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Numbers up or down for 2013?
Every year our numbers had been down from the year prior, but as of this year every night we've gone up, even if slightly, from 2012!
We are up this season compared to last year and we have had beautiful weather our first weekend and it appears nice weather for our second weekend.
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All I can say to Wicked Farmer is that the real shame of that night was a nice classic car was in the wreck that caused his road to be shut down. Also this may have been done by the guys at the haunt 2 miles down the road from you, your parking lot was full and they had 4 cars including mine. They may start wrecking cars there every Friday and Saturday. Most of the haunts I went to this weekend were busy and doing well.
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Saturday was great and so was Sunday... prior to those two days everything has been down. So its nice to go UP for a change. Sunday was awesome over double that of last year. Larry
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We are up
Just opened last night, had the biggest ever for our non-profit haunt, today started out good too, hope to continue this way
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Phatman is bad voo-doo for haunts!
Do not let this guy come to your haunt! He is bad voo-doo! We were rocking with cars puling in last night and about to go into our overflow parking...then Phatman showed up. As we stood there shooting the breeze I was thinking... "wow..the Tigers game at 8:07 pm must have really hit us because traffic slowed way down pulling in...damn Tigers! Well come to find out there was a bad accident 1 mile away at our Interstate 96 interchange and no cars were allowed to exit for several hours. And it happened just as phatman was showing up! So you all have been warned....KEEP HIM AWAY!
Wicked Farmer
(Sorry Phatman couldn't resist)
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We've been up every night so far about 40-45%! Hope this continues all season!
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I am praying weather is good to us....we really need it!
But so far, we're just over double last years numbers. Keep in mind this is only the second year were open as this haunt and at this location, so that's almost a given. But there's no real money until next weekend anyway, that'll be our true deciding factor.
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Started with best our best opening weekend in 5 years. This is the second year in the new locations, so that hurdle is clearly over.
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Reservations calendar UP for next 3 weeks..
Last weekend weather was THE driving force...but hey the lightning show in the skys was awsome!
We raised our haunt from $10 to $15 this year. Ok we were underpriced for many years still making money. We are known widely and the price change doesn't seem to be hurting. Now; I do not intend to make a living off the haunt.
Wicked FarmerLast edited by wickedfarmer; 10-10-2013, 10:10 AM.
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So far pretty good in Ohio
Last weekend was our opening weekend for the ScareAtorium in our new location. We were up about 20% over last year. I was concerned because the Ohio State Buckeyes were playing a night game on Saturday, but we still did pretty good. We’ve been fortunate our PR has been paying off early this year; we’ve had 2 entertainment newspapers/magazines feature our haunt and the local newspaper did a front cover story with a picture too.
This week we had two TV stations at the haunt and we have another appearance scheduled for this Sunday morning. Also the ABC station set up a night vision camera in our of our scenes and they’ll be streaming live from our haunt all month. It really helps because they usually talk about it every night during the weekend evening news.
Now if we could just get our government to open for business, then I think we’ll all do great!
Kelly Collins
The ScareAtorium Columbus, Ohio
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I have made 17 haunts and most have said that they were up a little and one was up by 25% its opening weekend and it was a established haunt that you would not expect large fluctuation in attendance.
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I've been to 7 haunts so far and each owner has said that their numbers are slightly up from last year and most of them have said that the numbers are much better for this early in the season. We've had great weather so far and this weekend is looking good too...
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We did about three times as much this past weekend than we did the same time last year .
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Down from last year and last year was down from 2011 as you said... I think price has become a major factor now. I'm adjusting right now ... I'm always learning about trends and when faced with serious issues you have to be willing and able to quickly change things up. That is what I'm doing. I think the entire haunted industry is overpriced and we've reached the limit of what is realistic... I'm making adjustments. Larry
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