Hey everyone,
THe biggest thing I get emails on is getting past shows further back than just a month or so ago.
So this past week we did not put up a new RFR show but instead upgraded our servers and we are in the process of getting a complete Archive available or every RFR show that has been out to date.
That means from 2005 - Current regular shows. Thats 161 shows
and Special Edition Shows, Conventions Shows etc. Thats an additional 16 Shows.
So thank you all for being patient, but it will be well worth your while. Now you can hear from all the celebrities, haunted attractions, conventions, newest vendors and more since 2005 on RFR.
Thank you all who have helped make this possible and thank you those who have emailed uys this past week to find out how you can help in this process too. It is because of you all helping and wanting it, we are making it happen.
So stay tuned and YES there is a show this Friday.
THe biggest thing I get emails on is getting past shows further back than just a month or so ago.
So this past week we did not put up a new RFR show but instead upgraded our servers and we are in the process of getting a complete Archive available or every RFR show that has been out to date.
That means from 2005 - Current regular shows. Thats 161 shows
and Special Edition Shows, Conventions Shows etc. Thats an additional 16 Shows.
So thank you all for being patient, but it will be well worth your while. Now you can hear from all the celebrities, haunted attractions, conventions, newest vendors and more since 2005 on RFR.
Thank you all who have helped make this possible and thank you those who have emailed uys this past week to find out how you can help in this process too. It is because of you all helping and wanting it, we are making it happen.
So stay tuned and YES there is a show this Friday.