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Frustrated with the dirty play

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  • Frustrated with the dirty play

    From looking at our numbers so far I don't believe it has hurt us too much but then again we will never know for sure but we have a neighbor Haunt that is continually playing dirty. Telling others that we are a half rate haunt that entertains noone. They even hopped onto our listing at Haunted Houses online and have planted mulitple bad comments about us. I know it is them and not a customer because of what was said. In one instance they outright lied saying we had nothing but jr high and high school kids just saying boo. Many of our actors are established proffesionals.

    Honestly the talking about us around town doesn't bother me too much because we have word of mouth on our side. It's the messing with our online listings that I don't like. I look at those listings as a way to get others that live outside of the immediate area to come.

    How do those of you that have had to deal with this handle it?

  • #2
    I'm no lawyer but I think you may have grounds for a lawsuit. If you can prove it's them, and that it cost you income, then you may have a case. I forget what it's actually called, but I know I've threatened it before concerning other events. I'm guessing you wouldn't want to waste the money hiring a could always just scare them by claiming you'll call your lawyer if they don't stop. Not sure if that would stop them though.

    Or, maybe call their bluff. Perhaps you could invite them to join in a "scare-off", get the media to cover it. Play it up as some fun local competition, invite the media to tour both haunts for free, and have them choose the scariest haunt in town. Unless you lose, that alone will help your marketing, as well as prove their comments wrong.

    Audio Guru
    Lighting Designer


    • #3
      Originally posted by robos99 View Post
      I'm no lawyer but I think you may have grounds for a lawsuit. If you can prove it's them, and that it cost you income, then you may have a case. I forget what it's actually called...
      Words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another would be classified as "slander". Words of the same fashion in printed form is called "libel".


      • #4
        Thanks Smiley....I always get those two mixed up.

        Audio Guru
        Lighting Designer

