Netherworld was used in "Zombieland"
Bloodview in "The House on Bonejack Hill"
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House Of Fears
House Of Fears
I'm sure this is old news as the movie is from 2007, but I somehow never heard of it till I seen it in my instant Netflix recommendations today. I did a forum search for House of Fears and didnt see any threads other than someone asking where it was filmed. It does say in the credits.
Filmed with Rocky Point sets, even includes a role of Cydney Neil as Herself (shopping for "authentic" props in Africa)...even with a poster of the Haunted Attraction cover art for the issue she was featured in that they pan past.
I will have to say it was actually a pretty good movie...I didn't go in expecting much, as b style movies with haunts in them they usually cheeze up a little too much, but was pleasantly surprised all around. Makes me even more bummed I never got to see Rocky Point in person.
If you havent seen it I highly recommend checking it out, if for nothing else than to see some kick ass haunt sets..definitely see some familiar stuff in there too like Stuart Smith's unmistakable airbrush art.
Since I didnt know about this one I might as well put the question out, are there any other films floating around that are haunt related or that feature actual haunt sets in them? I know Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie's) has Netherworld stuff, and of course Dave Greathouse's Legion Of Terror...which I'm even in, but seeing if there are any others I don't know about?
Mike "Pogo" HachTags: None
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