Does anyone else have issues like this? How do you deal with it?
We have spent months battling constant abuse, pranks and name calling from the other 'local' haunted house. Last night, myself and some of my crew were enjoying dinner and some time at the mall and were constantly being 'bullied' by 3 actors from the Burial Chamber wearing their 'garb.' They called out to us each and every time they saw us - screaming "Burial Chamber is Better!" or "OBLIVION SUCKS!" Of course, we were the bigger guy and had said nothing in return.
Recently, I spoke to the ower regarding other issues (posters being ripped down and our stacks of cards/coupons being thrown away at local businesses who had given us permission to hand them out.) As we spoke, he mentioned "I would support you more if you werent 5 minutes away from my event." Frankly - I think that is ridiculous.
When you exit our haunt, you exit through our gift shop where we display every other local haunt's posters that had been given to us. We also have our staff distribute their coupons and offer directions to their events. We have sent numerous people to Greenbay Fear, Splatter Haus, Haunted High, Terror on the Fox, The Morgue and YES, EVEN The Burial Chamber!
Our theory is that the more quality events there are in one location - the more people will come to that area for the attractions.We also beleive that if they have gone through our event already, why not benefit the industry in full and send them somwhere else!
Yes we are all proud of our events. Yes we all think that our events are the best. We personally LOVE Splatter haus for their unique scares, insane sound system and are continually jealous of their engineering abilities to scare the crap out of people. We will never be a 'Splatter Haus'. We ADORE 'Terror on the Fox' for the FULL quality of their show that they produce. From the time you park to the time you exit - you are entertained. We will never have a train or the ambiance of their event. We envy that! We will never be a 'Haunted High' with their ALREADY creepy ass abandoned high school and sheer masive-ness of their event.
I really wish some haunts would take pride in what they do and realize that we are all quality, different events. If we were all the same, what fun would it be. Also - don't go out in public shouting that your event is better, especially when you are wearing your merchandise. Not only does it display a bad image for the very event you are 'defending', but It makes YOU look like a childish ass. We will never take any action like that toward another haunt in our community. A little harmless rivalry is fun, but enough with the bullshit.
We have spent months battling constant abuse, pranks and name calling from the other 'local' haunted house. Last night, myself and some of my crew were enjoying dinner and some time at the mall and were constantly being 'bullied' by 3 actors from the Burial Chamber wearing their 'garb.' They called out to us each and every time they saw us - screaming "Burial Chamber is Better!" or "OBLIVION SUCKS!" Of course, we were the bigger guy and had said nothing in return.
Recently, I spoke to the ower regarding other issues (posters being ripped down and our stacks of cards/coupons being thrown away at local businesses who had given us permission to hand them out.) As we spoke, he mentioned "I would support you more if you werent 5 minutes away from my event." Frankly - I think that is ridiculous.
When you exit our haunt, you exit through our gift shop where we display every other local haunt's posters that had been given to us. We also have our staff distribute their coupons and offer directions to their events. We have sent numerous people to Greenbay Fear, Splatter Haus, Haunted High, Terror on the Fox, The Morgue and YES, EVEN The Burial Chamber!
Our theory is that the more quality events there are in one location - the more people will come to that area for the attractions.We also beleive that if they have gone through our event already, why not benefit the industry in full and send them somwhere else!
Yes we are all proud of our events. Yes we all think that our events are the best. We personally LOVE Splatter haus for their unique scares, insane sound system and are continually jealous of their engineering abilities to scare the crap out of people. We will never be a 'Splatter Haus'. We ADORE 'Terror on the Fox' for the FULL quality of their show that they produce. From the time you park to the time you exit - you are entertained. We will never have a train or the ambiance of their event. We envy that! We will never be a 'Haunted High' with their ALREADY creepy ass abandoned high school and sheer masive-ness of their event.
I really wish some haunts would take pride in what they do and realize that we are all quality, different events. If we were all the same, what fun would it be. Also - don't go out in public shouting that your event is better, especially when you are wearing your merchandise. Not only does it display a bad image for the very event you are 'defending', but It makes YOU look like a childish ass. We will never take any action like that toward another haunt in our community. A little harmless rivalry is fun, but enough with the bullshit.