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Find Haunted Vendors - Rate - Review - Feedback

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  • drfrightner
    Everything now seems to work... I updated several vendor profiles, I uploaded a pdf brochure to Hauntworld Magazine, Blacklilght Attractions and HPI ... everything is working.

    I have left reviews for some vendors and now all haunt owners can leave reviews for their favorite vendors. If you like a vendor leave them a positive review!

    We have about 200 vendor profiles in the system now... we are going to update each and everyone of them starting TODAY!

    Then we'll proceed with adding an additional 100 to 200 profiles. If and when someone is looking for information you will know where to find it. We will also embed this data on and

    Hopefully we'll start sending vendors a ton of traffic.


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  • Gore Galore
    Okay Larry,
    Got the PDF brochure uploaded.
    The upload feature is built into the about me page of the vendor log in profile. It was easy to do, but took a while since it was like 7 megs. I can't optimize it to be any smaller than that since it is like 12 or 13 full color pages.

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  • drfrightner
    If you can try and upload your brochures. Let me know what happens.

    I have been updating profiles all day long for three days just trying to find all the bugs. I've found many. LOL

    That is part of the process. When I have it done it will be the ultimate directory to find haunted house vendors with over 500 vendors listed.

    This is costing me a fortune but it will be worth it.


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  • Gore Galore
    Uploading PDF catalog

    I would be happy to help with this, even if just to see how the feature will work.
    I was looking at how to upload the PDF catalog. I can upload one if you can show me how it is done. I looked for where to upload it. But I didn't see anything. I looked on the new profile. And the old one you have to log into.
    Let me know and I will see how I can help.

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  • drfrightner
    I have to tell you honestly that I have spent two whole entire nights creating profiles, updating profiles, uploading banners, trying to find all the flaws in the system before I turn this team of girls loose on updating every profile, doing all kinds of seo work, adding tons of new profiles... I have to make sure it works. I updated Gore Galore profile yesterday, today I created one for Kip Polley Pale NIght, in that process of creating a profile I found out vendors don't have access to all the features, they are only accessed from the back end... so that is being fixed right now.

    I need to make sure vendors can update their profiles, I need to know vendors can create profiles correctly, I need to make sure when I add some SEO, or content it doesn't cause the page to go nuts... which tonight it did.

    I also tried to upload banners to the category pages ... so when you look at certain pages and some vendors have banners and others don't its all just test situation. Once I know everything works we are going full tilt boggy...

    One thing you can do now is go and leave reviews for this vendors. That part works... you leave them via facebook!

    Shane should love this!



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  • spookjj
    how about something similiar to Ebay, other hand, I like the page's detail, but, my intent it to determine the "trust factor" of the vendor by looking at some metrics and feedback in a simple displayed page. Then if I want more detail I can click another link.... have 1 link going to the primary details page, another set icon links going to each detailed page itself from the main page. This way if I'm on the parent page I can go directly to the grand child page (desired detail page) rather than going from the parent to the child then to the grand child. Maybe too many pages deep, probably could combine child and grandchild pages, maybe use frames.

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  • spookjj
    too much

    I agree, it's too much to go thru to find what you want, maybe have a very simple page with a detailed pages linked to it. Give what the viewer wants first without drowning in details, a summary page.

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  • dudedigital
    I like the direction you're headed but I personally think things still need tweaking. Looking at the page I'm not sure where to start, there is a lot going on which makes the page seem crowded. It's difficult to distinguish between the sections and their content. The black background with the dark gray border doesn't help. The information seems randomly placed. Overall I think things need to be simplified/consolidated further.

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  • drfrightner
    Getting closer... Check out the Ghost Ride Production page and see how I left a review of this company. The profile itself isn't update the new way 'yet' however it will be but see how you can now jump on these profiles and leave reviews? This is going to change everything... you can leave tons of positive reviews all tucked away in one spot for your favorite vendor.

    I know the page is screwed up its not done... but see the reviews on the bottom.

    Now check out this profile as I've been updating it as a test:

    Anyway on the Gore Galore page you see these big scarefest banners those are used as placeholders... those will be vendors banners for advertisers.

    Those will go away. Anyway do me a favor and vote for Gore Galore the survey and leave feedback on the bottom of the page. Using it as a test. The only thing really missing off his page is for him to upload his pdf brochure

    Also let me know what you think so far.


