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This is HORRIBLE ... Time for a Change

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  • Mike Goff
    As promised, here is a link to the information about the US legally shipping arms to Mexico.

    It is now time for me to move on, and focus on more pleasant things in my life. I will leave the debate to others. In closing I will say that it is every Americans responsibility to be informed. It is frustrating when an uninformed dumbass can cancel out my very informed vote. Even when the election is fraudulent, it's still pisses me off.

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  • wickedfarmer
    Defiant streak

    Now that defiant streak would rear its head ONLY if the gov. actually did the unthinkable and overstepped its bounds on a large scale. I wonder if my great grand father many many generations before me knew that the Boston Massacre picture distributed amongst the colonies was a very gross and twisted depiction on British troops firng into civilian crowd; before he died in the American Revolution taking up arms against the British.

    Wicked Farmer

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  • wickedfarmer

    And when they actually act on taking in people under the new Natioanl Defense Authorization Act...and haul Mike away (A U.S. citizen) for a indeffinate amount of time and declare him not protected by Constitution and our other National documents without any reason need to be given....the s--- will really hit the fan. It is now official that the Fed has the power to do that. And what would cause something like this to be declared....a Federal registration of all guns .....turn to confiscation or similar as the baby steps keep coming. I'm the type who would say "bullshit" too loud after Mike is hauled away. But I am afraid there would be lots of brass involved.

    Wicked Farmer

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  • Mike Goff
    Originally posted by James Wilson View Post
    To a point, I disagree that this is a gun control issue. There should be some type of mechanism in place to provide a psychiatric evaluation for people purchasing firearms. In essence, this would be a crazy people owning guns issue. As a former soldier, and having grown up with firearms in the house, I was taught from a young age that guns are not something to trifle with. We were taught that to point a toy gun at someone was cause for discipline. In my military career, you were to always be conscious of people around you, and the direction your weapon's muzzle was pointed. It was worth at least one rank to knowingly point a weapon at someone, if not incarceration.

    If a person attempts to purchase ANY firearm, there should be a thorough background check and psychiatric evaluation. There should be an even more stringent check made on people attempting to purchase any type of military or assault rifle, or any pistol resembling law enforcement issue.
    I understand your point and to a certain degree I concur. The problem is, that I believe this can be abused, in fact it already has.
    When I returned from the Gulf War in 1992 I was in the prime of life. I weighed 185 lb. and had a 26 " waste. Nine months later I was flat on my back. I weighed 120 lb. had chronic pain, and was rapidly losing the use of my legs. I spent the next few years going to the VA hospital trying to find answers to why I was so sick. Once I woke up to the fact that the people at the VA were not my friends I sought treatment in the private sector. Long story short... the private doctors found all kinds of chemical and biological agents in my body. Once I recieved proper treatment, proper nutrition and the proper amount of time to recover, I eventually did. The VA would not even admit that it was possible for me to be exposed to these things, therefore they would not run the proper tests to see what was wrong. They said that it was in my head. They diagnosed me with PTSD. I am considered by my peers to be and expert in the field of firearms, tactics and the mental dynamics of armed confrontation. I assure you that I don't have PTSD. PTSD is a one size fits all diagnoses that the VA uses to limit the DOD liability of a soldiers health. It will more than likely be used someday to limit a veterans right to bear arms. The number of veterans that are being diagnosed with PTSD is staggering. Some are legit, some are not. If the Schumer ever hits the fan in the United States who would pose the biggest threat to the powers that be? I think that it would be veterans.

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  • Mike Goff
    How guns really make it to Mexico

