Looking for Used props/animatronics see thread thanks
Looking for some of the following items at a reasonable cost:
1. Full body pigs / ghostride or similar
2. Scarefactory catacomb walls
3. Distortions Jolt & Bolt
4. Camo Netting
5. Misc latex body parts / full bodies / skeletons
6. Animatronics
Can pick up have a full size box truck we own willing to drive up to 12 - 18 hours maybe longer depending what you got and cost
– also interested in turn key haunted house if close enough to Pittsburgh due to shipping costs
E mail: steelcityhaunt@gmail.com
Looking for some of the following items at a reasonable cost:
1. Full body pigs / ghostride or similar
2. Scarefactory catacomb walls
3. Distortions Jolt & Bolt
4. Camo Netting
5. Misc latex body parts / full bodies / skeletons
6. Animatronics
Can pick up have a full size box truck we own willing to drive up to 12 - 18 hours maybe longer depending what you got and cost
– also interested in turn key haunted house if close enough to Pittsburgh due to shipping costs
E mail: steelcityhaunt@gmail.com