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Oh those nutty people from Transworld. Ya, its Vegas :(

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  • #31

    I don't know why you would take offense because I wasn't saying anything negative, but you do put a lot of weight into seminars, social activities. No one is saying you don't care about vendors, in fact I've heard the stories about you guys helping vendors load their equipment in, you keep your costs very reasonable and youv'e worked hard.

    All I'm saying is you have a lot of social activities and that does take away from the show flow, but on the flip side, your show is a better experience by a long shot than a Transworld.

    There is NO reason what so ever to compare the shows, they're two different animals. People who go to an MHC, or Hauntcon go and let their ties down, relax and have fun, at Transworld its about buying new product. At this point there is no show that compares in selling products. You take all the gatherings combined and they don't add up to the sales of a buyers seller show like Transworld.

    Do people say they like the Transworld show as much as way!

    Again they are different shows, different purpose, different time of year,so why debate this? MHC is going strong even with Transworld show going strong.

    The issue here isn't MHC, or any of these shows...the issue can we create a better buyer seller show, can we reduce costs, can we bring in more vendors from other industries for our buyers, and can we bring in more buyers from related industries to help the vendors and give them more bang for the buck.

    YES, YES and YES!

    That is the issue...MHC, Hauntcon and especially this new EHC which is sitting right in the middle of a zillion haunts and a zillion people will continue to do what they do ad do them well.

    We're only talkng about the industries buyers seller show.

    Larry Kirchner


    • #32

      I actually think you are vey correct. I just wouldn't go as far as to say go back to Chicago, I'd rather see a new city. But I do agree with you, your post is VERY correct!!! Larry
      Larry Kirchner


      • #33

        It is probably not your intention but your posts seems to come across to me as "MHC is a fun show with lots of social events and, oh yeah, there are some vendors there too". Almost making the show floor a side thought.

        As I said earlier, more vendors are attending MHC than any other show this year. The show floor is an integral part of the overall event. Do I agree that there is a better option to TW? Yes! Do I agree that adding another event without getting vendor support as well as looking at all of the other options available is the way to go? No!


        • #34

          I agree with you, It's if as someone is trying to define your show for you when you know what it's all about.

          Keep up the good work!


          • #35
            Yo Barry...

            Just so I'm I don't think that about your show, that is the problem with threads like these. I know you've doubled Hauntcon if not tripled it and next year you guys are going bigger, bigger, bigger.

            I get all of that. I have talked to people who do very well there. No one is taking shots trust me. All I'm saying is you guys do a lot of social activities that are CLEARLY fun for all who come. But your show invites anyone in the doors, and that is fine.

            I'm talking about a major buyer seller show, totally different.

            Also to answer your other questions, yes you're correct getting the vendors support is very important. That is something that is for the most part lined up.... that is where I think Hauntcon did it backwards. You 110% right you need vendor support and from there you go forward. But there is only so much support you can go after, until you have something concrete to sell them on, you have to get further along. That day is coming and soon.

            Personally I'm tired of hearing that guys like Monster Tronics and other vendors can't come to Transworld due to costs. But hey they're right the costs of TW are out of whack with this industry. Booths should come in around $1200.00 and the building should be a non-union hall or a union hall with a lot of flexibility. The show should draw in buyers from all over the World, several MAJOR industries need to be tapped, and the vendor pool should go WAY beyond what we've seen at all the shows.

            Getting hung up on halloween or haunt vendors along doesn't help the industry grow... I'm talking about a show that is MORE an amusement show anchored by haunt vendors, but you'll see a ton more amusement style vendors that cross over into our industry.

            Buyers need more options to grow their business, and the vendors need more buyers from un-tapped industries. This will cost at the very least $40,000.00 to promote this show, it will take direct mailing to over 30,000 people, to over 500 potential vendors.

            Its just a totally different show, a totally different animal.

            It will be better, bigger, and more productive than Transworld or IAAPA because it will be both of those rolled into one just focused on our industry not a zillion others, or retailers, balloon makers, wedding cake people, or whatever.

