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What do you want... Vendors pay attention!

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  • #16
    over head scares

    over head animatronics

    scares that don't take up valuable floorspace

    small effective scares that are easy to hide


    • #17
      Like it not, its the animatronics that the cameras crews from the news want to film not cool looking actors. You could do up a half dozen awesome looking actors and they come and say let's shoot in front of this dragon or an impaler or something like that. It sometimes looks better on film than in person so it's something to keep in mind..



      • #18
        It seems like a majority so far as well as myself are looking for more goodies for actors. Better costumers, masks, toys/tools, noisemakers, ect.
        Neil C

        "Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue."


        • #19
          Originally posted by shawnc View Post
          I think just about anything we could ever possibly want or need like that has already been made - we just don't know about it yet.
          You're right! I've gone to bungee trampoline sites and can't find EXACTLY what I'm looking for. I want, plain and simple, the harness, the cord, and a way to mount the cord. I know it all exists, it just needs to be consolidated into one quick and easy source...
          O'Shawn McClendon
          Creative Chair -- Operator: Cayce-West Columbia Hall of Horrors

          One mans junk is another mans kick-ass new prop...


          • #20
            I was asked this year by several customers about a prop rig that when triggered would allow the prop to slide across a rope to the other side of the room and then when done be automatically reeled back in and reset. Kind of like the way the Scarefactory bats drop and go back up. But a rig for home haunters they can purchase for a decent price. We would be interested in retailing such a device.
   for the very best items on the net.


            • #21
              I LOVE THIS THREAD!

              right now i'm working on several things i hope to have up for sale by transworld, though im not guaranteeing anything yet

              on the table right now i've got SERIES silicone masks and foam latex appliances. these are masks and applaiances that all tie together with a coheisive theme, yet "generic" enough to fit several themes if dressed in the right scene or costume. the zombie/undead series is looking very promising folks. This is going to be my first year producing anything for anyone other than myself and i hope to post some production pictures soon.

              keep these great ideas coming!


              • #22

                Are you doing silicone mask now? Can you post some picks?


                • #23
                  im still in the modeling phases on all of this. right now the series looks like 3 masks, 5 appliances, and an undecided number of static props (4-6), all of them "matching" one another enough to thematically tie them together. the masks will also have options available on them to customize them futher, with one mask in particular having a built in startle-effect (im a proud papa with that one).

                  im going for something along the lines of how all of the ghosts in the haunted mansion look thematically tied, yet all are unique enough to progress the story without you thinking it was copy-paste copy-paste copy-paste.
                  Last edited by icarian; 11-06-2009, 11:46 AM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MDKing View Post
                    Like it not, its the animatronics that the cameras crews from the news want to film not cool looking actors. You could do up a half dozen awesome looking actors and they come and say let's shoot in front of this dragon or an impaler or something like that. It sometimes looks better on film than in person so it's something to keep in mind..

                    I agree here ...the news crew came and only filmed my Impaler!!

                    lots of great feed back on it !!....people are shocked when they see something bigger than ? YES... also scared tons of kids !!!

                    The big animatronics are a big draw if you advertise them....

                    Casey............. CREEP HOUSE


                    • #25

                      If you have actors that are looking real right out of a big budget horror movie they'll shoot them over the animations all day long because you can tell them what to do, talk to the camera etc. If you don't have actors that look like they are anything but fake as a rake yeah they'd rather shoot animations. Who doesn't want monsters like Netherworld? That is what vendors should supply otherwise they won't get much if any business from me. Its all I care about now.

                      As for the Impailer already have one, and it seems like almost everyone else does as well, which feeds back into my point DONT NEEd ANIMATIONS! Already have way to many and have no room for more and really don't want anymore.

                      Its time for the industry to turn the corner and new and exciting costumes and detail equiopment. Let me go one further... lets talk Gore Galore just an example, in my opinion he needs to go another direction he already has as many oversized as a person could ever want, do the same thing in a different mold isn't going to ramp up sales. Scarefactory has a zillion animations more than anyone could ever want, time to change directions, rely on the empire of animations you already offer and come to the show in a whole new light. Your history of doing one thing doesn't mean anything, expand what you offer, still offer the same stuff as before but turn the corner into a new direction.

                      If vendors are looking for business this March they will look at new things, new directions, radical twists and turns for their business. You must dig deep and simply bring to the table what haunts currently need not what we needed 5 years ago.

                      I love gore galore oversized costumes but he already has so many to choose from that if I wanted one I would be able to pick froom his current selection. Scarefactory has so many animations if I needed one I could surely find something to meet my needs! I'm only using these two companies as an example because I could name of almost every vendors and point out where a change could be made. CFX as an example could offer costume to go with the mask that would be different rather than simply just adding new masks to the lineup.

                      Sure I'd like to see new makss from CFX but on the same token I think they could also offer MORE than they do now... I'd love to see a few more new animations from XYZ but at the same time don't rely on just that think outside the box and come to the game with a new lineup!

                      Larry Kirchner


                      • #26
                        Costume Options

                        Ok so i have been thinking about getting into designing and making costumes to sell for awhile now.

                        What kind of costumes is everyone looking for? Just so i can get a general idea on where to start if im going to start selling.

                        Rotting Flesh Raido
                        “Happiness is the sublime moment when you step out of your corset at the end of the night.”

                        “Actors love mental disorders, dialects, and corsets. Give them one of the three and they're happy.”


                        • #27
                          See, i find this thread highly encouraging. for a while i was worried that i'd have no way of competing with companies like scarefactory or unit 70 or CFX, but it looks like what people want now are more options for the actors, more detail for the scenes, and thats the area i was trying to start out in as it is... what i thought was going to be a niche has turned out to be popular demand.

                          if it helps you sleep at night larry, i dont have any plans on creating animations any time soon. Far too expensive to get into, far too volitle of an economy to tie up money into that at the moment, and too much competition.


                          • #28
                            Remember Distortions "DARK ANGLE" inflatables. Wow! Realistic inflatables of all sizes from tombstones to caves would rock in the low light environment of haunts.


                            • #29
                              Que line scares

                              This is an area I think needs a little tap.... We are working on some que line scare equipment for the actors to wear for BIG scares...
                              "I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

                              Malicious Studios
                              "HORROR FX THAT STICKS TO THE ROOF OF YOUR BRAIN !"


                              • #30
                                Would anyone out there be intersted in buying a bulk lot of 15-20 premade zombie suits?

                                Rotting Flesh Radio
                                “Happiness is the sublime moment when you step out of your corset at the end of the night.”

                                “Actors love mental disorders, dialects, and corsets. Give them one of the three and they're happy.”

