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Selling concessions at your haunt?

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  • spookhaven
    Our first year in business and we sold both glow pins, necklaces, and fiberoptic wands. They did really well. We had a local organization provide food and keep the profit. Problem was they didn't walk out into the line of people to sell their products. This year, we are going to control it much more. I am considering calling the local JC's and see if they will bring in their trailer. It will be more visible and folks will purchase while standing in line. Definately get the glow items, you make a lot of money on them. Stick with simple for the food to see if it works.

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  • tkaska
    Concessions at your haunt

    I highly recommend selling food/drinks at your haunt -- you're missing out on a ton of money if you don't. We also sell glow necklaces and Halloween novelties in a wide price range variety. One thing's for sure, if they have a nickel, they'll spend it......besides, drink companies (Coke, Pepsi, etc) LOVE to sponsor these events and a lot of the time, depending on your local rep, will throw in "freebies" for the event like banners, hats, t-shirts, etc. Go for it!

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  • Jim Warfield
    For the first number of years I had someone else do the whole food-thing my only tie-in was I provided electricity, they got all the profits but also had all the headaches.
    For a few years now charitys have food stands but the amount of their sales dropped off alot when we began reservations so people were not idly standing around so much anymore(as someone else stated ahead of me)
    by the time people drive several hours just to arrive here most teenagers don't have extra money to spend on tee-shirts, ex cetra.
    Of course sometimes the charity food stands could be found selling cold pop on a freezing cold night and selling hot chocolate during a warm night. Certain products sell better depending upon the weather too.

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  • neffuri27
    selling Concessions

    We have made a large amount of money in the past selling concessions at Scream Farm. We sold hotdogs, drinks in cans, cotton candy which we make a ton of and
    popcorn, oh and candy bars and chips as well as some small halloween type noveltys.
    In 2007 just as soon as Halloween was over I hit wal-mart and CVS and Big Lots
    and bought up a lot of their little halloween novelties for pennies on the dollar
    and I am going to sell those this coming year if all goes well with us getting a new
    I purchased a carnival sized Cotton Candy machine and a very large popcorn
    machine outright with my own money and it has worked out really well!

    Huggs and Screams

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  • AW

    We have done concessions at both Farm/country events such as hayrides and haunted trails and barns as well as city evnts with just a haunted attration.
    You have a more captive audience with the rural events and we were netting about $1.50 per person of the total attendece example if we did 2000 people in a night we would net $3000 after expenses . In the city people were less app to stick around and eat and were were netting about .75 per person. We did well woth glow products also wew sold more of our shrits and hats if the concession stands were open to draw the customers in for food. We also did a photo op that went over real well.

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  • Bill Schnell
    For us concessions have only worked this past season when we had a really good turn out. If you have large crowds of people and it takes a while to get in (not that that is a good thing) they are more likely to buy concessions. If the line is short, then they will probably just go through and hit up a McDonalds or something after. I think that glow stuff and t-shirts always sell well.

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  • MindWerxKMG
    We sell softdrinks, water, assorted bagged chips, candy and popcorn. We also sell glow necklaces. Definitely worth it!

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  • Motograter
    started a topic Selling concessions at your haunt?

    Selling concessions at your haunt?

    So how many of you sell concessions at your attractions? Do you think it's worth the bux? What do you sell?