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Transworld St. Louis Seminars Revealed!!

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  • #16
    First off you are CLEARLY making a mountain out of a mole hill... this is a message board and if we talked by phone or in person you would understand my position. There is so many people talking, so many people saying things and you are trying to answer everyone.

    I am a VENDOR maybe Gore Galore doesn't think so but I'm a huge vendor. We have built over 100 haunted houses, we even built two haunted houses this past year, we make animations, and we have over 2000 customers for the magazine, and over 3000 for our haunt directory. I'd say yes we are a vendor...

    First before anything we owned a haunted house we built everything ourselves we bought nothing for no vendors... back in those days there was no such thing. We ran a haunted house for five years then went to the Transworld show before 99.9% of every current vendor selling things today. The only 'HAUNT" only vendor that is still in business today that was at the show back when we first displayed was Distortions, John Denely was a vendor back then, Leonard Pickel he didn't even get a booth until the year after we did.

    People like Gag, Morris, Cinema Secrets all those guys where around but HAUNT only vendors only Distortions and John Denley. Those are the only two I can remember being a vendor prior to us being a vendor. I know Elm Street was around back then but I'm not sure if they took booths at TW before we did or not but they where around before us that I do know.

    Back in those days there was NOT many vendors, you pretty much made things yourself. I was at the first ever haunt seminars ONE room about 50 people and one microphone. That is how long I've been around.

    I know I'm getting old... and I hate it! LOL

    Now bottom line is this... you can be vendor and a haunt owner, and we already know there are several people who are vendors and haunt owners. Many vendors became haunt owners like Creative Visions and Distortions only to later close those attractions and go back to only being a vendor.

    SO yes you can be a haunt owner and a vendor, or a vendor and a haunt owner... I know several vendors today who tell me they are going to open a haunted house. NO ONE IS SAYING that some vendor isn't smart enough or creative enough to open a haunt, however I know vendors who have and regretted it dearly. Its not easy, its very very very hard!

    Many haunt owners have become vendors because they have created products for their own haunt and then want to sell them and have been very successful...most recently Spookywoods.

    We were haunt owners and became vendors and so can anyone else.

    The point was and still is that haunted house vendors who do not own haunts should NOT be dictating what seminars haunts need or should do. YOU DO NOT OWN A HAUNT... you think you understand it and maybe you do to some degree but really you don't. NO ONE DOES until they do it... many people with get rich quick schemes have tried it only to lose tens of thousands of dollars. Its really no different than the food or bar business, you think its nothing but money until you do it and lose everything.

    My point is if you do NOT own a haunt then you should not be telling the haunt industry what we should or shouldn't do ... this goes TRIPLE for Tim Turner who does not own a haunt and in my opinion is a part time vendor who is really more of a retail vendor. Tim Turner should not be speaking for an assocaition of haunted house owners, if anything he should be asking them for their support, their idea's and trying whenever he can to learn from them so he can continue to make a living from their success.

    I think the bottom line is really simple... vendors do not exist without haunt owners, and haunt owners will continue to exist as they did before with or without vendors.

    If vendors do not make products haunt owners want, or can afford, or need you are done out of business, but the haunt will go on. Vendors shouldn't be trying to get in the middle of haunted house owners affairs, they should be trying to learn from them and understand what they want and need.

    It amazes me how much time Tim can spend on all this politics, you wonder if he took that same time visiting haunts, or talking to them about what they want or need he could be like many others much more successful selling to haunt owners.

    If your market is haunt owners you need to learn from them to keep you in business not the other way around. If your market is home haunters same thing you need to learn what they need and can afford to stay in business... no different than selling cars, or anything else.

    Larry Kirchner


    • #17
      Larry, I don't know why you are even giving anyone advice on anything. When people have to constantly reinforce the idea that Transworld's 14th National Haunt And Attraction Show in not the "Larry show" something is pretty screwed up. When the Haunted House Association has to openly proclaim that you are not their spokesperson, and that it is not the "Larry Association," something is horribly wrong. But when you yourself have to say it, which you have on several occasions, that is a complete disaster. Maybe you should clean the trash out of your own yard before you start throwing your garbage in the yards of others.

