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Based on an argument going on.. How many here are christians?

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  • #61
    I'm druish!
    Louis Brown
    Owner, operator, and dish washer
    DarkWood Manor


    • #62
      I'm an ordained minister (for real)...


      • #63
        I am a Christian

        you better belive i am christian and am proud of it although i do not shove it down peoples throats i am a beliver and live my life for Christ every day. I am not over come by evil but i over come evil with good and live my life helping others when i can and leading by example ... Michael


        • #64
          I couldn't be further from Christianity

          Blessed be!!
          LoT 27


          • #65
            ROMAN CATHOLIC and Proud

            " Domino Nabisco my father plays dominoes better than your father does, OOREEE-OOO"
            Listen to them, Children of the night. Oh what music they make.


            • #66
              HEY JC didn't know you were online


              • #67
                If any of this sounds nasty, please know that this is not my intent, I seek to be explanatory, not incendiary.

                I am not a Christian....some have said I am actively anti-Christian...and that has some truth to it. I am no fan of any of the permutations of the Cult of the One God and lament the damage that it has done to the world.

                I try to have respect, to not be incensed--and I usually succeed. It is not hard to have a live and let live attitude. The One God himself was welcomed among the gods people worshipped until it was understood that worship of Him included denying the gods that had been followed since the dawn of civilization--if not the dawn of Man.

                So accepting the existence of another god and system of worship is not a problem.

                What IS a problem is when you insist that the ideas you follow and the tenets of the god you worship apply to me...

                The statement I made about Christ dying for all mans sins is not intended to offend anyone. The point is, the Bible tells us that Christ died for even those that don't choose him. That is ultimate love. Would you die for someone that hated you? I don't know if I could do that. If Christ only died for those that believe in Him then that would be conditional love.
                Every pre-Christian faith I've read up on omits this whole 'Christ-died-for-our-sins' thing. Probably because they're 'pre-Christian'. So, for those people, and those faiths, Christ didn't die for their sins.

                But they understood the concept.

                Sacrifice, particularly human sacrifice, was, and is, a well known concept. And it was often used to expiate some wrong against the gods or to send someone to intercede with the gods on behalf of those doing the sacrificing.

                And the benefit went to the whole community--even those who were skeptical.

                Sound familiar?

                But Christianity altered the last bit. You only get one benefit(salvation), and you only get it if you deny the gods you've been worshipping for millenia in favor of the god Christ was sent to appease.

                At the time Christianity was forming the practice was going away. The idea that one could take responsiblity for the wrongdoings of another was falling out of favor--a more personal view of responsibility was forming. So 'scapegoat' sacrifice was waning.

                But, at one time, it was rampant. Prometheus is a good example of a similar situation--he gave Man the secret of making and using fire--and in return is bound and tortured forever. Prometheus takes the wrath of the gods for us, just as Christ took the wrath of the Father.

                Where Christians offend is when they insist that their beliefs supercede those of others. They may not be trying to be rude, they may actually want to save our immortal souls. They just want us to listen to their 'good news'.

                But they do not like the reverse. They do not like it when I ask if they will allow me to tell them MY 'good news'. And they behave as if persecuted when I point out that I already KNOW their good news, that I am inundated with it every day--because THEIR faith sucessfully destroyed nearly every trace of all the others.

                And I do not hide or feel shame for that fact--that we, today, who try to know the old gods are working with scraps.

                Nor do I expect concession--we lost. To the victor go the spoils.

                All I ask is that you understand. When you insist that YOUR god died for MY sins, you are making an adversarial statement. In the eyes of my gods, 'sin' is extremely hard to commit, I am, in their eyes, 'sinless'. In fact, the only 'sin' I can easily commit is the one that your faith is predicated on--that I reject them.

                So please, I give you your God, His Son, and the salvation He promises, please allow me my gods, and all that they are.


                • #68
                  I understand your point about the Gods we were worshiping for milenia, but did you ever hear of those Gods performing miracles in front of hundreds or more? Or raising from the dead? Healing the sick and giving site to the blind? No, you don't. Jesus came when it was deemed the right time in the world's history, it was the dawn of a more modern, progressive world, and start of a global community that has contunied to evolve on to this day.
                  Also you say religion or monotheism has done damage to the world, and to an extent that's true but look at the good it has done, it far outweighs that of the bad. As humans we will never be perfect and evil is almost as omnipresent as good but without religion and without the higher power and moral standards most of us try to live by the world would be in chaos.
                  We try to avoid doing evil because we know we will be punished, and we know its wrong and that fundamental belief alone is grounded in religion. Sadly, humans will always pervert things and corrupt good intentions, but we know we have it to answer for later and more often with most people they refrain from doing evil day to day.

