.
      Blobbed on the dotted line.
      Put my confession in your file cabinet Mr. State's Attorney.


      • #4
        Being scared by a customer!!

        Last year when I worked at SCarowinds, I would hide in places which weren't necessarily actual hiding spots. One of which was behind a wall that was hinged so it acted like a door. I decided to hide behind the wall with it pushed out a bit so as the customers came down the hall, they would just think it was a wall at an angle and I'd jump out. I had to prop my foot at the base of the wall because a lot of customers tried to push the wall because it was a rather tight squeeze between the path and the wall. This was a VERY effective scare for the most part because most people just thought it was a wall and I'd bang on it and jump out. Well there was one customer who I'll assume had been through the house and so he decided to jump behind the wall before I could pop out and he startled me! I have to admit, being a character in a haunted house and getting scared by a guest is pretty darn embarrassing!!
        O'Shawn McClendon
        Creative Chair -- Operator: Cayce-West Columbia Hall of Horrors

        One mans junk is another mans kick-ass new prop...


        • #5
          Oh I've got a couple of em'.

          One time I got my leg caught on an IV stand while trying to get out of a group. I was passing through our Lab Room and through a group walking into it, saying "Get outta my way!" in that shrill voice that I use. However, while going through the middle of the group, my foot somehow got caught under one of the legs of an IV stand that was placed there. It wasn't until the 3rd "outta my way" that I figured out I was snagged and taking the thing with me! Sure I eventually got free, and scared a few people in the process (maybe it was my fortune that they were coulrophobic?), but, really, getting caught like that infront of the customers must have looked ridiculous.

          Then there was the time I fell through the floor. It started out as a cage scene. The idea was that the patrons would walk past a seemingly empty cell room. I'd surprise them by leaping out of the darkest corner of the cell and land with a loud *THUD*, coupled with yelling of course. One night I was getting ready to scare a group from within the cell. I got into my corner, stood on top of my jumping platform (well, a box that was painted black), and froze my body in a rigged shape against the wall to try and hide the best I could. A group walked by, they hadn't noticed me, so I leaped off my platform onto the cell floor and left leg went straight through the floor! I recovered very quickly, but the group saw my botched landing had a good laugh at it. A long, long, laugh.

          After they left, me and one of the big guys in charge inspected the damage. Turns out the floor was made out of what I guess was drywall, and roughly six inches above the ground below. I was alright, but the cell would have a large hole in its floor and be actor-less for the rest of the season. It wasn't a total loss though. When customers saw the gaping hole in the ground, our guides would say one of our clowns tunneled his way into the sewer. "Look before you sit, cause he might pop up and say hi!"

          But my most embarrassing moment would be my first scare. I was in a scene that played out like so: Group comes in, actor slams book against a wall, I (behind behind a drop poster) would then press a power button on the floor next to my feet to activate some strobe lighting, then I drop the poster and give the group a taste of the ol' electrical buzz saw.

          What ended up happening instead, was that after I dropped the poster, I somehow stepped on the power button again in the middle of my scare. This turns off the strobe lighting and kills the power to my saw. Being surprised by this, I completely broke character and said "oh". Not a comedic kind of "oh", the kind of "oh" you'd say if you opened your wallet at the grocery checkout counter and found out you had no money to pay for your food, yeah, that kind. The group was really unenthused by me and just continued on.

          Live and learn I suppose.
          Last edited by Smiley; 08-13-2009, 09:11 PM.


          • #6
            I have many of those stories lol. I'll add a few to this discussion.

            1. I had this one room designed so there were 2x4 blocks above guests heads so I could look like I was walking along the walls after them. I happened to be "going after" this one woman and as I was going around a corner I had been using the 2x4 braces that ran diagonally between wall panels to swing around corners. As I did I heard a *crack*. Next thing I know I fell to the ground and landed on my ankle, twisting it. I yelled out a loud "DAMMIT!" in pain (one of the ONLY times I've ever swore while acting). A few seconds later the lady I had just scared came back and is now looking down at me. She asks "are you alright?". I was embarrassed, so, in character, I yelled at her "No! I'm not! Now get out of here!". She left and I hobbled up and outside to get some fresh air and ice.