      And by the way, I saw your snarky little post where you called me a liar for revealing that you told me, over a year ago, that you were setting up HHA to screw over IAHA. So, since you've called me a liar, let me up the ante and reveal that in that same conversation, you told me that Ben Armstrong would be HHA's President. That hasn't been made public yet so there is no way I would know this unless yo told me. Again, that was over a year ago. So let's all wait and see if Ben becomes HHA President and then we all know who is lying.

      -Tim Turner
      Last edited by The Ghoulish Gallery; 01-01-2009, 01:16 AM.


      • #18

        Everyone is aware that you contribute a lot in the way of education or seminars. No one is taking that away from you, especially me, so stop getting your knickers in a twist.

        Similar to your experience, IAHA was approach by Jen and asked to make suggestions for seminars and even key note speakers. Like you, IAHA wanted to help in any way we could.

        While you have clearly done the lion's share of work in putting together this seminars series, to say IAHA had nothing to with seminars is a complete fabrication.

        It is true that you and I did not talk about the seminars but why should we...this is TRANSWORLD'S seminar series, not the Ben Armstong Show. IAHA was asked to submit their ideas directly to Transworld. We did. I'm guessing you were asked to do the same. I assume you did. If Larry made some contribution to this whole thing then that's news to me. Jen never even mentioned it. Not even once.

        As far as my comments about a collaborative effort go, what I wrote is the exact phrasing given to me by Jen just yesterday. This is how she told me she described the development of this year's seminar series in a recent interview with TAPS magazine. Obviously, Transworld wants to give credit where credit is due. Why do you have a such a problem with that if you are really not out to toot your own horn? Perhaps it's time to stop for a moment, take a deep breath, and ask yourself if you would have had the same negative, knee jerk reaction were you to have read Jen's collaboration comment in the TAPS magazine article yourself. Personally, I thought it was great that Jen was giving everyone involved credit for their efforts. Still, it is sad that you have interpreted my comments to have some type of motive other than exactly what was written. They do not. They were simply a repeat of what I had been told by Jen. And if anybody is whispering in your ear that my comments STILL must have an ulterior motive, please lean over and whisper back to them that I say they are full of bovine fecal matter

        Moving on....

        Your suggestion that IAHA wanted to take over the seminars is complete bull$hit. That allegation sounds like it came directly from the Larry Kirchner playbook. Again, like you, we suggested seminar speakers. I have no idea what you mean when you wrote that I went out and did more "behind the scenes" things getting speakers to call Transworld, etc. There was nothing "behind the scenes" about it. I simply called Jen, shared my ideas on possible speakers and if she liked it, I called up the potential speaker, asked them if they would be interested in doing a seminar for Transworld, and if they agreed, I immediately removed myself from the situation so that they and Transworld could negotiate the details. It was nothing more than that and I don't appreciate the insinuation that there was something cloak and dagger going on.

        As far as my editing the seminar info goes, yes I absolutely did that, not just with the Seminar list but also with the Sponsor list and the Advisory Board list. The reason I did this is because I feel it is important to recognize IAHA members for their positive contribution to this industry. That's nothing new, I've done the Isabella Awards for several years now. Obviously I'm fairly big on recognition. But how on earth you or anyone else can twist this into something that is, as you say "name flagging" is just an amazing leap in logic. And to then suggest that this was my way of saying "It is time to renew your membership again guys look at all we do," well I don't even know how to respond to that type of childishness. I guess I could just as easily say, "hey everyone, look at how HHA Interim Board members continue in their attempts to discredit IAHA as a means to build their own membership." The difference is that there is actually some truth to what I say.

        But what really blows me away about your post, Ben, is when you wrote:

        "Tim if anything I have said is wrong…correct me."