    So what is next? What is next is we are going to update all these profiles, we are going to add like 200 plus more, we have to upload all of our advertisers banners, we have to put all the profiles in the right sections, we have to do a ton of SEO work on the site, blah, blah, blah. We also need your feedback on what you think.

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  • drfrightner
    Final page... this whole new section will be uploaded within 10 days. From there you can post reviews, comments, and more all on vendor profiles. Additionally you are getting a look at how we will rework the haunt profiles as well. They will be more like this than the way they are now. We will add nearly 500 new vendors to this site than you see now... it will be a massive amount of information for your business.


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  • drfrightner
    This thing is almost done... one more page is being finished the profile itself. Then we'll unload all sorts of vendors into this thing.

    find_hh_vendors_listing_page_2011_v3 (2).jpg

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  • HauntedPaws
    How about allowing Haunt reviews or pumpkins star ratings or something?

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  • drfrightner
    Here ya go first look on new vendor directory. This is only the front page. What will it include? Vendor videos of new products, product reviews, updates from vendors, rate and review vendors, vendor blogs, find up to 1000 different vendors, you can view most viewed vendor, most viewed category, videos, photos, vendors can upload their latest pdf catalogs, blah, blah, blah. The second page is almost done which is the category page (state page to you haunt owners) and then the profile page. It will be going online within 10 days. I have hired a girl to work on the site for several weeks, we will upload a ton of content. You won't need to visit a tradeshow, you won't have to look around for vendors, you won't have to go far and everything you will ever need will be in ONE PLACE! If I find something cool... it will end up HERE!

    Hauntworld on average does about 250,000 to 300,000 visits per month excluding October and September... and about 5 million for the year. All together all of our sites did nearly 9 million visitors for 2011 combined. We want to give all of these people the best and most accurate information we can... this is our next step in that process.


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  • drfrightner
    Had a long meeting today with Chuck from BS and he's on the job, and my programmers are building the system. It will be up and online probably within a week or two. Vendors will be able to do the following...

    Create profiles: Upload their brochures as a pdf file, upload videos, photos, write descriptions, embed their twitter, facebook, upload logos, and more. Buyers will be able to leave feedback through facebook log in...

    The page will be totally different including a new featured called Hauntworld Vendor TV, where we will upload how to videos, features on vendors, and or new videos from vendors which they created. Bottom line is you will use the system to find vendors and get information. Why are these pages going to be important to you???

    Few things... new buyers will use this page anytime of year to find the best vendors in the industry. Secondly for the haunter who already knows most of the same old vendors will use these pages to find new vendors and new products that you never know was out there... we have the biggest data base of ANYONE probably even bigger than Transworld when it comes to potential vendors. We have come up with a list of about 700 different companies that have something you should buy, could use, or never knew you needed until you saw it... once we have the system totally up and running we will contact each and every single vendor one by one and have them create profiles. We will use all of our SEO experience to position the pages to find not only new buyers but new vendors giving you the latest and greatest access to new vendors and products.

    We will help this industry FIND new technology and we will help buyers find the best vendors... end of story.

    As promised about 6 months ago here we are its happening. I can't wait until its done and we'll be helping everyone come together.


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  • thrilltainment
    thanks for the clarification --- feedback via facebook seems reasonable.

    Originally posted by drfrightner View Post

    No you don't understand you do NOT update your pages facebook, you embed the facebook so what happens is when you update YOUR facebook page it automatically updates your profile... this is exactly what happens on the haunt profiles.

    So if you created the profile say 8 months ago and never update it in that timeframe everytime you update your facebook your profile will update as well. It will also help you get friends on your facebook profile.

    The only place we do not have banners anymore is on these forums... everywhere else they use to be located they are plus more spots than before. Some vendors also might have seen a decrease in traffic from our site because we removed their links if they are not advertisers. We had pages on the sites like featured vendors and stuff blah, blah we deleted EVERYONE who is NOT a supporter of the site.

    Anyway yes I agree the page is cluttered but it won't be we're going to fix that issue. I just want the feedback to keep rolling in in case someone has a really good idea out there which will help vendors and buyers connect better.

    We will allow buyers to leave feedback through facebook. That is an easy feature for buyers to use and vendors to monitor.


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