Switching the subject... what marketing gimmicks helped bring you more business and what didn't. Lets run a thread of does and don't maybe this will help us this season... top of my list that don't work is NAKED HAUNTS! LOL
OMG if I read one more thing about that naked haunt I'm gonna go insane....everybody shut up! Lol.
As for marketing, we've been BLASTING every vehicle in super mart plazas, fairs, events, festivals with our postcards.
We also tried an all digital billboard campaign that highlights each of our five attractions separately. So for eight seconds of every minute a new ad for our haunts pops up, and it's been helping sell our combo packages a great deal!
We also refused to pay for radio, but have been taking every free ad opportunity I can swindle, we scored 50 free spots per week on a hit music station here in exchange for only free tickets.
Lastly, using a stalk around costume in public is just the best way for people to run to your doors! The thing paid for itself and then some already.
I'd love to hear more creative and readily available unique ways to advertise from other people
Clearly the logos are different and they have nothing to do with each other. Abyss is a descriptive word and the movie and haunted house have nothing to do with each other. It might be different if you choose to do a haunt based on drilling on the sea bottom with aliens and maybe called it James Cameron Abyss... then you might have something. Why flop the whole topic around to something else... please.
Putting flyers on cars... when you are a haunted house and you are here today and gone tomorrow sometimes its better to do and say sorry later... putting flyers on car windows is something that happens almost everywhere. We use to do it all the time and one time we got a call from a mall saying they didn't want us to do that... so we stopped doing malls. We sponsored a zombie run and put a flyer on every car window last year. I'm going to say that I don't know for sure in every state but we've done it a zillion times in the past and no one ever said anything except one mall like 20 years ago.
Great places to flyer would be high school football games.
I agree HS football games are best spot to place the flyers on car windows. Malls might be harder but maybe open shopping center parking lots will be ok.
You see alot of these people standing on the corner twirling a sign advertising a business.
Try this instead. have someone sit in a lounge chair on the side of the road or sidewalk reading a newspaper with your haunt advertising on the back of the opened newspaper in big letters. It will get so much attention that you won't believe it. Probably will get printed in the real paper the next day.
You might want to use large piece of cardboard in case of windy days.