How far are visitors well to travel?
As we draw near another haunted house season we are looking to move from our current location to a larger area to help expand the attraction. What I'm worried about is how far are people willing to travel these days to get to the attraction. From the nearest city it would be around 15 to 20 minute drive and 40 to 60 minutes from others. Looking to see what others feel about travel distance? What driving range do other haunters feel is best to shoot for, because those would be the areas I would target for advertising as well then.
0-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
46-60 minutes
60- or more minutes
As we draw near another haunted house season we are looking to move from our current location to a larger area to help expand the attraction. What I'm worried about is how far are people willing to travel these days to get to the attraction. From the nearest city it would be around 15 to 20 minute drive and 40 to 60 minutes from others. Looking to see what others feel about travel distance? What driving range do other haunters feel is best to shoot for, because those would be the areas I would target for advertising as well then.
0-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
46-60 minutes
60- or more minutes