                  I respect that you have your beliefs. I have known quite a few people who believed as you did but when (God forbid) disaster strikes, or sickness takes hold and in times of deepening dispair, quite often the Pagan Gods of the past or others deities are the ones forsaken for the same One God you profess not to have known prior.



                  • #69

                    Amen Brother!

                    Jack what flavor of nut are you? Shane and its no thanks I am allergic to nuts they make me sick! Shane this time.


                    • #70

                      A few things...

                      I'm not online 24/7... my computer is. It never shuts off, the internet window never closes and I leave logged on the whole time. So even though it may look like I'm here ALL THE TIME, I'm not. I'm at our building Monday-Friday, right at 8am. I normally don't get home until 9pm. I'll occasionaly check from my phone, but don't post anything until I'm home. It's really hard to "type" from a phone! Hahaaha..

                      As for the religion... your exactly the type of person/people I'm talking about. What you believe is yours to believe, I have mine. So stop trying to push what you think on to me. This is how my ENTIRE family operates and will continue.

                      Also, for the last time... there was a million dollars involved. This was to start TWO companies and a haunt; one being a food/catering company which took up most of the money. Our building, used to be an old distillery and then was remodeled two years ago into it's current state. It's probably the best building for a haunt. 50K sq. ft. of open warehouse space, parking, and right downtown next to the arena and convention centers. So, until you show up at our door to check it out, you really can't say anything about it. I've never been to Graystone Manor, plan to someday, so I can't comment on your location or the haunt itself.

                      The props, Shane, I've seen pics of your place and you've got the same stuff that Halloween Express sells. The only "retail" based props we have is a few foam halves from Morbid Industries. So unless your "retail" store sells Unit70 animated werewolves... then I don't see a point to your comment?

                      I always laugh when people call me "that 21 year old haunter"... it funny! Just cause I'm not 50 doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing. We've faced all the typicals... electricians, fire marshalls, building inspectors, zoning, realitors, shitty vendors... etc. etc. Nothing yet has haulted us or put me into a fit because it's all NOTHING I've never faced before. Also, I never got my birthday card from you Shane! I'm now 22!

                      You also have my phone number, wanna talk... just call!

                      -Tyler, and it's scientific christian, first year PRO haunter with SEVERAL (10) years of haunting Tyler this time!
                      Last edited by Nightgore; 07-11-2009, 09:14 AM.
                      Chris Riehl


                      • #71
                        Jack your post was excellent. I believe we all practice in our own way, but to many people that get lost in their religion don't practice what they preach. The most common mistake is they don't adhere to the Bible, " Christ hated the self righteous man."

                        Stay clear of religous factions that have water slides as a perk...,

                        If more organized beliefs could follow the message of Mother Teresa, born into poverty, worked for years in poverty herself to feed the poor, and died in poverty. She lived it, and believed it, but this is a message for everyone to follow, not just a Slavic Nun.

                        My nuns name was "Sister Mary Beat you up", but I still liked her...,

                        Now were is the gallon of Kip's fake blood, hmmmmm.,

                        Listen to them, Children of the night. Oh what music they make.


                        • #72
                          Hauntworld read i cant hold back anymore!

                          Originally posted by Nightgore View Post
                          I'm a Christian, but fuck I'm not religious! Actually, I HATE religious people... I HATE those outspoken, loud, over-sensitive biggited FUCKS that try to push their religion onto other people!

                          I believe that many religions/gods are just different stories or beliefs of the same god. I also believe that sin is extremely hard to commit and not as "easy" as ALOT of religious here in the U.S. might have you believe.

                          Shit, look at Moses... how many people did he murder by using the "power of god"? $20 says he's not in hell!

                          You know what else I hate, people who pick and choose what to follow and believe in the Bible. Either live by and follow the whole damn thing, or none of it. For instance, the Bible says to 'not mix the races'... meaning black and white people should not marry... and that little quote about gay marriage that Christian folk like to grasp too to argue god's rule against it.

                          Well, if that's the case then I should be able to beat my wife and sell my daughters into slavery right? I mean, that's what the bible says! So who am I to choose what I follow and what I ignore? Also, I do believe that the Bible is a giant fictional book... it's really just a set of stories to help the reader keep faith and believe in the word of god. I honestly don't believe much of the stories in the bible, I mean... science has alrea.... nevermind, not going there.

                          But I will say that I am a.... Scientific Christian!

                          Also, I hate CHURCH!!! NOWHERE in the bible does it say that on Sundays and every other Wednesday do I need to go to a large building with people I don't like or don't know, pray, and give money because God is broke! ... NOWHERE!

                          So, I worship and pray at home with family. On our own time and in our own way, I think that's what the bible meant by this!

