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Behind the Scenes or Insane Shane?

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  • #31

    I dont want you to misunderstand my post as a slight...that was not how I meant it. By saying you wanting to show off your latest wares was meant just like you reworded it to be able to show everyone your new stuff for them to learn from...didnt mean it in a derogatory way, maybe I just worded it wrong.

    As I've said before it takes guts for a haunt to open up to other haunters for probably the toughest/hardest reviewers you will ever get.

    Again I hope to have time for all the events and look forward to them.

    Mike "Pogo" Hach
    -Mike "Pogo" Hach


    • #32

      I am moving on as well. My point to your name ( real name) instead of a screen name is it's so easy to start drama, mislead, and misrepresented when your behind a name. When I came here I was Graystone a name which honesly to this day I HATE now! Why you may ask? Because it was just that always drama with the name. I seperated myself from that because I, ME, MYSELF, SHANE, SHANE DABBS needed to seperate my name from that. Why share a spotlight when one feels he's doing all the work ( trust me its more to work on a haunt than buiding the haunt itself. You have to keep it cleaned, maintained, always promoting, ect) you get the point. I was doing that while I felt others were doing other things and used the excuse oh hell Shane or Shane will get someone to take care of that. A lesson I learned the hard way. Some will agree some will disagree but at the end of the day IT'S MY CHOICE AND I HAVE MOVED ON.

      Rarely does anyone here call me Graystone they call me Shane. Why do I want them to call me Shane? Because it's MY NAME no fake or nickname and it comes with a form of respect. The respect I have earned and the respect I give a person to who I know I am talking to. You never hear people call Ben- Netherworld, Larry- The Darkness, Randy -The Bates, Paul- Atrox, Eric -Haunted Overlaod. I as well as others call them by their name out of respect for who they are and what they have done. I don't call my actors hey you or you there ( although I admit it' hard to keep up with everyone). I have had several say hey boss man and they to this day will tell you I say my name is Shane. Whether I be friend, boss, foe, whatever It's the name my Mom gave me and a name in which I am proud of.

      I am rambling you get the point and I think we need to agree to disagree and move on. This thread is about people attending the party, Larry's events and so on. There should be NO down playing any event as we all have alot at steak trying to make this the most for everyone. If you see me at TransWorld say hello you might be shocked to find out I am a very honest, loving, caring big hearted person.

      Looking back I guess if it were not for Drama and the feeling I was being taken and others were being taken I would have never came here. God puts things in our life to set the course and for that I guess I could tell Keith thanks LOL. Even me and him have moved on to the point to sit at the same table at a private party and eat and talk. I am still far from perfect and will never be but I do try to learn and make things in my life work for me not aginst me. Shane and it's with respect I wish you the best. Shane
      Last edited by graystone; 01-16-2011, 11:48 AM.


      • #33
        DA- Do I need to come on this thread too and make you aware of how unwanted you are. You keep pointing out how Shane was a jerk way back when, and in previous posts or our PM (I honestly don't remember) you also stated how you needed to be more of a jerk so you will be respected. There is something seriously wrong with you mentally. You also yelled at me for asking for peace in a post about vendors/customers arguing and said when I get screwed out of $5k for one prop I'd understand, and now I find out you're just an actor coordinator? Are you kidding me?Not to mention how you ALWAYS bring up how you think these forums are dying... KEEP YOUR OVER-OPINIONATED IGNORANT SELF OFF OF HERE!

        For Everyone Else- DA is a name used by a husband/wife couple, both are on here and use the name. It is NOT just one person. Who is the actor coordinator and who is the actor I have no idea. However, I firmly believe we're dealing with a mini-fearnut as the DA account does nothing but criticize and instigate. It is rare to see something nice come from the DA account. I would like to urge EVERYONE to simply ignore DA and give the posts from that account the cold shoulder, it's useless.

        Shane- Bud, who cares about the past? I can respect you for becoming who you are today and I think you bring a LOT to the table not only on these forums but to the industry. You didn't even mind when I plugged my 100% charity attraction on your other "who started their 2011 work yet" thread, and even offered to send me some stuff (which I can't wait for btw, thanks again!) It is needless to say that for anyone reading this that crap happens and people change and when it's for the good, just smile and live and let live.

        Sorry for butting in on this, seeing as how I'm not able to go to either Transworld or the Party this year, but there are definitely plans in the works for future years But I am tired of seeing over and over again how belittling and rude DA can be, and it just jerks me the wrong way more than most people do and I couldn't keep my mouth shut lol. Can't we all just get along?


