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  • #16
    Yeah Todd, you should make up an extra week in the season and come on down. I can show Granny some new moves on the pole (one handed spins - new inversions - she'll look great). And just to clarify I said that we do a good job of keeping our clothes on while the haunt is operational. There are the occasional body shots after the haunt closes and other such debaucherous acts. However, I have heard rumors of a haunt that could top us. This haunt supposedly has it's own bar and pole (for the actors - not that patrons). Now that's cool - great way to blow off steam after a long night of smart a$$ed patrons.

    Wait - there are haunt related pasties? That's awesome! Send me a link if you're not just bsing! I have seen my fair share of pasties - and I've never seen skulls or pumpkins or glow in the dark ghosts. The next pole shoot we're doing is to Marilyn Manson's "Tainted Love" and I am going to go goth on that one. Skull pasties would be a great addition to a costume.

    Jim - I think flashing may have something to do wtih weather. For instance, I have a friend (not a haunter) who tends to take off her clothes while she is cleaning her house because she gets "hot." (I can't say I've ever taken off my clothes to clean or wash dishes because I got "hot.") As to one of the gals pictured above - the weather does not stop her. it was freezing cold at one party and she was naked and kept saying "I'm cold!" Well, there would be a solution to that....

    And Louis, yes, I think it is time for you to have another "the ship has sailed" fits. That was very entertaining. (He did ballet in the parking lot - well, it wasn't ballet so much as leaping back and forth in anger but we joked he was auditioning for the nutcracker). Louis also says "I'm not doing this next year!" We have gotten so we take bets on how many times he will say this during the season. But see, I'm sure all haunt owners do this. The difference is, I can get on the board and publicly make fun of you. Other haunt owners aren't as cool.


    • #17
      Like they said in the movie "Boomerang" " Is that a nipple?" No I dont think so. "Ya thats a nipple cause Im drooling. But ya I had to put a post about this pic because the vampire chick on the left look likes it might be a little cold in the room there in!
      Damon Carson

