A 5 minute escape room... there would be no walls just all the props, tv and video fx, some animations and props to build it out. You can take everything for $3500 and you'll be in business fast!
This is a GIANT PUPPET... Netherworld has the same one. Its built like a tank and it was also used in the movie zombieland. I will sell it for $2000 I can't get a better pic its way up in the air. Its big and very impressive. Best puppet animation ever made the mouth opens WIDE OPEN you can grab people with it. IMG_1254.jpg
This is a game like operation and its really fun... i just have no more room for it. This thing is awesome when you don't get the rocks out correctly the zombie jumps up and attacks you. I think I paid like $8k for it... I will sell it for 2k.
This is a BRAND NEW animation from Unit 70 never used... a deformed baby jumps out of its stomach ... will sell for $1500 and you can have it. I think I paid like 3500 IMG_1270.jpg
this scorpion is really dirty but working perfect. I think I paid $6k or so for it ... i will sell it for $2000 it moves forward and its pinchers move and its tail moves shooting water. IMG_1311.jpg
This is a multi motion animation lizard needs a new lizard skin for its head and a control system. this animation is multi motion and built for a high end amusement park. cost about 15k originally
Lastly I have at least 100 dead bodies, standing figures and so many more... bring cash and I can part with TONS of them. I could sell these things for about 150 each just to get them out of my shop.