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13th Hour Magazine

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  • #16
    I subscribe to ha and hauntworld and was looking into getting 13th hour but it seems now I wont be doing that. Fright time thats great you are willing to send out a free mag to people just to check it out I want to get your next one. larry your right I like haunt world because it has things I need to know. My friends look at it and never look twice They dont care about the info in it. BECAUSE they are not haunters. And hauntworld is just for haunters. Good job on the mag and keep up the good work.


    • #17
      As someone who reads and has written for most of the magazines except for 13th Hour, I can tell you that all magazines have a different approach. Fright Times covers pro haunts, home haunts and Halloween. Hauntworld covers pro haunts from a haunter's perspective and so does Haunted Attraction. 13th Hour's main focus seems to be photography. So, Fright Times is the most accessible to the general public since it covers multiple industries and is the cheapest. Hauntworld and Haunted Attraction mostly appeal to the already established haunt or a haunt that is looking for some inspiration and direction. Some magazines have bitten off more than they can chew and this is the reason why a few are unreliable in getting their magazines out to the public. They just didn't realize how hard it would be to produce a quality magazine.

      A big reason why a haunt magazine wouldn't be successful if sold in bookstores is because there still hasn't been enough exposure for the haunt industry. Most of America has no clue about the costs involved in starting a haunt, the hardships, the various vendors, the people behind the haunts they visit etc. Name one book or magazine you've picked up at the bookstore lately that covered only haunted attractions. You can't and you never will until already established horror magazines like Rue Morgue, Fangoria or Horror Hound start featuring articles on haunts throughout the year instead of just during the fall season. The industry has evolved, but most of the public has no clue.
      Spooky Wishes

      City Blood: Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana's #1 Haunt Site!


      • #18
        Print is dead
        Giving People The Chills Since 2005


        • #19
          Well, just wanted to report I received ONE issue of 13th Hour. It was a clown featured magazine. Guess they aren't sending the other 2 I was certain she promised. Oh well, guess I will save this one to remind me why not to give them another chance. I now recall why I purchased the subscription, the magazine shows bright colors and nicely laid out magazine. Get large ads for their vendors but little content for articles.

          Something "pretty" to look at. Good reference for vendors however.