                          I do believe that if Jesus was to come back, he would laugh in shock over the way religion has played out since he's been gone and then would destroy us all because, after all, according to the bible... it's so damn hard for ANYONE to get into heaven these days!

                          -Tyler... Scientific Christian!
                          Tyler you say your a "Christian" but the first word out of your mouth is "fuck" then you say you "hate" Christians. You say sin is hard to commit dude you either know its right or wrong. Is it hard for a person to rob a bank, kill someone, rape them, molest them? Yeah its damn hard when the other person is fighting back!

                          Now you hate church or as some call it the house of God. You say your a Scientific Christian. Actually what your saying is your to damn lazy to get your fat, lazy know it all ass up off the computer and out of the house and in the church building better known as the house of God.

                          I see where your going with your comments and from here own out I have lost all respect for you. Your comments were distasteful and not welcome here this was a thread about whos christians something that you are surely not! Actually I am gonna say what many here have talked about.

                          Now that you have insulted Christ I shall give you a few. I have never known or met a 21 year old person that knows as much as you think you know. You tell the the most seasoned haunters here how and why they should do something. I have just recently noticed you have moved into a location that looks like the front of an old auto parts store. You posted pictures of props that I sell in my stores to my retail customers, yet this is a million dollar haunt? I have never came on line and you not be here. I am sure your partner would welcome you to get up off your know it all ass and stop acting like you invented the wheel and offer your back ,hands and sweat in helping build what you call "Kentucky's Largest Haunt".

                          How can you worship with your family? your here 24/7 you cant even help your partner in your haunt much less worship at home BECAUSE YOUR ALWAYS HERE!! If your were as smart as you think you are you would pick up that Bible and pray to God that he gives your business partner and yourself good weather, lots of people, and a safe enviorment to help make your event successful.

                          TRUST ME TYLER YOUR EVENT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL NOT BECAUSE OF YOU ! IT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE OF AND THROUGH THE GOOD GRACES OF OUR ALMIGHTY GOD! Let me add something the Bible was wrote without your input! Tyler sounds like yo me you need to take off that big orange shirt and show us all your hairy back then we can call you the stupid ape that you are! Guys I am sorry but hes insulted me, hes insulted the Bible and hes insulted the person who has made me what I am today and thats God! I am what I am because of him. Yes this post is full of insult, foul mouth, and haterd from me something I am sure God is not proud of me for. I will talk to him about that. But when I love someone as I do God I get offensive! He has basically said the Bible is a lie and just a well written book, hes even made mention that a few so called scientist have proven there is no God! Actually thats never been proven. Tyler when your building is hit by a natural disaster, flood, tornado, hurricane ect then I am sure your insurance person will tell you it was an act of God! Then you might want to say to him I am sorry for my anti beliefs! Our American currency does not say 'In God's We Trust'' it says '' In God We Trust! Tyler do you know the difference in the Old and New Testament? From your post I have to say that the "Know it all Tyler" does not know near as much as he thinks he does!!!

                          Tyler I hope your partner and crew do not feel as you do. If they are smart they will stay away from you because God will surly strike you dead soon! Tyler the good thing about God as you can talk to him and ask for forgiveness! I might add I said God not ' Gods" I can go on but you got my point! Shane and its I am just discusted at this so called KNOW IT ALL! Shane this time!

                          P.S. Graystone is not Alabama Largets anything other than the fact that its owner has the Largest heart when it comes to God!
                          Last edited by graystone; 07-11-2009, 09:17 AM.


                          • #73
                            Amen Brother!

                            Jack what flavor of nut are you? Shane and its no thanks I am allergic to nuts they make me sick! Shane this time.

                            Thanks Shane!



                            • #74

                              Tyler show me one picture of my place and show me 1 piece that came from Halloween express, Spencers, Wal-mart or whatever on a retail line and I will pay for your million dollar Haunt! Better yet ask Ben Armstrong, Paul Johnson, Greg & Christina Allen of Fearfest who was just here last night and they all will assure you your information is like it always is passed on by someone else.

                              Better yet big boy put your money where your mouth is. I will pay to have you and your crew down to my haunt and let you go through it. If you can find any of what you have mentioned you have a free trip! If you don't you must pay for my crews trip to TransWorld this coming 2010 season. Oh yes please come unannounced as I would not want to be accused of hiding something from you. Is it a deal? can you prove what you are saying? I am game!

                              Your shot to discredit my haunt has fallen short! Shane and its Game on young man! Shane this time!
                              Last edited by graystone; 07-12-2009, 11:57 AM.


                              • #75

                                I don't have to ask anybody... I know. I'm going to be the adult here and not stoop to your games and generalized bullshit. You know your more than welcome to come up to KY and see the haunt and as I've said, you have my number, call me if you want to talk. PM me if you don't have it!

                                Chris Riehl