            Larry Kirchner


            • #36

              You say,
              It will be better, bigger, and more productive than Transworld or IAAPA because it will be both of those rolled into one just focused on our industry not a zillion others, or retailers, balloon makers, wedding cake people, or whatever.

              It sounds interesting, but bigger than IAAPA?


              • #37
                No not physically bigger no... but if you have ever been to IAAPA, the show is almost a million square feet. People try and RUN thru that show so fast you don't really have a chance to talk to people like you'd think.

                What I'm saying is Amusement Park industry now gets about 20 to 25% of their yearly revenue from the Halloween industry...we're going to bring them to us. In addition we need to get more of the amusement vendor that overlaps with our industry to the show as well. A show of about 300 to 500 booths can be walked several times in a day, that is why it will be better than som show that is a million square feet.

                Don't get me wrong IAAPA is awesome the biggest bad boy out there, but we can get those people to come to us in a more controlled environment.

                Larry Kirchner


                • #38
                  So I go away for 6 days and check out this debate going on. I have NEVER been to any other show other than Transworld. I always wanted to go to other shows, but have no time.


                  • #39

                    It sounds really cool, my take on this is that this show is going to replace transworld, and not displace, MHC Hauntcon, and others?


                    • #40
                      I love MHC, I think Barry does a great job of balancing the social functions, seminars, and vendors. I do double duty at MHC, I teach seminars and have a booth and I love that the costs are kept low and yet the speakers and vendors are definitely wel ltaken care of.

                      In regards to the fact that anyone can wander the vendor floor; I know that benefited us last year. Since we do custom artwork, we ended up booking gigs with some of the classic car enthusiasts and tourists that just happened to be in the area. They might not have been part of the haunt industry, but I did see many of them buying from venors.

                      I love Transworld, and I hate that is has done this move to Vegas and does not seem to be coming back. If another tradeshow is created, I hope it would have many of the same companies that are part of the Halloween section (Costuming, makeup, accessories, etc) and not just the companies from the haunt section. I think a show like that would be great, because it would be more focused and I really don't think most of us would miss the balloon vendors and bridal section.

                      Is anyone planning on attending the Early Show in Texas? Since it will be its first year, I'm a little weary but I am curious as to how it will go over.
                      Katie Lane
                      Raven's Wolf Art Productions (

                      Bansheette Morningstar (


                      • #41
                        We plan on attending the Texas show next year because we are also curious and its only a four hour drive. I'm really worried about a new haunt show trying to replace Transworld. I don't think anyone else will have the vendor numbers or advertising budget that is necessary to pull it off. You would have to be promising a whole lot to get companies like Unit 70 and scare factory to invest the money in going. We are retailers and buy from both the costume and haunt side and this new show would feature mostly haunt vendors which may not make it worth it for us to attend. Then again we may not be the focus group of this type of show.
               for the very best items on the net.


                        • #42
                          Note from SkullTroniX:
                          We've been pleased with the sales from Transworld. We sell out most of our inventory for the whole year there.

                          Being in LV allows us to drive and save a ton of $$$ on shipping. It is also a little more fun than Chicago in January.

                          I wish we had the ad dollars to go to MHC but by the time the show runs we've blown our wad and most of our inventory has already been sold. It makes even more geographical sense now to go to MHC since Transworld has gone west. But alas, that dollar shortage again. MHC also appeals to the home haunters and most of our sales are to home haunters.

                          Best to all

                          Jerry Jewell
                          916 600-2295


                          • #43
                            Bone Yard Effects had our best sales year at Transworld Vegas and will return there to exhibit next year. I did get the vendor packet in the mail and the booths have been raised to $1950 for a 10 x 10. Get out the vaseline.
                            Larry Bones - Bone Yard Effects


                            • #44
                              Funny - my TW packet says 1500/1700 (corner)



                              • #45
                                And just now after all this debate someone reads the fine print:"Transworld will be in Chicago on "Vegas" Street! A short deadend alley that is real hard to find, but send all your money!
                                (Insert evil laugh here~)
                                Think about it, stranger things have actually happened recently now haven't they?