        Ben, if you didn't know if what you were about to post was even correct, you never should have posted it in a public forum. I'm always open to public discussion on a given issue, even heated debates, but please know your facts before you start making careless and unsubstantiated allegation about anyone in this industry.

        Tim Turner, IAHA Trade Show Liaison

        PS: My computer has a Trojan virus that I can't seem to remove. I'm taking it to get repaired in the AM. As a result, I won't be able to respond to any additional posts until probably Monday. So, if you don't see me respond, that's the reason. I'll catch up to any additional posts as soon as I get my computer back. Thanks.

        Come see Ghoulish Gallery, Inc. at Transworld's 14th Annual National Haunt and Attraction Show

        For more info, visit:


        • #19
          I cant agree more with Mr. Armstrong...When IAHA contacted me or I contacted them...I asked what benefit would I get just being an actor...and the overwhelming response was...NONE! They made it seem that if your an actor then who cares...If your not in the group to benefit IAHA then what does it matter...And dont get me wrong I understand if IAHA doesnt want actors...because they are actors but when Im on the phone and the person (name and title Withheld) says Tater...there is no benefit for you to join kinda makes me laugh that this group is getting the Rec. its getting. I mean heck if I payed the dues..I can get a fancy badge behind my name...instead all i get is

          Tater....and you know that works for me....

          P.S. I have nothing but respect for Ben Armstrong...if it was his show I would go...Everything I hear about him and his Haunt is positive. With that said Ive dealt with Tim Turner...but he doesn't seem that bad to me. Apparently he was posting this the same time I was. Tim, you seme like a good guy but posting IAHA members and whos not at the seminars was just BS....Would you do the same if it was HHA members?
          Last edited by Tater; 01-01-2009, 01:25 AM.
          Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole.


          • #20

            Let me remind you that you are NOT a haunt owner and YOU should NOT be someone who should be the spokeman for haunt owners and I can tell you in no uncertain terms... you have offended many.

            You are living breathing example why IAHA is all messed up. For the record Tim, it is my understanding that during an interview on RFR you said you quit IAHA because you didn't think it was any good but came back when they asked you to join their board. So tell us what changed from the year you quit to this past year... how is it any better, what did they do different or better than the year you quit?

            Additionally Tim you have told me VERY recently that you think IAHA is lost, and you will again quit IAHA because you feel they don't do the things they should do and you have told me clear as day that you look forward to HHA and hope it can do what IAHA can not seem to do. How this appears to me is all of a sudden now that HHA is a reality you are taking eveything personal.

            WHY? You are not a haunt owner! Are you?

            Why are you even a board member for an association that claims to represent haunted house owners? Explain that! What do you know about running a haunted house, did you own or operate one last year?

            I would think someone who sells a product that no one really needs you'd be nicer to haunt owner, trying to get them to buy things from you not the other way around.

            NOW... ONTO THE SEMINARS.

            Let me set you straight about this once and for all... Transworlds seminars went straight down the tubes to the point they cancelled them because no one would buy a ticket. Transworld came TO ME AND ME ONLY to help them turn them around...NOT IAHA and not even Ben. I sat down with them several times and argued with them on how it should be done I was told several times what I suggested wouldn't work, blah, blah.

            I told them to reduce costs, put all the seminars in one room, and not have seminars compete with each other, and last but not least I told them to NOT focus on having speakers who BEG to be speakers but focus on people who actually know something. They told me I had great idea's but they didn't like the idea of all the seminars in one room, blah, blah.

            Then all of a sudden they decided to go with a propsoal for Cydney Neil...they flew her up there and she worked from there on all these seminar idea's. They called me and told me what she wanted to do and I told them it wouldn't work because it was to far over everyones heads and the topics where just way to far off what they needed to do to resurect the seminar series. For the record I think what Cydney wanted to do was great but when you are restarting these from the grave you needed to think simpler.

            They told me they are going with them... then all of a sudden I got a call like 3 days later from Gregg and he said nope we're not going with Cydney's seminars because it would cost to much and thought I was right a different approach was needed. This thing went back and forth back and forth for months.

