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New BIG SCARY SHOW: Lance Henrickson, Laura Dark, Ernie Hudson, giveaway winner, more

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  • New BIG SCARY SHOW: Lance Henrickson, Laura Dark, Ernie Hudson, giveaway winner, more

    It's Sunday! TIme to kick back and reminisce over the weekends great scares

    The haunt season is in full swing, and all over the quiet of night is broken by shrill screams. How many of those cries for help are victims of the Big Scary Show?
    Listening to Episode XII is your only answer.

    Dog Soldier is back and he talks to the legendary actor Lance Henrickson and everyone’s favorite and most down
    to earth Ghostbuster Ernie Hudson.

    Badger brings us Deadline News for the latest haunt happenings, then check in to find out the latest with both MonsterCon 2013 and the hot horror ladies over at Stiff Mag.

    The Round Table of Terror brings together the trouble making trio of Team Dark. Laura Dark, Jackie Steinert, and Deanna Roberts share some of their adventures in the world of photography and bring the perspectives of Photographer, Make Up Artist, and Model. Will the Big Scary Show (g)hosts be able to keep up with conversation or will Team Dark madness take over?

    The Unknown Scare-Actor isn’t going to let a busy schedule haunting to get in the way of making you Face Your Fears, and he’ll speak with Ryan Theirauf at Scream Acres Court.

    Storm reveals the real horror lurking in your haunt’s que in a Haunt Minute.

    Jerry Vayne brings you some tunes that can be the perfect backdrop as you relate your best scare to other actors from this weekend.

    We talk to a new Gruesome Giveaway Winner and more!

    There is only one podcast that will get you in prime haunting shape for this season, and it’s the biggest scariest one out there.

    We hid the body, but you will become an accomplice just by listening to the Big Scary Show!!!

    Featured Music:
    GhostWolves by Calabrese

    Zombos Midnight Midway by Sinister Sonics

    The dead shall inherit the earth by DieMonsterDie