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Exciting News at Oak Island Entertainment Group

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  • Speculo
    Good catch!

    I was feeling an anagram, but had't really thought about it...


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  • stafford
    His Name

    Frank Aridano - last name backwards - Onadira, might be just me, but I think you should give a bit more thought to naming the company, typically a company who sells products to a specific industry, should have a name that in some way identifies what its products are.

    No offense to Frank at all, he and the Oak Island team have always been great to deal with, great customer service. Because of that if the companies were spun into two separate entities, the attraction/design/consulting company probably wanted the name Oak Island to carry with it that reputation.

    I have no knowledge of this, just my best guess.

    Last edited by stafford; 02-28-2009, 03:32 PM.

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  • FrightProps
    You are right-on Adam!

    I have been thinking the same exact thing!

    Oak Island has a name for itself.

    This Ordida(?) is a hard to remember name, hard to spell, hard to say it correctly. And what does it mean?

    Inquiring minds want to know what the logic is in this one?
    I'm sure there is a good explanation.

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  • Haunted Illinois
    It really makes me wonder why you would name the haunt products portion of your company “Onadira”. For eons, you have been known as Oak Island Productions. That is what Haunt Owners know you by and that is the name they will be looking for. When looking at a vendor list, haunters will think “Oak Island is the company that soaked my camera with their toilet water cannon”.

    Seriously, though, why would you move your haunt products under a company name that is unrecognizable? Surely, you must realize that people who don’t read this board will not be aware of your new identity?!?!?!
    Last edited by Haunted Illinois; 02-27-2009, 10:48 PM.

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  • shawnc
    Congratulations. This sounds like a good thing.

    You should edit your post to fix the jumble the adresses are showing up as.

    Have you seen this thread?:

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  • Parrthd1
    started a topic Exciting News at Oak Island Entertainment Group

    Exciting News at Oak Island Entertainment Group

    Greetings valued colleagues, clients and friends!

    After more than a year of development we wanted to be the first to inform you of
    exciting changes at Oak Island Entertainment Group.

    Since 2001 Oak Island has consisted of two distinct business operations… the
    marketing and production of haunted attraction PRODUCTS and the marketing
    EVENTS. As we move into the New Year and beyond these two current business
    operations will be divided under separate ownership groups and become their own unique operations. Why this change? So that each division can focus on the
    expansion and development of core product while continuing to deliver “Oak
    Island style” customer service.

    We are excited to announce Oak Island Entertainment Group will now be two
    distinct companies: Onadira LLC (exclusively marketing Oak Island Products) and Oak Island Attractions.

    Onadira LLC (marketing Oak Island Products)
    Onadira LLC will continue to market Oak Island Halloween and haunted attraction products… such as Water Cannons, Claustrophobias, Air Cannons, Camouflage Netting, Web-Tex, Black-Out Material, Haunt Moss, Flame Retardants and hundreds of others… offering all of the same Oak Island products as before and also bringing new products to market. It will be owned and operated by a new ownership group led by former Oak Island Vice President, Frank Aridano. Frank has been the Chief of Products for Oak Island for many years and will continue to maintain and grow the current relationships this business operation has developed with all clients, vendors, colleagues, etc. under the new Onadira LLC brand. If you are a current Oak Island Products customer this operation will be “business as usual…” your orders will be placed, shipped and fulfilled as normal. This operation will now be based in Rhode Island and moving into the New Year will have many exciting new features such as online shopping and expanded trade show offerings.

    Oak Island Attractions
    Oak Island Attractions will continue to provide services to all clients with whom
    Oak Island supplies haunted attractions, Halloween events, Holiday events,
    Holiday décor and creative design and consulting. This business operation will
    provide the same attraction services as before and will also focus on design and
    consulting and pre-made stand-alone attractions such as Oak Island mirror mazes.

    Oak Island Attractions will continue to operate under the same management
    staff that has been in place for the past ten years. John Hawkins will maintain owner/operator status as the company's President while Joe Whitcher will maintain all operations and production facets of the business as Vice President.

    The Oak Island Attractions Team will be transitioning corporate headquarters to
    their current Louisville, KY office while maintaining satellite offices in Tampa,
    FL. Once this transition is complete all current Florida based clients will continue
    to receive the same Oak Island support as before via satellite offices and key
    vendor alliances.

    In short, if you are a current Oak Island Attractions customer this operation will be “business as usual.”

    With these exciting changes one thing that will not change is the great customer
    service, attention to detail and the quality you expect from the Oak Island brand.

    Contact Information:
    • Oak Island Attractions can now be reached at 502-241-9008
    • Onadira LLC will be reached at 1-800-761-5636 starting March 15, 2009 and can also be reached at

    New Addresses for Both Companies;

    Onadira LLC
    32 Mechanic Avenue
    Suite 201
    Woonsocket, RI 02895

    Oak Island Attractions
    7450 Old Zaring Road
    Suite One
    Crestwood, KY 40014

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
    Thanks, Joe Schiess
    Business Manager
    Oak Island Attractions
    Last edited by Parrthd1; 03-02-2009, 12:10 PM.