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Transworld to charge to attend St Louis Conv.

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  • #31
    Will they still qualify the attendees? If not I think we will see a larger influx of people who just want to look and not buy. I understand vendors want only to deal with the buyers, they are there to do business not entertain, but Transworld has always had an element of entertainment attached to it, and I believe everyone or almost everyone expects some level of fun and entertainment.

    I kind of agree to dirk her that the 40 seems more of a way to offset costs, now don't' get me wrong it may be necessary as the shows split and now they do 2 shows with split vendors so more overhead less profit, and lets not kid ourselves no one is out here just for fun, everyone has to make a profit for this to be sustainable.

    I can stomach the 40 I would just like them to be a bit more honest don't sell me the well were weeding out the people who do not buy and blah blah blah. It is to offset their costs which is not a bad thing. Times are hard they have had a huge change in the way things have been done with logistics, costs, venues, and such. Haunters are a smaller group vendor wise than the costume and rental businesses and as such the burden is more concentrated.

    They are charging 40 dollars, offering a few perks to boot the upset stomach we all feel when we have to pay for something we have been getting for free. They put on a good show in St Louis, with good vendor support and hopefully good buyer turnout and participation. I say its worth the 40 to offset costs with putting on this show, hopefully it will translate into a better show that everyone will enjoy and come away having accomplished the goals they set for attendance. In the end, vendors have to see profits, Transworld has to see profits, and haunts have to see value. As long as those 3 things are accomplished I believe Transworld will continue to grow, lose any one of those and it is bound to fail.

    Well once again I have rattled on I apologize look forward to seeking you all at Transworld and remember I like bourbon if you see me out. Take care my twisted friends the doctor has to return to reality and try and pay for his hobbies LOL.


    • #32
      The amount they are charging is really not enough. If they raise it to say $100-$150 I think that it would weed out non qualified buyers. What is the point of allowing 16 year old kids in when they don't have tax ID #s and can't make a legally binding contract.

      I have a feeling next year this will all be a mute point as the they will be forced to combine the shows back together. I know Larry does not want to hear this but have you seen the website for the Chicago show? There are half a page of vendors. The rubies show has pages of vendors.

      So let they charge the $40 this year but I would expect them to combine and charge a higher price next year when they merge. for the very best items on the net.

