This show was created in part to help companies like Screamline to get lower booth costs to a show that spends a lot of money on marketing.
Transworld is doing all vendors a favor with these booth costs and its a shame that some are still not happy with the price. I know for some its not the cost, its the fact that they can't afford it right now and I get that.
But in this world it takes money to make money and you have to be prepared to spend it to make it.
Its how it works.
I hope that some of these companies get a booth because this is their chance to put themselves in front of the largest crowd of the year!!!!!!
No announcement yet.
The end all transworld post!!!!!
It would be a shame not to have every vendor represented at this years show no matter how large or small a booth they choose.
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Let me say this again... if you even dared make MHC the main show someone will need to invest $100,000.00 or more dollars into this show, they would need to advertise on a far and wide scale. This don't this anything close to this level now.
Secondly that would change dramtically the cost of the show, so I can't imagine the show would be free anymore, nor would it cost so little for booths it would double, triple or more. You hae to pay for that marketing somehow...
They would need to print show guides, and provide all the typical stuff a tradeshow provides...again more costs a lot of cost. They would need to hire full time sales staff...again more money.
They would have to eliminate many of their programs and curtain the horror haunt fan stuff, because that doesn't jive with a tradeshow. So again you would basically be changing this show from what it is now to something a lot different, much different, all together different.
Knowing Kelly one of the owners of the show I do not think this is what they want...they want this to be for everyone, anyone, actors and more, they want this to be fun, they want to let their hair down, and that is exactly why so many enjoy this show.
Transworld or a full blown TRADESHOW is NOT a CONVENTION!
Anyway doesn't matter...
I have some news for you...
People are saying that Transworld Vegas did less than 500 people total for a show that in the pas attracted over 8,000.
Well I am closing in on ONE THOUSAND tickets sold for Darkness tour... the darkness tour by itself has passed up Houston or Vegas by itself.
So how many people do you think will attend this show that don't even know about the Darkness tour? I would say at least 50%... I would say and we expect to sell 3 or 4 maybe 500 more Saturday tickets on Friday and Saturday afternoon at the show itself.
There will be 1500 to 2500 people attending this show.
So let the show playout and see what happens.
My only advice is this... Screamline Studios, Unit 70, Scareparts, and whomever else if you do not attend this show with a booth you are shooting yourself in the foot.
There will be no doubt up to 2,500 buyers at this show, you will NOT see this many buyers in once place ever again this year!
You can take that to the bank!
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Can't wait to meet you too!
And I hope we find a "hang out!!!"
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Katie said,
"MHC caters to haunters, because they ARE haunters. Not fat cats in suits, sitting around a table with their evian and crullers. They are at a Denny's, in blood stained clothes, drinking coffee, discussing subjects that make the other people move to a different section.
No matter how big this industry gets, it still needs a hometown feel"
Katie, you had me at "Denny's, in blood stained clothes"! Now that's a picture of comfort for me! LOL I am looking forward to meeting you in person Katie. I second the hometown feel too. I sure hope we find a "Crown Plaza" in St. Louis.
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All very good points regarding TW and the other shows. Considering what TW is spending it is surprising they do not want to combine the shows in order to lower their overhead.
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The Vendors
We can all come up with all kinds of projections and plans but what is a tradeshow for? To see the vendors!
I will go where the largest grouping of professional Haunted House Vendors go, hopefully early in the year. THEY will determine where I must go. If all of the vendors choose Hauntcon or MHC then so be it.
THEY will go where they think the BUYERS are and traditionally that has been Transworld. When you consider the fact that Transworld has spent hundreds of thousands of $$$ buying lists from related industries such as Pumpkin Patchs, Corn Mazes, and FECs this year to turn up new buyers for St. Louis, emotion aside, where should most of the vendors go?
As much as any of us like Barry and crew, or enjoy Leonards Haunt Tours, this VENDOR/BUYER prime focus has always been Transworld, and until that shifts, I don't think as an industry we can get folks to just pick up and move to another show.
Lets see how St. Louis is... I think it is going to be great!
That said I also tend to go to as many of the others shows as I can, I have attended EVERY Hauntcon and all but one MHC. I think they are great!
I always want to go to Hauntcon and MHC.
I want and need to go to Transworld.
What does the future hold? Who can say! But in a few weeks we are going to get a pretty good indicator!
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MHC is really well organized and the organizers actually listen to people. As a vendor at the show, it is great knowing that I can easily call or email Barry with any questions and he will quickly get me an answer.
MHC is affordable for vendors and the centralized location makes it easier to plan for, since you know it will be in Columbus every year.
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Why MHC over HC?
Well, I have seen MHC Grow by leaps and bounds over the last 4 years. It has a base location, much easier to plan and budget as far as a vendor, MHC also has more resonable booth rates. And personally (nothing against LP) it seems to have a much better atmophere.
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If you're question was to me....
I am just more familiar with MHC than hauntcon. I am not one to talk to something I don't have a lot of background knowledge on, it was just an example.
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What do i think? Here it is!
It seems to me that, like every huge business, the people who make the final decisions are not in touch with the customer base. They, as stated, don't "get it."
To be successful, they should at least have a staff consultant that could help them maximize the potential that the haunted part of transworld could generate. It's to their financial and reputational (is that a word? LOL) downfall that they aren't reaching that potential.
MHC caters to haunters, because they ARE haunters. Not fat cats in suits, sitting around a table with their evian and crullers. They are at a Denny's, in blood stained clothes, drinking coffee, discussing subjects that make the other people move to a different section.
No matter how big this industry gets, it still needs a hometown feel, and they are missing the boat.
As for Chicago, I love it, no matter the weather, but I'm from Ohio and used to it. How many people are scared away by that?
And that's all I have to say about tha-at.
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Well Shane,
You may just have something there.
The retail side could do there own show same location, But in there own section. The haunters can do their show, in a separate section.
The Greater Columbus Convention Center has 1.7 million Sq Ft that they boast. According to the Donald E Stephens website the Rosemont only has 840,000 Sq. Ft.
Average temps in March 29 to 59 degrees.
Average precip 3.10 inches or 1/10th of an inch or less a day.
For all this to happen there would need to be allot of cooperation between the retail and haunt show producers.
2 Great shows one location!
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I am for it and what if we could get the retail side involved!!!!!! Shane and its that would be sweet man just sweet! Shane this time!
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