        • #34
          See Shane, here is the problem. You and I ultimately have at least some respect for each other, we have argued many times but at the end we end up seeing eye to eye even if we disagree, and we move on.

          Then as we reach that point, you have some teenager who acts like he's my father in one post, then begs for donations in another, come on to your defense to kick it up again in a post that has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM! He's not even going to St Louis for any of this stuff mind your own business. You come on riding in on your high horse then you say can't we all just get along. I'm not going anywhere.

          Now Shane, I agree on some points and others I don't. Me saying that my name is James or if my wife posts has no bearing on who we are as active participants on this forum. I'm simply Darkangel on here and that should be sufficient to you and everyone else. It's not about who I am, it's about what I say that you can be critical of or support it, either way it's for everyone to decide.


          • #35

            Just SHUT UP already and that respect is melting away very fast on my end I assure you. What's wrong with Bobby asking for donations? His haunt is a charity haunt that's what you do. When you build your haunt will you accept donations in the form of help, props, ect my guess you will take them with open arms. I think he's far from a kid and his posting are proof of that.

            I don't get it you keep judging and bashing people here calling them actors, start up haunt owners ect yet your what? You keep acting so much better and it's not helping you in light of what we now know really your not even doing anything now so why even get involved? Do me a favor just don't stick your nose in anything I post and I will do the same that way we want keep going over your bashing. Again SHOW OTHERS HERE SOME RESPECT I CAME AND TRIED TO END IT THEN YOU HAVE TO GO AND START UP AGAIN. Let's talk about this in person. I will even give you my room number and you can do it there so no one will see you but me.

            Just stop digging a hole and I want feel the need to defend people and clutter this site up with bickering including my own! Also your secret name does bother me some. No one is that secretive about their name unless they have something to hide. You can still be man but a bigger man you will be when you give us some info. You have ours we have nothing to hide, do you? If you want to get involved then be a man and a person and not a "Screen Name" you will get more support and respect out of it. This is it I am through with this and guys do the same get it off your chest and move on I just did.

            Hey whos going to all the cool events going on! See everyone there and remember to remind me who you are! Shane and it's see you all soon! Shane
            Last edited by graystone; 01-16-2011, 12:50 PM.


            • #36
              I don't act like I'm your father, I act like a human being. I act like someone who knows how to respect someone else. I don't come riding in here on a high horse, I do my best to answer questions people have, and act like a contributing member of the hauntworld community. You bash these forums all the time and instigate countless of arguments. You do nothing but add fuel to the fire and you don't deserve to be on here. I may be a teenager, and I may be young, but I have been in the haunting business for the majority of my life, and I know a thing or two, and for the things I don't know, I come on here to try and learn. I am paying for my college education out of pocket with little to no help from my parents, and I do the best I can to help as many other people as humanly possible. I've spent about as much time volunteering as you have being a miserable piece of trash. Stay off of these forums if you don't know how to behave.

              I'm finished on here, unlike you I know how to stop. You can talk about me if you'd like, I won't say a word. I'll let you dig your own grave.


              • #37
                Couple of things...

                FAKE NAMES: Couple of things, I like them because it makes it easy for me to figure out who to approve to join our forums and who to delete. I encourage everyone to have a haunt type name. Also people come to know you by them... is Tater real name Tater?

                HOWEVER... when you post here and you slam some vendor or call out some haunted house or make some sort of accusation you had BETTER be using YOUR real name... Hey I'm Bart Jones from Haunted Hill Haunted House in Atlanta and I have an issue with xyz... if you don't do this or if you can't do this we'll delete those threads and in addition I encourage EVERYONE to blow you off 110%.

                WHY... because its easy to make accusations, cast blame on people or whatever when you hide behind a mask. With that being said DA if you can't say who you are so we know where you are from and whatever else NO ONE should take some complaint from you serious. I wouldn't.

                RATING HAUNTS: Despite what Shane said I think the ONLY way to rate a haunted house is rate teh haunted house itself and NOTHING MORE! The actors are what makes the haunted house scary but because of the multitude of issues that can happen with a live performance if you want to rate a haunt rate it on the haunt itself. Come up with a categories you think should factor in on if the haunt is good or not... you can even make the actors ONE of them but not the sole reason one way or another that the haunt is or isn't good.

                Here is my list...