    When someone who can legally purchase a gun does so for someone who cannot it is called a straw purchase. It doesn’t happen very often, but it does happen more than it should. In most cases it is a thug who convinces his girlfriend, wife, or “Ho” to do it. Most criminals aren’t that smart, the ones that are, usually choose politics over street crime. It doesn’t take long for them to get caught with the gun and they usually figure out where he got it and then both parties are prosecuted.
    The media would like us to believe that the cartels in Mexico are armed by straw purchases in the United States. It does happen but the percentage of guns that make their way into the wrong hands by this means is equivalent to spitting in the ocean. I don’t have the exact numbers right now, but I will get them and post them for all to be shocked.
    A huge portion of the guns come from Yemen. In the US a 2 tier (decent quality) semi-auto AK-47 will cost you between 500 and 800 bucks. In Yemen, a tier 1 (top of the line) AK-47 that is select fire (fully automatic) can be bought for under 50 bucks. Where do you think that they buy them, the US, or Yemen?
    The grenades, RPG’s, rocket launchers, missiles, mini-guns, and Browning 50 caliber machine guns that CNN loves to show pictures of, were not bought at a Bass Pro shop and then smuggled across the border. In order to get your hands on this kind of hardware you have to have ties to some serious players in organized crime, either in the private or public sector.
    Some of the more informed among us have probably heard of Fast and Furious. This was a BATF operation that allowed thousands of guns to be shipped into Mexico without any means of tracking. They were also bringing in Heroin and Cocaine back into the US on the return trip, more than likely to finance the operation.
    If it were not for a whistle blower, we would know nothing about it. I wonder how many operations have been conducted that we don’t know about.
    Now to the real problem, the US government ships tens of thousands of guns to Mexico every year. They ship them to the Mexican military and the Mexican police. Oddly many of these shipments come up missing. The Mexican government asks them for more guns and we ship them to them. Round and round we go. The US stopped releasing the number of guns that they shipped after 2010, but the numbers are available prior to this, and when I have time to look for them, I will post a link. We can only speculate as to the extent of the corruption. I am not saying that Obama did it. The truth is, he probably doesn’t even know about this stuff when it happens. He probably knows now and who knows if he cares? It might be some Mexican general who is getting rich off of these guns and the US government is too stupid to fix the problem. Maybe it’s bigger than that. I can only state the facts and provide the documentation to prove so.
    I don’t believe that the Obama administration or the Bush administration cares, because if it were up to me, we would control what goes across the border and we would stop sending guns to other countries.

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  • MarkSchaefer
    I highly doubt guns will be made completely illegal because of the 2nd amendment. However, over time the far left will be in pursuit of making it so difficult and expensive to own any it will be simply impossible for the average person. As Obama said about utility companies building new coal plants……..they can be built but they will go bankrupt doing so!

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  • James Wilson
    To a point, I disagree that this is a gun control issue. There should be some type of mechanism in place to provide a psychiatric evaluation for people purchasing firearms. In essence, this would be a crazy people owning guns issue. As a former soldier, and having grown up with firearms in the house, I was taught from a young age that guns are not something to trifle with. We were taught that to point a toy gun at someone was cause for discipline. In my military career, you were to always be conscious of people around you, and the direction your weapon's muzzle was pointed. It was worth at least one rank to knowingly point a weapon at someone, if not incarceration.

    If a person attempts to purchase ANY firearm, there should be a thorough background check and psychiatric evaluation. There should be an even more stringent check made on people attempting to purchase any type of military or assault rifle, or any pistol resembling law enforcement issue.

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  • austind
    How about Jim jones in gyana killing 200 + by poison. Hitler millions by gas chamber. the device is not the issue, the mentality is. Look at the worst serial killers and they mostly did not use guns. And 9/11 was one of the top 10 life changing events of my life, so if that was not murder then I don't know what is. And mike I know most dealers do a great job but down in Texas the law is that if you are a private seller at a gun show selling less tha 3 guns they don't have to do any paper work. This is how most of the guns (long guns)get into Mexico.


    PS going to gun store tomorrow to buy another gun before I can't get it.

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  • Darkangel
    I don't know if you should say the sept 11 incident was worst mass murderer they didn't use the box cutters to kill they used the plane. A true mass murder would be like a serial killer or like the Virginia tech murderer who killed 34 people by shooting them.

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  • Dreamreaper
    The biggest mass murder in America took place using box cutters on Sept 11. We should outlaw box cutters. Please ask your congressman to stop allowing the “over the counter” sale of box cutters. At the very least we should make everyone register their box cutters.

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  • ihauntu

    Agree with everything you posted Mike!

