Just a quick update... yes we are doing this magazine and the crew from Netherworld are writing all the articles. They are going to be fantastic the biggest look inside Netherworld ever! This is their 20th season!
We are working on it right now. The entire issue will feature Netherworld. We are also producing another magazine for February so we'll have two coming out here within the next three months.
The Netherworld issue is actually incredible because Netherworld shares some of the secrets to success.
The following issue is going to be all about how to help you MAKE MORE MONEY WITH YOUR HAUNT! I'm personally writing the majority of the articles.
Updated magazine cover for Hauntworld issue 43. This is going to be a great magazine because Netherworld shares their secrets of what makes them so successful. The whole entire issue is dedicated to Netherworld. Get your subscription at www.hauntedhousemagazine.com
We're also publishing another magazine in 6 weeks or so!
Two yrs ago. You mailed out a renewal subscriptions w coupon for the mag and haunted house videos. That was great! I didnt know if you had time to do that again. Or if you put something about it on here. And then mention you saw it on HW. You can get the discount at the Halloween show and get the discount that would be great!
Last edited by damon carson; 01-28-2017, 03:41 PM.
Enough with escape rooms. Isn't this a haunt forum and the magazine is about haunts? I'll be glad when this escape room fad ends or at least start a new magazine or forum devoted to escape games. It's like you can read about haunts anymore without escape games mentioned.
The only reason they get mentioned and honestly its no different when we talked about 3D haunts, Zombie Hayrides, Zombie Laser Tag, Zombie Runs, Mud Runs, opening for Valentines Day or whatever. Haunters are looking at ways to make more money. Escape Rooms are a way to do that and honestly haunters can do it better than most existing escape room operators. Not all but most because they understand special fx, detail, building things, blah, blah.
So if you can make money why wouldn't you do it? This is directly up the haunt owners alley.
Anyway the whole magazine isn't about escapes. But when talking about the 3 minute escape... I know someone who owns a haunt charged $5 dollars a person and grossed 25k at their haunt. Why isn't that worthy to discuss?
Personally I look forward to information on escape rooms. Why have our haunts sitting there empty not generating any income for months? I have a 60,000 square foot building and you better believe if I can use it all year to generate income I will. I think the majority of people on here would feel the same way Larry.
Jeff Newcombe
Night Stalkers Haunted House
Saginaw, Mi.
Let me mention this for a second. I don't know HOW I got this but today the Rolling Stones magazine came in the mail to me today. Its half the size of what it use to be meaning it use to be this table top version big giant thing now its regular magazine size. Furthermore its like only 50 pages or something its like paper thing. Just another sign magazines and newspapers are going down the drain.
However trade magazines are doing just fine, when you specialize in one niche area you can still survive. Hauntworld Magazine has printed tens of thousands of magazines and read by hundreds of thousands of people. Hauntworld magazines are saved like a collection and I'm proud of that.
99% of the information that passes around on Facebook is totally worthless... and the other 1% is missed 99% of the time. LOL
In order to stay relevant the magazine has to provide you information like a seminar would but only better. You can pay $50.00 to attend a seminar and you tell me how many of those have been a total waste? What like 80% or better? What we have to do with the magazine to make it worth you investment is provide some information that helps your business.
True not every article does that but if we can hit more than we miss we've served your business, and this industry.
Right now haunters are looking at ways to compete, create more revenue, and create better attractions. We will help in that area as best we can... if that means write articles on escape rooms we will.
The Escape Room industry right now is dominated by mostly people who spent very little money to open their business. Additionally its over saturated and I believe many if not over half are going to meet their fate within the next 18 months. Why?
Because the big players who have real money will invest in them in ways you've never seen before. These same people do NOT invest in haunts because its too complicated. Escapes are easy and need little space. Haunts are prime to be part of the industry that doesn't suffer because in many cases we have a location already so anything we make is profit where as many others lease space. We also have better detail skills... and understand production better.
We lack in puzzle design but this isn't too hard to learn. Someone is going to fall in this escape room industry ... the people who subscribe to the magazine all we can do is help those people stay in the bracket that survives the fall out where then and only then you can make money.
I think all the franchise escapes will be the first to falter because those owners pay rent, labor and royalties
Again our goal is to write about anything that can help our subscribers make money!