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HHA Information Please Read

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  • HHA Information Please Read

    Hello all!

    See below information about joining HHA in 2009.

    This info will soon be up on the website with a shopping cart program. Even sooner it will have a PDF Membership Form you can print up and mail.

    I want you all to see how membership will work, and try to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

    The Website will continue to be a work in progress, and in addition to polishing and streamlining it we should soon have in place new features such as the Help Desk Forum, (Members only, Real Names only) The Shopping Cart system and the Haunted House Directory.

    Important to note is that you join by ATTRACTION, in the Attraction category, much like IAAPA. This system has been discussed by the board for some time now, and it plays into the Directory listing and focus on the Attractions themselves.


    Ben Armstrong

    HHA is the Association for PROFESSIONAL Haunted House Owners and Operators!

    Our Purpose is to Protect and Promote the Haunted Attraction Industry.

    HHA membership is open to all haunted attraction owners and operators on a per Attraction basis in the ATTRACTION MEMBERSHIP category and all vendors, home haunters, actors and enthusiasts in the ASSOCIATE Member category. All HHA members receive the following benefits:
    • Participation in a National Public Relations Campaign, managed by a major PR firm from New York City. ( All members will be listed on the website and much of the campaign will direct people to the website).
    • Valuable discounts with the industry’s leading vendors, including exclusive marketing discounts and offers with the leading Industry marketing Websites, and
    • While membership is current, all members will receive any issues of Hauntworld Magazine and Haunted Attraction Magazine that publish (Benefit comes into effect for issues published after the Transworld 09 show).
    • While membership is current, all members will receive all issues that publish of Tourist Parks and Attractions Magazine, the world’s leading publication for management of leisure activities, attraction, entertainment and amusement centers.
    • Communication and networking opportunities with other attraction owners, especially on our Help Desk Forum located in the members only area of the website.
    • Participation in our Safety OUTREACH program, a program designed to help teach haunt safety to the untold thousands of yard haunts and start up haunters all over the country who may be completely unaware of haunt and fire safety.
    • Participation in our National Group Heath Care Program. While research and underwriting on this program is ongoing at this time, it is our goal to bring you the best possible coverage in a group format that we can.
    • And much, much more!


    Cost: $150 Annually
    Cost is for a single Member

    Associate members receive all of the above benefits.


    Cost: $250 Annually
    Up to 4 Membership cards come with an Attraction Membership

    (Note: But there is only one subscription to magazines, etc.)

    Attraction Members receive all of the above benefits, plus their attraction will be listed in the HHA state-by-state, national Haunt Directory website .


    All eligible Attraction Members who wish to become more involved in the direction of the HHA may apply to be recognized as a Senior Attraction Member. There are no additional costs to become a Senior Attraction Member. In order to be designated as a Senior Attraction Member, the applicant must meet all of the following qualifications:
    • Applicant must be a current owner or owner-designated operator of a professional haunted attraction.
    • Applicant must have a minimum of five (5) Halloween seasons of ownership or operation of a professional haunted attraction.
    • The holding company of your attraction must have remained the same for five (5) continuous and consecutive Halloween seasons, if the name and/or location of your event has changed.

    NOTE: for a more detailed description of Senior Attraction Membership please consult the HHA Bylaws.

    Senior Attraction Members gain the right to:
    • Vote on bylaw changes and the election of the HHA Board of Directors.
    • Run for the HHA Board of Directors.
    • Have to opportunity to fill slots as Featured Haunts in the National Public Relations Campaign as they become available.

    Questions? Please contact the Haunted House Association administrative office:

    Haunted House Association

    1615 Kersey Valley Rd

    High Point, NC 27263

    Office Toll Free 866-212-4430

    FAX 336-861-4152
    Ben Armstrong

  • #2
    HHA Marketing

    So what do Haunted House Owners want from an orgainization?
    One thing is marketing!

    Here are some HHA Marketing Benifits -

    1) If you buy a Featured Banner and Sidebar Banner from, they will PAY for your $250 HHA Attraction Membership in FULL!

    That is how we paid for NETHERWORLD's Membership! Contact for more info.

    2) Hauntworld is offering a 5% Discount on Banners for HHA Members - THIS is the only way to get Discounts for HAUNTWORLD Banners! See Patti for the details!

    3) Don't Forget HHA Members will all get a directory Listing on the HHA website, one of the focus points of the 2009 PR campaign.

    One of our prime goals is to promote and drive traffic to Haunts... This is how it starts!

    Ben Armstrong


    • #3
      Thanks for the info! We will not be attending Transworld (sadly) but still want to join HHA.
      We've already joined the (I'll call it) 'pre-membership' $50.00 version.
      The only question I have was I remember reading about a 'credit' if you joined previously. Has that been incorporated into the mix?
      Thanks and looking forward to HHA!

      Kirk Boemmel
      Dark Ghost Manor



      • #4

        If you joined in 2008 you will get $50 off your 2009 membership. This will be refected in the sign up forms. I will see if we can get one of those posted on this forum.