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  • Mike Goff
    Originally posted by austind View Post
    Mike I just hope that we in this country drop the politics and deal with this as adults. I am not for more gun control but I would like the back ground checks and controls that we do have enforced. We need people to Learn what gun ownership means and the responsibility that comes with that. I would not let my son or wife have a gun due to the fact that they are not trained in the safe keeping of a gun and I don't want me to be the one shot. I grew up with guns and I have never pointed a gun at another person just kidding around. That is why we need people to respect the the way you handle and secure a gun. I loved the video and think that we will always have sickos and they will always fine ways to achieve there goal with or without guns.

    I have been heavily involved in the gun community all of my life. I know dozens of FFL dealers. They are so paranoid about not dotting an i or crossing a t, that I can say with a great deal of certainty that you have nothing to worry about with background checks. The anti-gun crowd would not miss an opportunity to expose a gun dealer that sold a gun to someone who was not supposed to have them. I have never heard of this happening where I live. In fact the only case that I know of where guns were illegally transferred was the case of "Fast and Furious". Look that one up if you want to get mad about something. I agree with you about the politics, I think that both parties suck beyond recognition and you will never see me hitching my wagon to either. The political division in this country will be our undoing. It seems that the only thing that the two parties agree on, is corporate money and destroying the middle class. Anyone who owns a gun should get formal training, you would be surpised how much of a difference it will make. My 9 year old daughter is an expert with a rifle and could easily teach any adult gun safety. Someday she will be a sheepdog.

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  • austind
    Mike I just hope that we in this country drop the politics and deal with this as adults. I am not for more gun control but I would like the back ground checks and controls that we do have enforced. We need people to Learn what gun ownership means and the responsibility that comes with that. I would not let my son or wife have a gun due to the fact that they are not trained in the safe keeping of a gun and I don't want me to be the one shot. I grew up with guns and I have never pointed a gun at another person just kidding around. That is why we need people to respect the the way you handle and secure a gun. I loved the video and think that we will always have sickos and they will always fine ways to achieve there goal with or without guns.


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  • Mike Goff
    It is my hope that this discussion has caused people to really think about this subject and to pursue the truth, politics be damned. Much of the information presented here can save lives. I realize that there are many who just can't be persuaded with facts and that they have already made up their mind. For those with an open mind and for those who would like to learn more, I would encourage you to do so. The greatest tactition in the history of the world was probably Sun Tzu. According to him, it is necessary to know thy enemy, and know thyself. For those who cannot get past their hatred for guns, I would recommend that you get some formal training. I'm not asking you to stop hating guns, I am telling you to obtain intimate knowledge of how the other half thinks. If I were a betting man, this experience would convert your way of thinking. If it does not, at least you might be able to make a sound argument for your position the next time you encounter a gun nut like myself. I doubt it, because my study has been one of truth rather than ideology, but you never know.

    For those who are starting to see the value of arming ones self, allow me to caution you about what is coming. Absolute gun control is highly unlikely in one step. What will probably take place is a registration (which also undermines the intent of the 2nd ammenment) A registration would do absolutely nothing to prevent acts of violence with a gun, and only the law abiding citizens would register them in the first place. Remember, it is already illegal for a felon to own a gun.

    Registration is a prerequisite for confiscation. They must know who has guns before they could take them.
    Confiscation is a prerequisite for genocide. Most people will not allow themselves to be slaughtered without a fight. I know this sounds crazy. I am a person who is only interested in fact, and cares nothing for speculation or theory, lets take a look at history and see what has already happend concerning this matter.

    In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. >From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated
    In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
    Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
    China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated

    Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
    Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
    Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
    Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

    During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were armed.

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  • Mike Goff

    We show this video to our students while they eat their lunch. We do so to make the point that owning a gun does not make you armed anymore than owning a guitar makes you a musician. It really drives home the point that it is important to give your brain a roadmap to follow, so that when adrenaline kicks in, and when the heartbeat excedes 110 beats per minute, when your visual perception is limited to tunnel vision, and when all fine motor skills are gone, you can survive, if you have trained your body and mind to recognize this phenomenon.

    I'm posting it here, because there are those among us who don't believe that this man has a right to defend himself, or maybe it is that they believe that if guns were made illigal, these gangbangers would stop using guns to commit crimes. Meanwhile the incredibly nieve, and completely unqualified among us, seem to think that they have the right to vote our means and ability for self defense away. Those of us who are sheepdogs must educate the sheep that once we are removed, the wolves can and will do whatever they please.

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