The national advertising thing was great. It proved the top haunts did not really need the baggage of a nation wide group to pull that off. Plus maybe such a thing doesn't have to happen year after year. A refresher of the Industry maybe ever 10 years would have the same exposure and hang around on Utoob etc for all to see. The pushing of all the top haunts was great and the videos also all on Utoob, of those haunts and interviews with the owners was as good as could be assembled with today's technology.
It didn't take money from every start up, who has no idea what they are getting into, from every actor 90% of whom are not getting paid to perform, and every want to be media agent to send money and get magazines hoping something will happen.
Just being an outsider and watching from a distance the videos and reports of how the groups all got together and actually listed how they will spend the next two years figuring out what they can be doing to better the industry is like fundamentally wrong. We aren't lobbying congress.
If there is going to be an elite, keep it elite. Those haunts making lots of money that spend lot of money on advertising just come up with a secret hand shake and it is done. I don't want to see pathetic home haunts on TV or more stories about how the weird people in the neighborhood said bad things about someone on the internet and drive around with a coffin in a pickup truck. That also happened as a larger movement gives even idiots the credance that what they are doing is for the greater good of something national movement.
In fact the more excited you guys got about an industry organization the more I worried about it and you know just suggesting things, making sure you support the effort by sending money somewhere magical isn't going to change anything.
If you want a dinner, join the barbeque society of america, if you want to dance or drink go join the moose lodge local.
What we are seeing are mini state groups having to be formed to adapt with state laws. Some states try to get together a bunch of people and it wasn't necessary nor effective. A national group can't do that and infact just spreads the worst case scenario of the state with the most laws, the most codes and the most enforcement has and that somehow needs to be the same high standards nationally. The problem is, each regions economies are totally different. The ability to do all of that and the requirement to do all that, do not exist county to county and it doesn't mean there are a bunch of unsafe haunts, it just means there is no reason to call in the national security agency and fill out 30 forms for every event. That have the support of every fire marshal architect and public official on the local roster some how getting a fee to come by. There are places that have infrastructure and there are places that won't have it for 100 years.
It doesn't cost money to have a page of safety tips. Infact it is regurgitated every year in the press. They just go to their files and lather rinse and repeat. No need to change anything. Every business owner has schooled themselves on what can be done for safety. Exists, floor plans, emergency equipment and actually schooled their local community.
When you get a bunch of people together and they have no experience in the real world, the first thing they will say is there needs to be a law about something. That's not right, not worth supporting the argument and certainly not thinking some meager amount of money gives anyone the right to be someone. Of course it isn't really recognized so who cares. When a bunch of people that have only been in business a few years are deemed published PHD mentors we are seriously screwed. I don't give as crap is they once had some other business once upon a time. And usually they HAD some business.
There is a need for education and helping new people. These seminars shouldn't just be the opinion of someone willing to get up in front of a room, they should have been a publicly available library all along, no secret society crap. When the secret is no one knows and doesn't have the time or what happened to them is different because of where in the country they are.
It might be so useful that everyone doesn't really get along. Here on this forum it continually gets weeded out as to what is important and what is not. A real conversation has taken place over the last decade. Not Rogeus rules of order.
If something is for real, it is not exclusive. Anyone these days can publically and freely find any information they need on any kind of business. There is a lot of information and so much of it is proprietary and is not discussed so there are so many failures. It is still a business so why tell everyone how to really make it. How do you tell people anything that already know everything? Oh, I know get them to form an organization and give up some membership dues and lots of travel money.
It didn't take money from every start up, who has no idea what they are getting into, from every actor 90% of whom are not getting paid to perform, and every want to be media agent to send money and get magazines hoping something will happen.
Just being an outsider and watching from a distance the videos and reports of how the groups all got together and actually listed how they will spend the next two years figuring out what they can be doing to better the industry is like fundamentally wrong. We aren't lobbying congress.
If there is going to be an elite, keep it elite. Those haunts making lots of money that spend lot of money on advertising just come up with a secret hand shake and it is done. I don't want to see pathetic home haunts on TV or more stories about how the weird people in the neighborhood said bad things about someone on the internet and drive around with a coffin in a pickup truck. That also happened as a larger movement gives even idiots the credance that what they are doing is for the greater good of something national movement.
In fact the more excited you guys got about an industry organization the more I worried about it and you know just suggesting things, making sure you support the effort by sending money somewhere magical isn't going to change anything.
If you want a dinner, join the barbeque society of america, if you want to dance or drink go join the moose lodge local.
What we are seeing are mini state groups having to be formed to adapt with state laws. Some states try to get together a bunch of people and it wasn't necessary nor effective. A national group can't do that and infact just spreads the worst case scenario of the state with the most laws, the most codes and the most enforcement has and that somehow needs to be the same high standards nationally. The problem is, each regions economies are totally different. The ability to do all of that and the requirement to do all that, do not exist county to county and it doesn't mean there are a bunch of unsafe haunts, it just means there is no reason to call in the national security agency and fill out 30 forms for every event. That have the support of every fire marshal architect and public official on the local roster some how getting a fee to come by. There are places that have infrastructure and there are places that won't have it for 100 years.
It doesn't cost money to have a page of safety tips. Infact it is regurgitated every year in the press. They just go to their files and lather rinse and repeat. No need to change anything. Every business owner has schooled themselves on what can be done for safety. Exists, floor plans, emergency equipment and actually schooled their local community.
When you get a bunch of people together and they have no experience in the real world, the first thing they will say is there needs to be a law about something. That's not right, not worth supporting the argument and certainly not thinking some meager amount of money gives anyone the right to be someone. Of course it isn't really recognized so who cares. When a bunch of people that have only been in business a few years are deemed published PHD mentors we are seriously screwed. I don't give as crap is they once had some other business once upon a time. And usually they HAD some business.
There is a need for education and helping new people. These seminars shouldn't just be the opinion of someone willing to get up in front of a room, they should have been a publicly available library all along, no secret society crap. When the secret is no one knows and doesn't have the time or what happened to them is different because of where in the country they are.
It might be so useful that everyone doesn't really get along. Here on this forum it continually gets weeded out as to what is important and what is not. A real conversation has taken place over the last decade. Not Rogeus rules of order.
If something is for real, it is not exclusive. Anyone these days can publically and freely find any information they need on any kind of business. There is a lot of information and so much of it is proprietary and is not discussed so there are so many failures. It is still a business so why tell everyone how to really make it. How do you tell people anything that already know everything? Oh, I know get them to form an organization and give up some membership dues and lots of travel money.