which cd do you think is the best?
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Midnight Syndicate
Born of the Night is by far the best Haunted House music soundtrack out there. The Midnight Syndicate's other music is great, but I think they hit the nail on the head with Born of the Night!Happy Haunting,
Adam Drendel
Webmaster of http://www.HauntedIllinois.com
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Born of the Night is -really good-, but I'd have to stick with Gates of Delirium. I always thought insane asylums were cool...And the music is wonderfully creepy.
Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep, never die...)
My vote has got to go with Realm of Shadows.
It was the first Syndicate CD I ever heard, and still my favorite. Born of the night is good, especially the track Gargoyles.. funny it resembles one of my favorite disney tunes.. hmmm.
Didnt care for "Delerium" all that much..
When I had to come up with the soundtrack for the old March of Dimes Haunt in Tacoma, WA. , I ended up using about 90% of "Realm" as the music score, dropping 2 tracks i didnt think fit. With a few choice quotes from films or sound effects dubbed in between the tracks, and at quieter moments in the music it became a rather creepy piece to play. Our cast and crew got into it so much that when the director one night decided to replace it with their old sound effects for a change the actors threw a fit.
Shadows just set the mood for the whole show..
Thank M.S. and thanks for letting us use your stuff in haunts.May all your nightmares come true