HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH! Verbal orgy on steroids! Thats a good one! No but seriuosly it was fun big new or not and besides I already knew thats what shane was gonna say. I did that my senior year in highschool as a prank to the ASB students. Bunch a deuches but I digress it was fun then and its fun now. The Geico line was briliant and I haven't use that one in a while. Shane that was awesome dude... To bad it'll never happen again... Vincent This Time!
Idk I'm having second thoughts about the ones I put on the poll. I mean Shazam is pretty cool but it doesnt capture my essence. So those are just a joke.
Originally posted by oakhillshaunterTHEFEARView Post
Idk I'm having second thoughts about the ones I put on the poll. I mean Shazam is pretty cool but it doesnt capture my essence. So those are just a joke.
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