Are you ready for the biggest article EVER WRITTEN, the article which will expose YOUR HISTORY... which will tell you who and how things came to be?
When you get this article you will KNOW who you are, where you came from, how this industry came to be, all answers are revealed.
This article is like a bible I'm still writing it and so far its TEN PAGES LONG typed...
The article will end up around 20 pages or so in the magazine maybe down to about 12 pages ...
Do you want to know how the vendor industry came to be? Do you want to know where haunted houses came from, or how they came to become popular, or what are the key things that have happened since 1970 to get us to the point we are at?
Hauntworld Magazine Issue 27 will come out at TW and if you want to read this article I am telling you it will change your life in terms of this industry.
Its coming out like I never thought...
If you REALLY want to know EVERY EVENT that created the haunt industry this will be the ONLY issue you'll ever want to get.
When you get this article you will KNOW who you are, where you came from, how this industry came to be, all answers are revealed.
This article is like a bible I'm still writing it and so far its TEN PAGES LONG typed...
The article will end up around 20 pages or so in the magazine maybe down to about 12 pages ...
Do you want to know how the vendor industry came to be? Do you want to know where haunted houses came from, or how they came to become popular, or what are the key things that have happened since 1970 to get us to the point we are at?
Hauntworld Magazine Issue 27 will come out at TW and if you want to read this article I am telling you it will change your life in terms of this industry.
Its coming out like I never thought...
If you REALLY want to know EVERY EVENT that created the haunt industry this will be the ONLY issue you'll ever want to get.