Starting on MONDAY, APRIL 28 you will be able to SAVE 15% ON ALL PNEUMATIC PROP MECHANISMS if your order is placed before MAY 19th. This is an exclusive Midwest Haunters Convention PRE-SHOW SALE saving you money that can be used in other areas of your Haunt.
The best part is there is NO SHIPPING COSTS if you PICK UP your product at the Midwest Haunters Convention! You can SAVE ON SHIPPING by NOT PAYING IT AT ALL if you PICK IT UP at the show! This is going to save you money needed for your event, and your product is ready to TAKE HOME with you and have it for your
2008 season already.
This sale is for a LIMITED time starting on APRIL 28th and ending on MAY 19th so PLACE YOUR ORDERS today and maximize your funds and get for scare for your buck this season.
Visit us at: look at our online catalog and to place your orders.
**NOTE: If you place an order for the pre-show sale
and do not pick it up at the Midwest Haunters
Convention, shipping costs do apply.**