            So then... they said LARRY and NO ONE ELSE can you come up with the seminar series and the plan and yes they wanted to do my plan which included all the seminars in one room, and the round tables I had proposed and everything.

            So I said to them... Ben Armstrong should help and I approached him to help me and he agreed. We came up with the whole program and I was told by TW it was the most successful money making seminar series they have ever had.

            The second year they came back to me again and asked me to do it once again... I went to Ben and he said he really didn't want to do it again. But I kept asking and finally he agreed to come on board again. Again it was simply myself and Ben.

            Fast forwarding to this year, Transworld asked Ben if he woud do it and I helped him instead of the other way around. Ben came up with the concept for this years seminars, he came up with the whole idea of using speakers from haunts on the rise, blah, blah. He showed me what he had I put my two cents in and I changed some things and suggested a few other speakers, and I talked to Jen many times about the seminars, because she wanted to know how to get in touch with certain speakers.

            Bottom line is Ben did most of the work and I helped him. The two years before I was the lead on it with Ben although Ben still did most of the work I might add. But you Tim... I've NEVER HEARD YOUR NAME EVER!

            You are not involved, IAHA was NEVER involved, and at no time did anyone from Transworld ever direct me to talk to you, or Ben to talk to you, or for that matter IAHA.

            I have NO clue what you are talking about... so I would go along with Ben in basically calling you a liar and or letting you know that you just don't know the facts as usual!

            Lastly, as for the new association THERE IS ONLY ONE PERSON that keeps posting over and over again calling it 'Larry's Association' and that would be you sir. Its your way of trying what others tried with the Tradeshow saying 'Larry's Show'. Its your way of trying to say to people... if you don't trust Larry don't join.

            So with that being said let me fill you in sir...

            1) HHA is NOT the Larry Association. My involvement was no different than getting this HAUNT ONLY SHOW going, which I've had more to do with than you or IAHA times 5000 years. The show is started, its rolling and no longer do you see anyone saying the 'Larry Show'.

            HHA will not be weighed down by bylaws that keep the association from doing for the industry what needs to be done, things IAHA has failed on EVERY level to deliver and they had a 10 year head start. Again why you would care since you do NOT own a haunt is beside me.

            However IT IS NOT THE LARRY ASSOCIATION as you keep posting, its the Haunted House Industry association... there is a board now, there will be bylaws, there will be an agenda, there will be goals and through solid leadership of HAUNT OWNERS we will work HARD to make this industry better than ever.

            The common thing you hear about IAHA is 'it doesn't do anything for my business'. As far as I'm concerned the great thing about IAHA is a model of how to make HHA successful where IAHA failed. IAHA failed because its not directed strickly by haunt owners, rather we have people like you as the sole spokesman. Where is the President, where is another haunt owner who's a board member speaking up on its behalf. We don't see that do we just YOU a guy who isn't really even a vendor.

            I will say one last time for the record... as far as I'm concerned good luck to whatever IAHA does in the future and if they survive another 20 years good for them. I just DO NOT WANT IAHA speaking for HAUNT OWNERS especially in time of crisis, or to the national media. Haunt owners should and will speak for their industry through HHA.

            I'm working on the HHA website all weekend. Hopefully by the middle of next week it will be updated. HHA will have much to do over the next 3 months and in the end this association will attempt to accomplish much.

            If you think all of your posts and all of your attacks will somehow derail what is going on it won't... you are just personally making your company look bad and turning people off to IAHA.

            HHA will start national public relations, national heath care programs, and many other things including as you mentioned TAP magazine.

            Speaking of TAP (Tourist Parks and Attractions) if IAHA is so professional then why is HHA now heading up the TAP magazine section in their magazine? We have even been approached by Haunted Attraction Magazine and we'll hopefully work with HAM and Leonard, and Hauntcon on top of MHC, Transworld and eventually HHA will contact IAAPA amoung other associations.

            We will establish a PROFESSIONAL working relationship with IAAPA, TAP Magazine, and any of the other haunt industry magazines or related association that want a professional relationship. HHA will work to establish itself as the go to group with the national media with the sole purpose to promote our industry.