        Ben Armstrong


        • #5
          So let me see. Since I joined last year membership now is $100.00? Dont get me wrong but I dont really understand it doubleing.? I was wanting to rejoin because I know its a goodthing you all are doing for haunts and the industry but Im surprised in the increase. Will there be a list of vendors for this years show and will we be able to get the is it 5% discount w/Transworld specials from the participating vendors. If so its more than worth it. Is there anyway you can post a new list of who will be the vendors involved for this year and maybe highlight or put a star by the ones exhibiting at this years show. Ok now i went back and read more, so you get 3 mags including Haunted Attraction? So Leonard is involved in HHA? Im confused? Please help! LOL!
          Last edited by damon carson; 03-04-2009, 10:49 AM.
          Damon Carson


          • #6
            I think you do get 3 mags... Hauntworld, HAM, and TAPS... which I think is AWESOME to have as a member benefit. Really makes it worth joining! -Tyler
            Chris Riehl


            • #7
              Thanks for the quick response!
              And the 2 extra mags to boot is a good deal!
              If and when in the future we can run our haunt without our 'day jobs' the forthcoming insurace plans will be awesome too!
              I'm so excited to be joining the HHA from its inception!
              Thanks again!

              Kirk Boemmel
              Dark Ghost Manor



              • #8
                Wow it is a really good deal with all those things included. But if you can put a list together by the show for vendors involved and ones at the show it would be great.
                Damon Carson


                • #9

                  HHA website had over 80,000 unique visitors this past October. The media flocks to the HHA website looking for haunts to cover in stories. If you join HHA you can list your haunt if you don't you can't. If we have two hundred members your haunt will be one of two hundred.

                  HHA will continue a national public relations program that will drive media types to the site... imagine a newspaper from Texas or Ohio contacting only you or one other person because you are the only two haunts listed.

                  Make sure you join folks... it will pay for itself the first time someone visits HHA website then comes to your haunt and spends money or better a reporter finds your haunt on HHA and does a story.

                  If you wash out all the other benefits this one is the only reason you need to join... none other is needed even though there will be tons more.

                  HHA NATIONAL PR PROGRAM driving people to HHA website then sending them to your haunt...

                  The directory is almost ready to go... its on the site now check it out.

                  Larry Kirchner


                  • #10
                    HHA Vendors

                    Here is a link to some of the vendors working with the HHA.

                    Last edited by REDRUM; 03-04-2009, 12:34 PM.
                    Tim Dunne
                    Proud Member of the HHA


                    • #11
                      I signed up last year when it was getting started, I was going to renew at the show will I still get the discount or is that only going to work on the website? I'm not even sure I get a discount, I paid only $20..00 I think because I already had a magazine subscription.
                      Thanks, Sarah
                      Giving People The Chills Since 2005



                      • #12
                        For Those With Questions

                        Let me say this! After last year I was totally aginst this whole HHA thing. I thought it was just another way for the so called " Elete or Top 10 or 13") or one or two to pat themselves on the back. To stick another dollar in their pockets of those followers of when the preacher screams give me give me!!!! Then we throw money to the wind without the whole story. Now let the so called ( by one person anyway) Drama Queen tell you this and read what I am saying!

                        I know the whole story!!!!!!!!

                        I have talked to Ben hours on end with him about this and TRUST ME!!!! ( YOU GUYS KNOW I AM THE PATRIOT SAINT OF TRUTH) THIS IS FOR EVERYONE!!!! THIS IS NOT ABOUT OLE SO AND SO AND SO AND SO'S HAUNTS. ITS ABOUT MY HAUNT AND YOUR HAUNT FROM THE SMALLEST TO THE BIGGEST AND ALL IN BETWEEN! Its a way of communicting and networking, its about my best interest as a haunt owner and yours and everyone else involved!!! I am lending my support to the HHA 100%.

                        Guys we will have a voice, we will be heard as a group. We will not be told what to do or how to do it. We will do it all together with suggestions, opinions, net working ect. We will all be working for a better cause of this Industry and hopefully become a stronger group! Guys if you have reservations take a chance. I am!!!! I know and feel this time we can and will finally beable to stand together.

                        Ben has shown himself to be a leader. They could have not picked a better person for the job! Ben from myself if you need anything you have my number. Shane and its I am proud to be a supporting member of the HHA! Shane this time.
                        Last edited by graystone; 03-04-2009, 04:42 PM.


                        • #13
                          Look for even more new vendors offering discount on the site soon. They go up as soon as they come in. Vendors are eager to partcipate with the HHA as well due to the qualified buyers who join the HHA.

                          Thanks for your support everyone! Damon, one HHA discount on an order from any of our esteemed vendor list will more than make up for the minimal increase. Trust me, you will want to be a part of this association now and in the future!

                          Allan Bennett


                          • #14
                            Sarah to answer your question -

                            The 2008 Membership will be honored at the show for discounts, it says on it March 2008 - March 2009.

                            Post show discounts and other benefits will require a 2009 Membership.

                            Ben Armstrong
                            NETHERWORLD HAUNTED HOUSE


                            • #15
                              Damon to answer your questions -

                              1) Cost - The association is focused on goals that have some cost, thus the increase. We hope that the exposure on the website alone is worth the cost of an attraction membership.

                              2) Vendor lists are forthcoming - They are looking pretty sweet! And as you can see from the earlier post, your 2008 membership is still good through Transworld.

                              3) Leonard is happy to let us make his magazine available to our membership. This will be different from a regular subscription, let me explain:

                              Anytime (after this Transworld) that Hauntworld or Haunted Attraction publish a magazine we will have that issue sent to our current membership. This will be in addition to any other subscriptions you may have individually with those magazines. So if you have a current subscription you would get TWO copies.

                              This actually works well with our focus on attractions, you could keep a copy for your personal collection and share the other with your crew!

                              Hope that explains it!

                              Ben Armstrong
                              NETHERWORLD HAUNTED HOUSE