                Set Design
                Scare Factor
                Special FX

                You could come up with three more to get ten but if you rate each category equally then no haunt will be rated LOW on actors alone and or the FLIP rated HIGH because of good actors.

                A haunted house is a production no different than a broadway show... everything has to be good for something to be great ... if a haunt has great actors and a horrible haunt then in my view they blow. You are either putting on a PRODUCTION or you are just getting a bunch of wild actors together in the dark. I'm sorry but anyone can do the latter.

                Larry Kirchner


                • #38

                  Amen on the name! Larry What I ment is there was no reason for Dark Ass to down play the role of an actor. Of course without the set, location, ect there would be no use for them. A good actor is as good as a signature on a beautiful painting. But never forget there has to be a painting/haunt for them. Shane and it's I am feelin ya! Shane


                  • #39
                    Tater is not really Tater?..... I'm crushed!
                    Giving People The Chills Since 2005



                    • #40
                      But, the Actor and the physical setting and props

                      Compliment one another, or at least they should for maximum effect and that effect is basically being enrtaining and memory making.
                      Following Larry's logic what about the haunts that all seem to have the Same stuff in them? Shouldn't this factor diminish their rating then? "HHHMMM?"
                      Then if it works like that a check list would be the haunt's report card of worthiness checking off which props common to a haunt trade show are in the haunt?
                      This may possibly inspire "Cookie-Cutter" haunting!
                      "Let's see? Oscar's Haunted Chicken Coop has 3 hanging, jerking men and "Bonzo Dog Man's Kennel only has two of them, so Bonzo's is rated below Oscars. There. All done and So simple.
                      But would the ticket buying public vote this way with their dollars? Probably not.
                      Many long-term haunters have been trying for eons to figure out all of the aspects of haunting so as to insure their success or to raise the level of their current successes but...?
                      Maybe the general public is tired of chickens? Maybe all of those old Scoobie-Do fans flock to Bonzo's? You just really never know ahead of time.
                      So many variables, all sliding around and half of them remain invisible..for a few seasons...
                      but wutt do eye no?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by drfrightner View Post

                        RATING HAUNTS: Despite what Shane said I think the ONLY way to rate a haunted house is rate teh haunted house itself and NOTHING MORE! The actors are what makes the haunted house scary but because of the multitude of issues that can happen with a live performance if you want to rate a haunt rate it on the haunt itself. Come up with a categories you think should factor in on if the haunt is good or not... you can even make the actors ONE of them but not the sole reason one way or another that the haunt is or isn't good.

                        Here is my list...

                        Set Design
                        Scare Factor
                        Special FX

                        You could come up with three more to get ten but if you rate each category equally then no haunt will be rated LOW on actors alone and or the FLIP rated HIGH because of good actors.

                        A haunted house is a production no different than a broadway show... everything has to be good for something to be great ... if a haunt has great actors and a horrible haunt then in my view they blow. You are either putting on a PRODUCTION or you are just getting a bunch of wild actors together in the dark. I'm sorry but anyone can do the latter.

                        I'm sorry but, other than the owners of elaborate haunts, everyone in the world would disagree with that. Actors are an integral part of any haunt, and probably the most important part. How many reviews have we read where someone walks into a really cool scene and the actors were evidently taking a break because there was no one there to provide a scare?


                        • #42
                          Wow, the only thing i got out off all this was that DA is pretty negative and that everyone has the right and opportunity to do the party or the tour or hay now both, oh yea DA you can do neither too (and sit at the bar). This will be my first Transworld and I can not wait to do both but this really should not even be a issue. And thank you Shane and Larry for spending your time and money to add something to a event that is not even yours (Transworld). I greatly appreciate the time you guy's spend to make this event even better. Oh by the way I run a charity Haunt for 5 yrs now.

                          Can't we all just get along,


                          • #43
                            I plan on attending both shows, but its gonna be difficult since i was planning on wearing a really elaborate costume.
                            Hopefully i can figure out time frames soon, to make sure i enjoy both events equally.
                            Brad Bowen
                            Owner/Operator of the Ultimate Fear Haunted House in Shreveport, LA


                            • #44

                              I think I can speak for both me and Larry when we say we really appreciate the support. Larry has a place you can both see and learn from and it's a lot you can learn there. What I offer is a place to network with others, have a good dinner ( your going to want to eat or need to anyway), drink (if you do again I don't) and it want be in a crowed bar, you get a chance at some expensive awsome gifts that vendos have give away! So you win at both places really! Shane and it's hope to see you there. Shane

