This week on Channel 66.6 HM Haunted Radio, proudly sponsored by Halloween Forum, we kick off our 5th annual Cruel Yule with news on Ingrid Pitt, Clayton Fear Farm's Lights On The Neuse, Ghostly Manor Thrill Center Christmas 3D Wonderland, Creature Feature, Let Me In, The Thing, and more!!
Then, we give you next week's complete list of dvd releases, we review, "A Very Supernatural Christmas", and then our demonic DJ spins you around the "Vortex" with a holiday song performed by the Cryptkeeper. Plus, as a part of Cruel Yule, all month long we will have holiday goodies, and sound bites throughout the shows. All of this and so much more on the December 1 edition of Channel 66.6 HM Haunted Radio!!
Listen to show: Haunted Radio-120110.mp3
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CRUEL YULE SHOW #1: holiday events, creature feature, let me in, thing, and more!!