            Eventually Tim, through the success of HHA ALL VENDORS including yourself will benefit from our agendas because when haunts make more money vendors make more money.

            This is what its all about... lets keep haunts on the rise, lets keep haunts going forward, learning, expanding, and finding new customers, and from there it all rolls down hill into vendors pockets, our ablity to make this full time jobs and support our familes.

            Its really about nothing more Tim. So why don't you offer your support and join HHA today! As a vendor you will gain some very valuable promotion for your business!

            Larry Kirchner


            • #21

              Yall know I like a heated debate as much as the next one. But I think before I patted myself on the back 5 million times I would make sure its not going to bite me in the ass. Its very clear that Ben has played a big part in this and from what I can read Tim and Larry has too. Again this is how I am taking it. But I only see one saying me and only me, I, I, I, it just turns people off trust me. Like Larry says Tim has offended many. Larry that same thing can go for you with all the Bragg, Bragg, Bragg stuff. Again nothing personal but the bragging stuff comes off sickening. Thats like when a group comes up with a cure to a disease and one person yells I did it with no help from anyone. AGAIN ITS A GROUP EFFORT!!!!!! People that bragg all the time are usually found out to be just that braggers. This is just as I see it and the others thats talking but want post here LOL. Again Tim call Larry, Larry stop bragging and Ben all I can say is Good Luck your gonna need it with all this going on. If anyone can get this straight it's Ben I am sure. Shane and its Tim Larry says I have offended many too welcome to the club Shane this time.


              • #22
                I think you should let the people involved work through it instead of everyone adding their own opinions further clouding the situation. When you do things you can tell people you've done them, its not bragging. Larry has done alot more regarding the topics in this thread than you have, so theres not much you can say to contradict since you played no real part in any of it, right? When you do things and make things happen, you've earned the right to brag if you so choose to...



                • #23
                  Hey Tim.

                  I stand by what I wrote.

                  This year I was the paid seminar coordinator, as I was the last two years before along with Larry. In those two years Larry was the prime mover and I did most of the ground work and organization… Now THAT was Collaboration. I was HIRED by Transworld to do this. Of COURSE I took suggestions from many sources (Primarily Transworld and Larry) but it was my JOB, to make the call and present a list to Transworld. At every step I coordinated with Jen. Is it patting myself on the back to tell you my actual JOB DESCRIPTION? This is FACT, if you want to KNOW ASK HER.

                  There is NO Gray area.

                  Once again I state -

                  1) I don't care about credit - THE ONLY reason we are reading about this here was the way you presented the information - It was very MISLEADING. Have you heard me talking about it the last two years? NOPE.

                  2) Did IAHA want to do the seminars? YES. You see I can speak for myself. You cannot speak for IAHA, it is a many headed Hydra. Talk to your President. You are INCCORECT again. It is FACT.

                  3) WHAT DO YOU EVEN KNOW ABOUT IAHA?
                  You stated on RFR you were a one year member and quit - Until the board came back and appointed you to the board to be a Tradeshow lead.

                  I have been a dues paying member for 10 years - I was on the board twice. I am very aware of its real successes and failures; I have a LOT invested in that organization as do many. I know it WELL. But I will admit I have NO IDEA what the heck current leadership is doing - That is a big problem.

                  The time has come for a Haunt Owner group - The writing is on the wall.

                  I think over time this will help focus and strengthen IAHA. I want IAHA to live and find a real focus - I see HHA, HHVA and IAHA basically covering ALL facets of the Haunt industry well, and working TOGETHER.

                  You are fighting a fight for a thing you know almost nothing about, with MISLEADING or INCORRECT information in a battle ground were you have NO stake.

                  Let Haunt owners do what they will, it is none of your concern. I was asked to be in HHVA but I declined. I am not a vendor. YOU ARE.
                  Go get into vendor politics, there is a lot to do there I am sure.

                  I do not intend to get personal with you Tim, but I have to set the record straight.

