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Steam Injuries

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  • #16
    This is a steam effect that we use in the movie industry. You take a tank and put a small fogger in it. You make sure it is pretty air tight. at the top is a T off. A compressed air hose is attached on one end of it so that the compressed air will mix with the fog. What you don't see in this photo that makes a whole difference is that there is another air line that is inside of the T Mount *Inside the opposite side that compressed air is being pumped* this line goes (Dangles) all the way to the middle of the plastic tank. This way the air goes in the T mound, Down to The tank, up through the other air line and out the other side of the T Mount. This system softens the fog and shoots more fog out Depending on the size of the air lines used and air pressure

    Another cool thing to do with this system is to have the exiting line go into a pan of water (Kitchen pot). Have the line in a spiral in the pan of water with holes drilled into it every inch. This system would make the water look like it is boiling with the steam rising off. You get the bubbles and all. Its a really cool effect, Without the hazard!

    Attached Files
    Frank W. Balzer



    • #17
      That is definitely a creative idea. What size pipe usually produces the best effect (in your opinion)?
      ~Jon-Kyle Bailey
      Campbellsville, KY


      • #18
        I'd be hardpressed to actually know how to set that up. I understand the basics by looking at the picture but it would take me a while to match those parts in the picture to the stuff at Home Depot. So if you could post a list maybe of the essentials that would be much appreciated. If not its ok I understand.
        Its A Verbal Orgy on Steroids!


        • #19
          It really depends on the effect you are going for. Lots of steam or little steam. Use bigger pipes for more output. This rigging does not need to be the same as shown you just need to get fittings that would fit to make something that resembles the ones in the photo. as long as you have a nipple where air and go in and out, and does not leak you will be fine. I'm sorry that I cannot produce a list of parts, I honestly do not know the sizes. I use whatever is lying around the shop for projects I work on, The owner of the shop is cheap.

          best of luck,
          Frank Balzer
          Frank W. Balzer




          • #20
            No problem. Thanks for the info. Make sure the nipple doesn't leak. Vincent This Time!
            Its A Verbal Orgy on Steroids!


            • #21
              In your T , does the "dangling line" go from the hose barb exit into the tank?
              If so could you use two connectors? One for an inlet from the compressor, and a second outlet for the fog?

              Is there a better picture of the tank? You seal the small fogger in the tank and let it constantly run?
              R&J Productions
              Las Vegas, NV


              • #22
                the dangling line, is mounted in the inside of the t and connects to the inside thread of the exit nipple, you cannot see it from the outside but it is there. and it line is about 1 foot long and goes into the tank.

                the fog machine can be any size just, put it on a timer or anything. Just make sure that its inside and sealed so that no air can leak out. If air leaks it will rune the flow of the exiting fog steam.

                I will do a better tutorial if I have time. I will get more photos once its back from set.

                - Frank
                Frank W. Balzer