            2. I always carry a gallon of water with me each night. I yell a lot plus the water keeps me hydrated. This one particular night, for whatever reason, I didn't put the cap back on the gallon right away and accidentally kicked it over when I was going to scare a group. I picked it back up after I scared them but there was still a half-gallon's worth of water on the cement floor in a big puddle. As soon as I spilled it the team leader came in and told me to go on break. I left, took my break then when I came back to my spot a group was literally 5 seconds away from entering my room and so I hurried the team leader out of my spot and got into position. I got so pumped with adrenaline that I ran out as fast as I could and forgot about the water. As soon as I stepped into the water I slipped and slammed face-first onto the concrete floor. The girl in the group pointed at me and laughed and I had my adrenaline going so I didn't feel anything. As soon as I hit and she started laughing I got up and let out this pissed-off growl and started chasing her. She immediately stopped pointing, screamed and ran away.

            3. I had this one scare I was doing where people would walk down this hall and at the end of the hall was a short staircase (2 steps down). Right before the steps there's a hand rail and I would be on the other side of the hall and as they walked along the rail I would run up and jump onto the railing right next to them and get right in their face or sometimes hang above them. It was the last night we were open and it was the last group. After they left we were locking up then going to a cast wrap party. When I jumped up on the rail I heard a loud "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiippp pp" sound. After they had passed me I looked down and noticed a rather large 9 inch tear in the crotch of my jeans. So I quickly ran to the actor's building and got some duct tape and taped the front of my pants. Unfortunately I didn't think about taping the inside as well so at the wrap party I had this goofy wad of duct tape on my crotch and the sticky part over the hole kept grabbing my leg hair and pulling them. So it was a rather embarrassing and painful night.

            There's a few of my best stories. Hopefully this provides some laughs.


            • #7
              Heres my most embarassing moment

              This is my 2nd attempt at posting this ....LMFAo, the first time I was so angry I walked away

              ( First of all... I have all the orders casted for the Skinned mask for those of you that have ordered )

              Just 30 minuites ago I was trying to fetch something from the storage area above the shop while taking a break from airbrushing .....

              I fell off the ladder injuring myself ( YEah my neck hurts )

              ANYWAYS... I fell onto the concrete floor and the ladder hit the shelf which held allot of my stone molds.... ( YEAh.... F*CK ! )

              I think I can repair 1 of the molds from ~Skinned~

              This may not fit in this category of funny embarrassing moments BUT I am embarrassed, Pissed, stressed, frustrated, and humiliated at the present time... much like I would be if I could laugh at my missfortune....

              BUT ya know what ?

              Because I Do This For The Love....

              I am going to LAUGH in the face of despair

              I will remake the molds this weekend AND ----> I WILL SELL THE NEXT 20 at 50% off !!

              THAT MEANS YOU GET THE SKINNED MASK FOR 20.00 <----- Hows that grab ya ?


              HAAAA HA !
              Last edited by maliciousstudios; 08-13-2009, 09:42 PM.
              "I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

              Malicious Studios


              • #8
                I will remake the molds this weekend AND ----> I WILL SELL THE NEXT 20 at 50% off !!

                THAT MEANS YOU GET THE SKINNED MASK FOR 20.00 <----- Hows that grab ya ?

                Thats a big discount!
                I think I ll need to jump on one of those!
                Will It be for sale on your website?

                I hope your neck is ok!!!

                Peter T
                Last edited by FablesStudios; 08-14-2009, 08:06 AM.
                Fables Studios
                Your Home For Horror



                • #9
                  oh yeah.... yer neck....LMFAO

                  Yeah Im VERY SORE TODAY.... wife says I need to go see a doc. but I think Ill live, Yeah like I said IM PISSED so yeah 50% off for the next 20.... when I get mad I do some funny shit....( LMFAO )

                  Instead of getting mad at the world ( I LAUGH )

                  AND SINCE I CLAIM I DO THIS FOR THE LOVE..... I figure its time again to show it and to show how much I appreciate all the business you guys have given me !!

                  20.00 <---- How can you go wrong ?

                  Yeah eventually it will be added with others onto the site but not just yet.... Im pretty busy and havent had time to really upload ( I NEED A PC GEEK ) lol....but eventually we will get it up....
                  ( ON THE WEBSITE THAT IS )

                  "I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

                  Malicious Studios


                  • #10
                    Sounds great! Let me know when, I will def buy one! Take it easy this weekend, No wrestling in the backyard for you.
                    Ok.... maybe a little… meet ya there..!

