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IAHA @ Transworld?

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  • #31
    Why don't the former treasurers of organizations ever talk about "Giving Back?'
    I'll be sending Kelly a case of fresh tangerines.
    Then he can see some intangibles! In-hand!
    You just make way too much sense, Kelly.
    Please, I hope you know, I mean this as a compliment.

    I wonder what percentage of 18 yr. olds have never been to a haunted attraction?
    Ever since I opened up I have met a large number of people who seemed to have never heard of such a thing.
    They didn't just tumble off the turnip truck either.
    Maybe in the scheme of things we are all just small potatos?
    Small potatos forgotten about in the bottom of Grandma's kitchen bin where the spiders all died from wrestling with the potato eyes as they spread circling the bin looking for some real customers, instead of those too hard to please multi-legged bug-wanna-bees, wanna be bees?


    • #32
      MHC offers a $5 discount off of registration which amounts to about an 8% discount.

      "Pay it forward"? That movie had a really sad ending.


      • #33
        For years I have been thinking of joining, but there always seemed to be some turmoil around the association. Stories of people sending in money, and not really getting much out of it. Or lots of he said/she said crap...

        The PR campaign last year made me look up and take notice again, so I am thinking about joining once more.

        Is there really any benefit for a new haunt to join right away (before Jan 31) or do you think joining at TW would be fine?

        And if I might say, Kelly, that was one great campaign trail speech! If everyone on the board has that attitude and passion, I'm there!
        Haunted House

        Sacramento, CA


        • #34
          :shock: Agreed "Cluster" - If everyone has the passion of Kel -
          Things might happen! :wink:

          I will definitely drop by the booth @ TW. Why doesn't IAHA do a dinner or lunch where members can mingle?

          Or if I was part of it - I would know about the one happening? :roll: ops:


          • #35
            If you join before the 31st you will be included in this years IAHA directory. That exposure may be valueable to you.
            Mike Bizub

            Ghouls Gulch


            • #36
              Thanks for the kind words guys, but I have to say, I only hope I can prove to be half as dedicated as the team who has endured the task of getting the IAHA re-directed and re-focused! Should the BOD decide to accept me as a candidate and should I be elected, I can guarantee that I'll do my best to support the efforts that have already been undertaken to provide a great foundation and incredible potential so that we can continue to grow and realize even greater things as an association! :wink:

              Chris Riehl

