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Will You Support Frank?

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  • #46
    According to life insurance actuary information McCain only has a 1 in 3 chance of living 8 more years with his health record and his age.
    So there's a two in three chance you will be seeing Sara Palin as president. Do you feel comfortable with that?
    Listen closely to her interveiw for 15 or 20 minutes, she says nothing of substance, fills the air with platitudes and trite sayings we have all heard since we were in diapers. McCain does mostly the same thing, ducking any real response to almost every question.
    Their form of politician is definately old school, say everything, accomplish nothing except keeping yourself in office. We need so much more than that now.
    Obama is definately new school, cutting himself free of the influence of the old smoke filled room by amassing his money one dollar at a time using the inter net so skillfully. He has the smarts and the freedom to succeed beyond those limited in the past and we all need his success because it will also be our success out of the excess of some of the greediest people in the world.
    Giving tax breaks to rich investors USED to work Larry, before they began putting all of their windfall money into China's economy.
    Things change, we have to realise this or end up on a slippery, smelly end of a short stick.
    It is a whole new "Ballgame"out there.


    • #47

      So... let me get this right. No matter how McCains voting record sucks, no matter how much he's controlled by the bankers, No matter how much McCains hates our veterans, ... your voting McCain just because you "don't like" Obama?

      Ugh... and this is what's wrong with our country!

      First off, personal beliefs should NEVER come into play when it comes to voting. If you are against or for gay marriage, who cares... if your for or against abbortion... who cares. The constitution doesn't allow the government to pass law over these issues. These things should be left up to the states and the people, leave the government OUT OF IT!

      So, if Obama... for instance, let's just say he really just HATES all gay people. That's his own belief, that shouldn't matter though in decision making because the constitution (which all presidents "swear" under) doesn't allow it!

      So, just vote for McCain... and which this country finaly fails... and ALL our civil liberties are gone; You'll say, "... Damn, should've voted third party"!


      Yeah, I'm a HARDCORE Ron Paul supporter... I can show you a video where he predicted EXACTLY what's happening in our economy/stock market back in like Feb. He even predicted the fall and bailout of Fannie/Freddie... he's a freaking genious and really does have all the answers. But don't worry, he's pushing a real revolution and it's going to happen. Remember, a Revolution only requires 10% of the population... not 50!

      Chris Riehl


      • #48
        If you're gonna bash McCain's voting record, then you should take a look into Obama's. Obama has a long record of voting "PRESENT" rather than taking a stand. When someone doesn't take a stand, it's usually because they're trying to play both sides of the fence. Well, I for one, am not gonna allow Barack Hussein Obama to play me, and I am appauled that America would allow someone as unpatriotic as Obama to get this close to the White House. I for one will vote for the better choice...a true hero, John McCain!

        Tyler: I hate this 2 party system just as much as the next guy (maybe more), but if you go to the polls and don't vote for either McCain or Obama, but instead vote for "third party", you might as well stay home. Didn't you learn anything from Ross Perot? Actually, if you don't vote for McCain, then you might as well be voting for Obama. This Obama guy has so much momentum behind him with his deep pocket campaign, that he actually could be our next president. It's scary to me.

        And, where is all his campaign money coming from?...Let me give you a hint...It's not coming from individual Americans striving for change. Watch the videos below to see how much money Obama received from this Chicago hospital. While his fellow IL senator was working for change in healthcare costs within hospitals, Senator Obama did nothing. Good financial move I suppose. Afterall, Michelle Obama got paid off for Barack's lack of change initiation with an increase in salary of $195,000 annually plus stock options (...huh?), and then later Obama got paid off in campaign contributions from the same hospital. Watch these videos, and please watch to the very end. Please get out and vote for McCain.

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        • #49
          I'm not voting for Obama... or McCain... and I think it's funny how you call him a "True Hero"... HAHA!! Maybe you can see how McCain DOES NOT support our troops or our veterans:

          Or do your own research, go to Project Vote Smart and check his record yourself! People are slowly "waking up" to what's really going on! But, if you vote for either Obama or McCain... I don't want to hear you complain at all when ALL our civil liberties are stripped from us and there won't be anything YOU can do about it! -Tyler

          PS: OH! Watch this video too, good FACTS here:

          Chris Riehl



          • #50

            Originally posted by Nightgore View Post
            I'm not voting for Obama... or McCain... and I think it's funny how you call him a "True Hero"... HAHA!! Maybe you can see how McCain DOES NOT support our troops or our veterans:


            Or do your own research, go to Project Vote Smart and check his record yourself! People are slowly "waking up" to what's really going on! But, if you vote for either Obama or McCain... I don't want to hear you complain at all when ALL our civil liberties are stripped from us and there won't be anything YOU can do about it! -Tyler

            PS: OH! Watch this video too, good FACTS here:
            Your quotes sound like they came right out of, even though you provided links.


            • #51

              This is the first time I've seen this site... lol... But yeah, I don't say ANYTHING unless I can back myself up with facts! I've also memorized the constitution and vote by it STRICTLY!! I've only seen/met a handfull of politicians that do the same! Sadly. -Tyler
              Chris Riehl


              • #52
                McCain destroyed Five planes during his combat missions, one more and he would have qualified as an "ACE", except for the fact they were all US planes that he was trying to fly.
                Let's see someone spin this one and he will be an Ace.........maybe a Joker?

