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Airbrush help
Hey Krazed I highly recomend getting Allen's new Air Brush dvd. Pre orders are now avaliable at
I am getting one myself as soon as I can. And from what I have heard it is packed full of really good and much need info.
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Hey Allen, if you could send the docs to me as well, I would greatly appreciate it!
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As an update my airbrush DVD is finished and will be available on march 8th!
Im accepting preorders now, and if you pre order you will get a surprise gift!
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I put in an order to harbor freight and my air brush and hose is now on back order....THAT SUX. Allen have you ever had to wait on things and how long did it take to come. I was so ready to start. now my hart is broken
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Sorry everyone,
I didn't mean to make my self sound dumb about not doing any airbrush makeup
yet. And I am not trying to tell anyone how to do aribrush makeup.
I didn't say that I have not done any airbrushing just that I haven't done any airbrush makeup.
I used to do airbrushing on model cars back in my teens over 20 years ago with a cheap air brush and I did not like the way it worked, but like I said that was over 20 years ago.
And I didn't know that there is a clog prob with the pasche or iwata. Thanks for the heads up Allen. I will check out the ones from Harbor Freight.
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If you havent done any airbrush make up yet then why are you giving advice on airbrushes? Im confused. Buy cheap- things at haunts get abused and destroyed no point in losing a $100 or more airbrush. One of my favorites to use from them is a $10 model from Harbor freight-it never clogs-unlike my pasche and Iawatta!
Read the doc first- I recommend Harbor freight. About 5 area haunts use them and are very happy with them, and they are $150 for six of them. best deal ever.
Allen H
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I have not done any airbrush makeup yet. But have looked into it and the airbrushes.
And if your gona get into airbrushing do spend a lil and get a decent airbrush.
Cheap ones aren't worth it and you dont have to buy the most expenseve one out the to do a really good job. I've been looking at getting a paasche or an iwata
they both seem like nice airbrushes. But what ever you get just make sure you take care of it.
Hey Allen or someone I would like the link to please.
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Can I get a copy of that document too? I plan on getting your videos at Transworld!! I can't wait! Please email to:
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that was a great job did you do the art work? if so do you have any how to videos out there
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Air brushing make up video
I have a nice airbrush make-up video on my profile page. It starts by showing an inside look at an animatronic in Netherworld but then shows an actor getting zombified for the night. The Yoube like is:
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I think everything has a curve But its alway worth the headace to like allen said to just be ok at it Not even great but just ok. And I cant wait to get an airbrush and start working on it.
Thanks yall.
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Can I get that document also please? While we are on the airbrush subject, does anyone recommend a certain brand or model of airbrush machine? Thanks.
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