You might wanna watch this....Just wanted to give you a heads up because we all know it looks very close to some famous movie character and with the resurgence of the series I would hate for you to get sued over likeness issues...Other then that great job!
Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole.
this is a great sculpt, i just really worry about the legality issues you may, very likely, run into with it having such a close likeness to freddy. its some really, really, touchy ground there. if its just for you and your haunt, the likelihood of being "caught" are really relatively slim... but the second you put something out for general sale you'll be opening yourself up to a LOT of legal nightmares from elm street.
again though, this is a really good sculpt! i really like your detailing, especially the nasolabial folds, they're very, very well done!
just wanna make sure you don't potentially kill your growing business before it gets out of the gate is all.
James updergaph(darkride82) is already making all the mask in the freddy series as silicone mask so ill stay away from annything freddy like he is. I am doing this mask more as a zombie witch just for fun and for the challenge while not making it acurate.More original masks design comming soon