                    Peter T
                    Last edited by FablesStudios; 08-14-2009, 09:38 AM.
                    Fables Studios
                    Your Home For Horror



                    • #11
                      Almost quit I was so imbarrased

                      Ok Ive just got one time I can recall that imbarassed the crap out of me. My first year working in a haunt ever was in 2001 or 2. My neighbor asked me to help him build a room. Im pretty good with construction so I thought it might be kind of fun to help build. We were building a shrinking room.

                      After spending the whole summer building the shrink room and this forrest area just before it, eventually Oct. rolls around and my neighbor asks me to help out durning the season. I was very much reluctant to say yes to that. Ive never really considered myself an actor by any means. I was all about the building!! Not so much playing a character though.

                      Well he bugged me about it like nonstop. So I said OK but I'll just run the moving wall of the shrink room. Stay hidden all night, ya know. So my neighbor is working at the other end of the room getting all these great scares and Im back there laughing my ass off, realizing that I got to get in on this scare stuff some how.

                      So towards the end of my first night I finally decide to peak out of my little cubby hole behind the wall and TRY to scare this group of girls I here walking right buy me. I peak my head out, Im in costum, I let out this......stupid.......pathetic.....groul.... One of the girls turn around, and grouls right back at me........WHAT THE %*%*. Didnt come out of my hole the rest the night... All depressed and stuff..HA My buddy thought it was funny as hell though, and he let me know it, I assure you.

                      Next night was a complete turn around. I jumped in right away. Had great scares. The two of us were kind of able to feed off eachother. Made for one of the funnest nights in the haunt Ive had yet.

                      Guess sometimes you got to hit that rock bottom before you can get better. Hope you all get a laugh at my expense!! HA

                      Kelly Anderson
                      Last edited by Kelly Anderson; 08-21-2009, 08:28 AM.
                      Kelly Anderson
                      Owner- Halloween Undercroft
                      Owner- Haunt Your House llc


                      • #12
                        think about it!!

                        Great story!

                        It reminds me of this saying.

                        “Its only until you have lost everything, is when you can do anything.”

                        Peter T
                        Fables Studios
                        Your Home For Horror



                        • #13
                          Customers Can Be Very Cruel

                          I had a young woman working here whose job was not to scare but to direct traffic in a room with 5 doors coming into it.
                          The first night she was very upset when some guy looked her right in the eye and said something like, "Well you are a hell of a looking thing!"
                          She had no mask or make up on, it was just her own face. She got so down about this she wanted to walk right out the door and never return.
                          She was a nice looking woman but she had just been through a nasty divorce from an abusive A-Hole husband and her self-esteem was lower than whale shit.
                          I talked and talked to her..she returned the next night dressed with a black veil hiding her face!
                          But then she never came back after that.....too bad.
                          A consideration when hiring, some people working for us can be sensitive, insecure people.


                          • #14
                            I unfortunately found out that CAMO netting, strobe lights, and untied shoes are a bad combination.

                            In my scene there is a 3 foot box that I climb on that has vines, cargo netting, and other material all around. I attempted to jump off my box but my feet had other plans. My shoe lace got caught in some of the material around my box and I found myself shoulder first on the concrete in front of the group.

                            The ego wasn't the only thing bruised.
                            Neil C

                            "Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue."


                            • #15
                              I had first one!

                              Ok, I just had my first embarrassing moment in all these years of acting. I am Dolly, my full body costume is a mixture of Julia Childs and Dan Ackroyd from SNL playing Julia then add the lunch room lady who served you lunch in school with lots of gross zits. I am wearing a size 6X dress cause I have an ape chest attached to the underneath in place of my butt, so it looks like my butt is extra huge. It is so big, my character can't wipe her butt and has crap stains to show that feature off better. Now I am not the scare, I am the distraction. So picturing what I am wearing, the problem came when I had to go to the bathroom while in flippen costume. We have the smallest port-a-potty it seems and with that butt it is very hard to fit in there. I try my best not to go until I was out of costume, but I had a hard time with that last night. So anyways, I go do my thing, adjust and come back out to continue working. Now keep in mind, we have had little snow and below temps and as I do my thing I am feeling a flippen draft. And after hearing few laughs I find out from the "scare" of the room, that I didn't pull the "ass" down all the way and my undergarments lets say were still showing. Thank god, I didn't have toilet paper stuck, that would have been gross and I would have died, but it is hard as hell to pull all that crap down in a space of a phone booth!

