Hi to all our haunt brothers and sisters out there.
Many of you know that we here at Castle Blood started our own TV show locally last fall.
It's been going great, and it looks as tho we'll be doing it for at least the next few years.
Please visit the new website
to take a look at what we're doing
And we hope to see you all at Hauntcon and at Midwest Haunters convention
At MHC we'll be hosting a midnight showing with visits from some of the characters. A great way for us all to stay up late watching monster movies together,
Many of you know that we here at Castle Blood started our own TV show locally last fall.
It's been going great, and it looks as tho we'll be doing it for at least the next few years.
Please visit the new website
to take a look at what we're doing
And we hope to see you all at Hauntcon and at Midwest Haunters convention
At MHC we'll be hosting a midnight showing with visits from some of the characters. A great way for us all to stay up late watching monster movies together,