hi guys im looking for a site that has info on Queue Line Actor so i can be the best that i am?
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Queue Line Actor
I began training actors at one particular haunt in 2005 and began branching out in 2009. Several haunt owners on this board have hired me to run my "Boo Camp" for their actors and they have been pleased with the results. I will probably be teaching a class on actor training at HC or MHC. I have been acting at 'pro'-haunts since 2002.
Drop me a line and I'll try to answer any questions you may have...Last edited by Badger; 12-17-2010, 11:17 AM.
Netherworld and The Edge of Hell have many youtube videos you could use as reference. Personally The Edge of Hell has some of the best queline actors I've seen. Also Gary at The Darkness is pretty awesome. But look them up on youtube. You can get some great pointers. Also watch the videos of Ben on netherworld.com when he is interviewed as the Collector he does some great acting and throws some good one liners in there as well.
DamonLast edited by damon carson; 12-17-2010, 11:01 AM.Damon Carson
Allen and Badger are GREAT references! I'm not nearly as experienced as them, but some free overall advice from personal experience couldn't hurt, right? Lol.
Well first off, the queue line is generally the best lit area of most haunts. Mainly becaus it can keep the patrons eyes used to the light so when they enter the haunt they experience added confusion. With this in mind, visual appearance is a great advantage. For example, for 2011 I'm planning to use the Lock-Jaw prosthetic, the Negligence costume, and a hellraiser contact in one eye and a whiteout contact in another eye. This is my character, feel free to use it or expand and make it better, because it's your lines and ability to maintain character that makes you stand out. Once you develop a character, never break it, the patrons will catch on and possibly heckle you instead of you heckling them lol.
Have a catchphrase or something! You're going to be the first thing the patrons see, and you'll spend more time with them than anyone else, this past year I was in a crematorium and I would pick out the "chicken-shit" of each group and get them into a corner and put both my arms very close to there head and would lean in and say in a creepy voice "WHAT'S THE MATTER?! YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SEE?? IVE ALREADY BEEN IN THE OVEN, I'M THE HOTTEST THING OUT HERE!" and so repeat patrons came to expect that and it was just awesome.You don't have to do that, but it helps.
I would love to be more specific or answer more questions if you would like me too. I don't know of any references outside of the ones already mentioned, best of luck to you bud!
You just need to look up the haunts I suggested. You will be able to tell whats filmed in the queline and whats not. I also work the queline and front room of my haunt. Many have turned away, too scared not to go any further. And thats the honest to Gods truth. If you have any questions I can give you many pointers. Also go to kcbeast.com or edgeofhell.com for more videos. Did you checkout Netherworlds site? There known for there parking lot scares as much as there inside haunt scares.
DamonDamon Carson
Feel free to send me a message. I've been doing que line acting for over a decade, taught the subject at MHC, and I travel all over as a guest actor for various haunts.Katie Lane
Raven's Wolf Art Productions (www.ravens-wolf.com)
Bansheette Morningstar (www.bansheette.com)
Take improv classes, maybe even join the cast of a different type of production like a play house or renfaire in order to get the skill of being quick and comfortable on stage.
Cue line acting is one of the hardest spots in a house because you are always on, there are no breaks aside from when you are completely out of the publics eye.
You need to be able to be sacry at first and maintain that fear by keeeping them on edge, and you need to be able to be funny. Some situations require comedy to diffuse them...hmmm...a degree in psycology wouldnt hurt either.
..Oh thanks Katie....forget about lil old me over here, As for what Allen said I agree till the last lil part, Lets not forget We are the entertainment, Some people are afraid to go in...our job is to entertain whether its Nice, Scary, Funny, Odd whatever. Also be prepared since you are right in front of everyone to take some abuse. If you dont have witty comebacks, or a scare that will work you might think that it sucks. You will get touched, Poked, Prodded Wig torn off, Hit on, kicked, and Screamed at...Its your job though to figure out which is coming outta malicious intent or if they are just playing along .Last edited by Tater; 12-18-2010, 01:22 PM.Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole.