Just a quick reminder. It's this time of year that the foam "noodles" for pools are available. Besides the WallyWorld or KMart outlets, must dollar stores carry some smaller diameter ones. (REMEMBER...They are usually only around for a limited time, so do not delay!)
They are great to pad things with, stuff bodies with, hang a boat-load of them in a hallway...
I have hung them in hallways, used some big ones to pad my StalkAbout shoulder rig, padded sharp corners with them.
So how would YOU use your noodles???? Any ideas???
They are great to pad things with, stuff bodies with, hang a boat-load of them in a hallway...
I have hung them in hallways, used some big ones to pad my StalkAbout shoulder rig, padded sharp corners with them.
So how would YOU use your noodles???? Any ideas???