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"Attack of the Bachelorettes!"

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  • "Attack of the Bachelorettes!"

    Tonight 7 bachelorettes drove almost 200 miles to see the Ravens Grin for their first time.
    Yes, it was FUN!
    I first had to talk one of them into coming in, she was scared and didn't like being chased by a chainsaw or gory stuff. She later told me she was chased and chased one time until she fell down, then the chainsaw guy removed his mask to scare her with his actual face! Which she didnot appreciate.
    Tonight everyone was laughing, having alot of fun, and the scared chainsaw victim told me how much fun that she had here even though, "she doesn't like "Haunted Houses". She and another young woman even tipped me $5.00 each.
    As they were leaving I told them how hard I worked talking to people infront of my house for many years trying to convince them to try my place, promising them I was NOT going to do those typical haunted house things to them.
    So, anyone wishing to ever have a year-round haunted house, wanting to have this kind of fun all year long, I guess that you will probably have to cater to all ages, all types of customers, to keep the customers coming to your door..and that's how it works for me.
    Not enough customers? Go out and create them and I don't mean just spending money on advertising either, I mean communicate , talk to them, tell them about what you will be trying to do and keep any promises, keep them happy with what you are doing for them.
    (Sort of like almost every other business, isn't it?)
    There you go!
    I can forsee a growing clientel here of bachlorettes all arriving to get that last pre-marital thrill in another man's bed! The BAD DREAM BED, of course, main attraction here for people of all sexes and ages but then I think even those without any sex at all cherish the experience!
    They just can't stop talking about it!

  • #2

    Jim hire some Chippendales to scare them girls, you"ll have them girls coming out your ears with so much bussiness!

    Great story! I can imagine that would have been a very fun group indeed!


    • #3
      We had several groups of bachelorettes come through the haunt this year. My favorite story was how a group showed up right at closing - in their limo - drunk off their a$$. The local substance abuse counselor (not kidding) was so intoxicated security escorted her out (she couldn't stand in the que line much less walk through our haunt).

      Of course, I'm a huge Halloween fan, but during my bachelorette party I did the usual consuming of "penis cake," bar hopped, and sung Irish songs at an Irish pub (and thought I was d*mn good at it - ha). It never occured to me to go to a haunt. However, Jim, you have a pole in your haunt! Bachelorettes love poles - for an extra service fee you can teach them your pole routine.... :shock:


      • #4
        I made the mistake of painting that pole black, of course any other color would have done the same bad thing of making those little brush marks into abbrasive surfaces as my hands slide over them! OUCH!
        Some customers who happen to discover this hidden pole often find the bottom end of it, look up into the darkness and say, "What is this and what does it do?'
        I love to create mysterys in people's unsuspecting minds.


        • #5
          Jim was it the Hide and Seek the Bachelorettes showed up for? Or was it one of your Free Beer posters they see while passing through Mt. Carroll? That probably was a pretty wild tour!
          Damon Carson


          • #6
            (To clarify the "Free Beer" statement just made, one time the annual Mayfest Arts & Crafts Show decided not to have any arts or crafts, just a beer tent.
            I made a few posters saying "Free Beer at The Ravens Grin Beer Tent!"
            Then in small lettering it said, "In the spirit of the Mayfest Arts & Crafts Show, where there will be no arts or crafts, there will be no beer at the Ravens Grin beer tent. One more time.."FREE BEER!")

            They decided they had better have arts and crafts.


            • #7
              A pre-marital thrill... mmmm.... Careful or your wife will be doing the running with the chainsaw... ;-)


              • #8
                Truth be told, Mr. Tuxedo has been running his own clandestine marketing campaign. Guess who his target audience is? You got it, bachelorettes! :lol:

                Chris Riehl


                • #9
                  You might be right, Kelly, although it is nice of Mr. Tuxedo to share his fun, his personality usually is not of a generous nature in most things.
                  Human females do love to endlessly hold and pet him though, unfettered by normal human to human restraints or concerns.
                  I'm coming back as a cat.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jim Warfield
                    I'm coming back as a cat.
                    All though you already live vicariously through your cat! I somehow truly beieve this! LOL

