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I need to know.

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  • mindtumor
    Kelvin Stewart
    Not sure on the years, I believe he was 43-44 years old, something like that.
    The Deadland
    Part owner

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  • brad
    I wanted to add lance Pope to this also, but Shane beat me to it.

    I was fortunate enough to work under Lance Pope in 2001 and he taught me a lot. He really brought me under his wing and showed me some stuff I probly never would've learned.

    I have a memorial at my house I made for him, and he will never be forgotten.

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  • darkXmoon
    Amy was born in 1973. There are I think 2 other people that died that have worked under house of shock but I don't know them personally. If you want I will e-mail Ross and find out more information for you. I also know about 2 girls that went missing last year at House of Shock , weather they were found or turned up I don't know. Again if you want I'll mail him unless some one knows his number personally. I just keep up with Larry Breaux now a days.

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  • graystone

    Thanks that's exactly what I needed. I know there are several and I want to remember them at the party. I will add her to the list.

    Lance Pope
    Verdun Manor
    Terrel, TX

    Dark do you have Amy's date of birth?

    Also anyone have any info on the guy that died in the elevator accident at his haunt? Come on guys help me. Shane and it's please list them here. Shane

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  • darkXmoon
    Amy Smith
    House of Shock
    Worked 1999-2004
    New Orleans
    Art Director

    I don't know if a lot of you know who Amy was but she was an amazing person to work with. She came up with a lot of the crazy original ideas that gave the House of Shock its hard core reputation. She died of cancer in 2005 and was working even on her death bed. Like literally. There were some years towards the end where she was confined to a bed.. So what does her haunt do for her ? They make a room completely dedicated to her with a hospital theme and real bed for her to be in. THATS FUCKING LOVE !!

    There have been a few memorial moments in her honorer and even last year I got Ultimate Fear help me put another one together in her memory. I was lucky enough to be one of her last students and ironicly had my own battle with cancer(this is why I disappeared from the forums). When I finally got better I got a tattoo in her honor and sent it of to House of shock with the words of "Amy Smith Is Remembered" and she is.

    I know a lot of people at House of Shock would be touched if she was brought up.
    Attached Files

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  • graystone

    Give me his name and haunts name. I know in 2002 we lost Lance Pope. Shane......

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  • mindtumor
    Bill and I lost our other partner 2 weeks before the show last year. We probably won't be at the show this year at all though.

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  • graystone
    I know

    Jason from Screamline Studios lost his mother this past year. Shane..........

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  • graystone
    started a topic I need to know.

    I need to know.

    Who in the Haunt Industry whether it be Buyer, Actor, Owner has lost a loved one in past years we can do 2000-2010. During the Insane TransWorld Party I want to take a few minutes and remember them. We all so love Haunting and I thought this would be a good time to remember them. Anyone? Thoughts? List someone here if you know of anyone? Shane and it's we want to take a moment for them. Shane this time.


    Name ................. Example.... John Davis
    Haunts Name.......Example.....Acme Hauted House
    Location...............Example.....Myers, Ohio
    Position................Example.....Owner? Actor? Vendor?
    Last edited by graystone; 01-14-2011, 12:00 PM.