                  I am not the guy that talks about fecal matter and undergarments, and I do not plan to go there. You have really suprised me I must admit.

                  If you have ANY doubts go directly to Jen and discover the FACTS.


                  Ben Armstrong


                  • #24

                    No bragging... NOT ONE TIME IN THE PAST THREE YEARS have you seen me mention ONE FREAKIN TIME that I was doing these seminars. NOT ONE TIME... I was working for Transworld, and realy doing it on behalf of the industry. We needed someone who actually is in the trenches who knows the industry rather than Dennis Gorg, or others who are not in the industry.

                    Over the past three years sine Ben and myself have been doing the semainrs for Transworld they have increased the revenue, the attendance, and most important the feedback from the people who buy the tickets. The latter is the only thing that matters...if the people who go to the seminars feel the speakers are qualified, have topics that help their business they will buy another ticket the next year. True or false.

                    Prior years it was a popularity contest with all sorts of horrible speakers, on topics that made no sense to anyone. SEE ANOTHER POINT WHY you need an organization like HHA so haunters can speak for themselves create education for our industry...Transworld doesn't know our industry, neither did Dennis Gorg and certaintly TIM TURNER doesn't understand our industry either.

                    My only point to outline how all this came down the pike is because Tim Turner is sitting here taking all this credit for all this stuff when he has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT...

                    So Shane sorry for the 'I' or whatever... what else do you want me to say how it happened. It happened just as I described. Tim Turner claimed the whole thing happened one way whe it didn't. I've never ever heard his name mentioned in the whole three years I've been involved.

                    I'm not doing this for credit, I'm doing it for the same reason I told TW... HAUNT OWNERS NEED TO CREATE THESE SEMINARS not a Dennis Gorg and again certainly not a Tim Turner.

                    I can only tell you Shane how everything happened... to summerize

                    Transworld seminar series failed and they stopped doing.

                    The following year they wanted to re-start them so I was contacted by TW and I pitched them my ideas on it just like IAHA did, just like other people did, just like several people did.

                    They wanted to go with my concept but instead hired Cydney. Then they decided against that and came back to me to help them, and I brought Ben on board to help me.

                    That year and the following year they hired myself and Ben to produce these seminars. This year they only hired Ben to work on the seminars and Ben had myself help them as did TW.

                    This is just how it all happened...its not bragging because I don't care who gets credit. I only care about haunted house owners learning something so as an industry we can grow. I personally got tired of all that silly speakers, silly topics that did NOTHING to educatate our industry.

                    You can't lose these golden opportunities and it was high time they where created by people who are actually owners!

                    Same reason why HHA needs to be started...

                    Hopefully down the road maybe HHA will be hired by TW to do the seminars... I'm fine with and will help them whenever I can!

                    Larry Kirchner


                    • #25

                      Ok fair enough. Thanks for the responce. Shane


                      • #26
                        advisory council for tw

                        Hopefully TW will utilize the advisory council the have put in place and listen to the counsensus of the group and take the pressure off you Larry.

                        TW seems open to ideas, and yet at the same time not focused on anything for very long. Too easily swayed and not grounded enough to realize what they should really do.

                        TW needs to use the advisory council. period.
                        Brett Molitor (aka ~ JamBam) Member of HAA

                        Haunted Hotel-13th Floor (est by Huntington Jaycees in 1968 8) )
                        Longest running Haunted House in the WORLD!!

                        Hysterium Haunted Asylum (old Haunted Cave), Fort Wayne Indiana

                        Hysterium Escapes - 4 rooms with 3 themes









                        • #27

                          My goal was never to head all this stuff up, my original goal with the seminars going back three years was to take advantage of our time together and get some good seminars on the table so haunters can learn and grow.

                          Haunted house OWNERS know the industry, and those haunt owners should be coming up with the topics and seeking out those of us who we feel has something to teach us. With education its very important to get it right.

                          I have always felt and will continue to feel that if we can educate our industry we will all do better!!!! Education is KEY!

