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  • #16
    In my marching band, there may be a total of 10 kids who aren't afraid of clowns. I really don't get the fear. In my opinion, clowns are so awesome. Even when they hate you and want to kill you, they're smiling. And you know what they say about smiling! It's so contagious! Clowns make the world a homicidally happy place! (Yes, I did in fact make up the word homicidally. I have a poetic license to do so. XD Sorry, I couldn't resist).

    But it was really funny. Our band hosts a rodeo each year as a fundraiser. Well, me and a bunch of my friends were working the drink stand. The rodeo clowns went on break, and decided to get drinks. Well, one of my friends was turned around talking to me. I, though I knew she was a coulrophobe, I just pointed for her to turn around to serve the customer. When she saw the clown standing so close to her, she freaked out. I enjoyed her fear so much (Yes I am evil. That's why I love this industry)
    ~Jon-Kyle Bailey
    Campbellsville, KY


    • #17
      or black gay guys holy shit they will break every thing in your haunt oh and don't corner them with a chainsaw cuz walls are coming down and props are breaking hahahaha
      HHA Member


      • #18
        Well I think the census is in Black people are the easiest or best quality scare. So inform your actors to aim for the scared race. I hope noone is insulted by everything I just said. But from experience hearing people scream is just as effective as getting scared yourself. Vincent This Time!
        Its A Verbal Orgy on Steroids!

