Wow! Talk about Pet Semetary! Now that would be creepy if that came to your front door!
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A "Real" Zombie was here!
The Zombie hunter would have had to call in reinforcements if he had stumbled upon Mount Carroll High school during the 1960's!
Not all of them were students by any means!
One teacher they found waiting for a brain transplant was my home room teacher, he was 60 years old (finally graduated from college!) and was one of the most basically stupid and ignorant people I have had the amusing pleasure to have ever met.
This school was proud to have paid their teachers the smallest amount of yearly income of any school district in the entire state!
"Is he warm?"
"Sort of.."
"Take a magic marker and write backwards across his forehead "You are Hired."
His idea of Jr. and Sen. English class work was to have them spell words like "House" and "There", "Cat" was saved for later, gotta have something for next semester.
I am not kidding.
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Hmm? Interesting Jim. One day while listening to the Mancow radio show in the morning. They interviewed a man from St. Louis who was a bonified Zombie hunter. I wish I had that website for you. And no it wasnt LOL!
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A "Real" Zombie was here!
A few months ago a stray cat became friendly and pettable, he is a large black cat with slivers of white hair so small you can only notice them up close but when they are noticed it makes him seem even stranger than just his large size makes him.
My wife was the first to pet him and he liked it so much he wouldn't want her to stop, he would claw her sometimes so deftly that she would see the blood dripping, (very sharp claws and a quick arm!) and not feel the incision!
He would see her then pursue her! "He just keeps on coming at me, like a Zombie!" Hence his name.
Yesterday she stroked the back of his big head and there was a "Phoofed!" sound as lime green puss exploded out the back of his head!
(Who just can't stop fighting even though he was neutered!)
Pretty gross!
He's looking better today.Tags: None
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