Larry I think the viral marketing couldn't hurt the business any. Actually, last year my boss had me make some viral marketing like videos for our haunt. People liked them and I am hoping to expand on them in the future. Basically, it was about this character who got a new webcam and was talking about vandalizing our haunt. So he films them going to the haunt and all of his friends( and brother) get killed. We are hoping to tie this into our hayride this year, and hopefully there will be more videos like this. If you want to see what I am talking about, just visit
My personal dealings do not reflect the rights and views of Jason's Woods or Jason's Woods Entertainment
"Do not attempt to adjust your screen. Your screen has been taken over by us.
You will now watch and study the following images , there will be instructions. You will follow these instructions because we know where you live.
We have some of our people within half a block of you right now, they have pictures of you, they know your car, you have no options but to obey us, NOW!"
You will now do the following: Send 5 cans of Fancy Feast Cat Food to the 10 names on the bottom of this list. Others will be instructed to send you valuable items.
1) Mr. Tuxedo
2) M. Tuxedo
3) Tuxedo, Spookhouse cat
4) Tuckie the cat
5) Tuckie Boy, Spooky Kitty
May the Great God of Canned Fish Products Shower Mercy upon your soul (or sole?)
If there was someway to capitalize on the urban legend of the haunt so scary that if you make it through you get your money back. That legend is still circulating. I had one of my actors tell me yesterday that he heard that it was in West Virginia. I had to break the news to him that it was just an urban legend.
If we could make a video that got people talking about this mythical haunt, it would benefit us all. Kids might be inclined to start looking for this place, and find all of our haunts instead. Maybe? Any ideas on how we could capitalize on the legend?
Louis Brown
Owner, operator, and dish washer
at DarkWood Manor
An online prank where the user is unknowingly misdirected to a video of Rick Astley. Usually done with YouTube videos related to unconfirmed gaming news.