Hey guys I need to make a scary ice cream truck for the haunt this year but have zero idea where to start or what to do. Again the hayride is for the zoo which is non for profit so alot of what we do for it comes out of our own pocket as far as building supplies, costumes etc. So my question is where do I start??? I was thinking like an old like snack truck ( lays chips etc.)
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Just did some searching and there are some old ice cream trucks for sale! That would be perfect so you do not have to convert another type of truck into an ice cream truck. I bet this would be the most cost effective way to go. What type of design are you really shooting for?David "Pug" DeChamps
Owner of Unlucky 13 Haunted Design
Im looking for an older one somethign creepy looking. n the prob im going to run into is I only have about 500 to spend because the zoo is non for profit we dont have much to spend and alot comes out of my pocket for the haunt.Senior Operator of Forest Of Fear at The Utica Zoo
Visions Of Fear Productions
Is it a static prop that will just be viewed? Something simple like this would be easy to fabricate with some plywood and old tires.
Well there ya go!
Just use plywood, and some 2x5's. Build a frame out of 2x4's and then cover your frame in wood, even cheap luan would suffice, because once you paint it with a latex based paint, it'll weatherproof it enough to the point where it won't matter what wood you use to cover it...you could probably do something halfway decent that way for about $100 or so...
I have one you can have it you want to come to Alabama to get it..
I will tell you a secret though........You can optain one for FREE!
Contact your local chip/frito lay,bread type operation.. They will always have a shell to give you..
The one I have came with everything but the guts.. It looks great now after we had it painted..