                          I'm glad we have someone like Ben in charge!

                          Thanks Ben!!!

                          Larry Kirchner


                          • #28
                            My Nickels Worth

                            I just wrote what I believed was a well thought out post on this topic, and for some reason, when I hit submit reply, I was asked to log in again, and poof, my post was gone! Bummer, and a bigger bummer that it probably has something to do with my lack of Mac knowledge on why it happened.

                            So, I'll try to put it in a nutshell.

                            This whole situation reminds me of something a friend told me, who heard it from someone else (I don't remember who the ultimate credit goes to), "stop telling me how cool you are, and just be cool"

                            I think both associations should stop worrying about what the other is doing, and just do what they think is best. In the end, the dust will settle, things will be clear, and hopefully both associations will be judged by what they have done for the industry. Not by what some want to claim they are doing, or have done.

                            Not to add fuel to this fire, I do want to point out 2 things.

                            First, when Tim posted the seminar schedule, I took a quick glance, and noticed that many of the presenters names were those that are either board members of the HHA, or affiliated with America Haunts. So even though the IAHA, or a representative of the IAHA posted it, it only took me a minute to see who likely put the seminars together, so I did find it strange that someone representing the IAHA would post it, especially here.

                            Second, I don't know Ben that well (have communicated via email a couple times), but what I do know, is that through my years of reading these boards, he has always posted well thought out and unbiased posts. I've never seen him get mad or out of sorts like in this thread. But even good communicators who are able to maintain composure will finally reach a point of "enough is enough". So because of his past track record, which I believe speaks volumes, I'm inclined to believe what he says.

                            I also don't know Tim all that well (have met and shared a dinner with mutual friends once) Tim seemed like a fun and decent guy. But even the best of us, when our backs are against the wall will come out swinging. Tim obviously feels strongly about what he believes in, however, the name calling and bringing out of information from conversations with people in confidence, is probably not the best way to get your message out.

                            My point being, and going back to what I said at the beginning of this post, is you don't need to argue it out in front of everyone. We all see what's going on, and are capable of forming our own opinions, regardless of what we are being told, or sold.

                            The HHA seems poised for growth, and the IAHA seems to have it's back against the wall a bit, if both associations stop worrying about the other, and just do what they think is best, in the end it'll all work itself out. Maybe we'll end up with some sort of "2 party" system, which who knows, maybe will be a good thing, it's worked elsewhere, kind of

                            Or maybe I'm wrong, and should resist the urge to put in my nickels worth, after all, everyone loves a good drama, heck I've been tuning in.

                            Chris Stafford
                            1331 Entertainment Group
                            Denver Haunted Houses - The Asylum & 13th Floor Haunted House
                            13th Floor Haunted House - San Antonio, Texas
                            13th Floor Haunted House - Phoenix, Arizona


                            • #29
                              I have been biting my tongue on this subject for many weeks but, as is usually the case, I find it necessary to throw in my two cents.

                              I find it absolutely hilarious that so many people are working so hard and passionately to make money for a third-party, non-haunt company, namely Transworld Exhibits. LOL I must congratulate them on their ability to get the masses so worked up that they are working for free to promote their product. So hard that they are willing to argue over who is working harder. Amazing...

                              It was not that long ago that some were saying that these shows were not even needed. In the age of the Internet and catalogs on DVD, why do we even need to go to trade shows?

                              It was not that long ago that some were arguing that even the seminar series were not needed because you could get all of the information you needed and questions answered right here on the forums.

                              It was not that long ago that people took the position that the social events were not important to a trade show. People should be more focused on buying and selling.

                              It is fun to watch positions change...

                              In the mean time, MHC will continue to do what it thinks is best for MHC. What is best for MHC you ask? It is simply putting together a show that people want to come to and enjoy themselves. As long as we make our customers happy, and more of them come each year, then we know we are accomplishing our goals. A simple formula really.
                              Last edited by Barry; 01-02-2009, 07:36 AM.


                              • #30

                                So very well said!

