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  • drfrightner
    Barry is the man!!!!


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  • Tater
    I see something in Barrys eyes but i dont think its Weariness...

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  • lurker
    On a different note,
    I found this great picture of Barry working hard at MHC this year. You can see the weariness in his eyes...
    Attached Files

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  • Jolly Pumpkin
    Personally I thought Sheldon was hysterical. If your character is so convincing that people actually think that you are a deranged handicapped lunatic then you must be doing something right. He takes his character to another level and I love it. I was about to get a picture with him at MHC, but I was a little hesitant because I had a fear of what He might do. I'm still shocked that the convention center didn't kick out the actors who came in with realistic looking guns. I don't care if it's a Zombie Walk or not. You can't do that anywhere because you have no idea if one of those guns may be real. I enjoyed the Zombie Walk, but in a way it made the industry look bad. Many people have a negative image of what the haunt industry is and the people involved. And if you have a convention that is full of people walking around mimicking zombies than it makes the convention look unprofessional along with the industry it's associated with. It gives the appearance that the haunt industry is just adults roaming around in makeup playing make believe.

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  • Haunted Illinois
    Originally posted by SHELDON View Post
    P.S. I know that one of the topless women was a minor because she was discussing with her group how much she hates her P.E. class because it "messes up my hair for 5th period". And how she couldn't make the mascaraed ball because her Mom said no. Do they have P.E. in college? IDK.
    Sheldon, there were other key indicators that she wasn’t of age. When she arrived, the hard-hat with the little light on it was a dead giveaway! :P

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  • Kevin Dells
    Larry im a true disfunctional Jack ass lover myself! Those guys are hysterical with everything they do.

    I guess that does go to show just how off the pie chart i really am.

    To those who hated my character Thank you, to those that loved it, thank you even more, the thing is it got your attention, you remembered it from years ago.

    Im never going to change those types of characters because right or wrong and how they make a haunt look dosen't really matter to me as long as we have long lines, thats what matters... I realize this because yes i do know we have a bussiness to run.

    Im moving on from this topic, just because i took my shot at the horse and yes it really is dead. I have a ton of work to do besides debating stupid crap on hauntworld.

    And if i can scrape up a little free time in the next few months i just may shove a hot wheel up my ass and go see a doctor for x-rays, man it would kill me to fight back the laughter! See everybody in another topic!

    Lets see the firetruck or the Red Baron? No thats got spikes on it's roof! Firetruck it is!

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  • Killer Katie
    Ouch, Adam... that hurt! LOL

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  • drfrightner

    Good one!


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  • Haunted Illinois
    The people here like dead horses... they're haunters! :P

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  • Killer Katie

    What goes "Whack thud whack thud?"
    That's what you get when you beat a dead horse.
    I'm with you all the way Patti!

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  • drfrightner

    I think what you did was funny, brave and well kinda stupid because you could have got hurt or maybe caused an accident. It's everything rolled into one. Like I said I love Jackass and they do that stuff all the time, and they aren't the only ones entited to do stuff like that. When you simply watch the video it's nothing but FUNNY as HELL!

    If you would have got hurt or caused an accident you would have brought a lot of negative attention of the function which would have been bad. But that didn't happen so... it is a mute point.

    Like I said before it seemed to me like everyone was having a great time, and when you get a bunch of zombies together ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!!!



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  • Patti Ludwinski
    Shouldn't this entire thread be moved to the INDUSTRY DEBATES FORUM, not the main FRIGHT FORUM.?.? Larry, wake up and do your job...Get this silly thing moved. I thought we were clearing the FRIGHT FORUM for helpful industry news and industry knowledge.

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  • Killer Katie
    Holy Hell!

    Are we FINALLY done discussing Sheldon and can we please get back to what everybody thought of MHC???? I love the personalities in this forum, but damn are they long winded and won't let anything go - whether on topic or not! Sheesh...

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    Thank you.

    I must admit... I've been thinking about this thread all day long and I've come to a few conclusions.
    1. I never intended to insult, disrupt, mock or disrespect the haunt community. I merely saw a chance to do what I love to do... Drag people from their comfort zone. Sheldon is not as scary as 5'2'' girl in a zombie mask, I'll give you that.
    He has no real place in or at a haunted house. He has no real place anywhere for that matter. BUT, when patrons of our house see a ghoul running towards them, sure, its scary for a moment. At least until they gather themselves enough to remember that its only a guy in makeup. When Sheldon rolls by doing his "thing" its, "Holy sh*t! WTF was that? I hope he doesn't come over here. Look...LOOK!" I have other characters that follow the typical haunted house mold and maybe I made a poor decision by unleashing Sheldon on Columbus but I'm sure that I could gather a few hundred people that would disagree. Sheldon is nothing more than something to catch you off your guard and entertain you at the same time. I know that some of you here completely missed the point which is... there is no point, just sit back and laugh and try not to fall off of your self-righteous high horse.
    2. Where were all of these complaints when I was AT THE SHOW? I'm sure that any one of the whiners posting crap on here had a dozen chances to unload their laundry lists of disdain in person. That might have been the PROFESSIONAL course of action. Did I use that buzz word correctly?
    3. And this is the one that bothered me. I completely respect everyone on this site and acknowledge the fact that you're entitled to your opinions but when it ceases to be a character roast and becomes a personal attack, then be prepared for the backlash. If you want to play in the dirty end of the field, thats fine, I LOVE to play along and am MORE than capable of dishing out some home hitting tongue lashings, but don't spill your tears here.
    4. Lastly, while taking part in entertaining 3000 people a night at Dream Reapers, I've made people into track stars, made people wet themselves, vomit in bushes and faint. I can't tell you how many guys have botched their evenings by throwing their dates in front of them for protection. However, I had never made a grown man cry like a baby... until now. So thank you.
    This should be the last of my posts on this subject unless, of course, somebody decides to throw some more gas on the fire.

    -Sheldon (Makeup Matt)

    P.S. I know that one of the topless women was a minor because she was discussing with her group how much she hates her P.E. class because it "messes up my hair for 5th period". And how she couldn't make the mascaraed ball because her Mom said no. Do they have P.E. in college? IDK.

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  • hauntedhousenut

    For one, he did back off of scareparts once he got paid and hasn't said anything negative since about them here, and as far as the racial slurs, I think that was really overblown you could tell he was kidding, like I said before it is a quieter place without him.

    I'll go with you to see his place larry, but I'll make sure not to stand too close to you when they throw you in the Lions Den. ><

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